

City mafia rule! Will you be a celebrity, hitman, senator, or FBI director? Join the mob and rule the city! Will you become a celebrity mobster, or the shadow rule?

senhordogamerplay · Urban
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25 Chs


wondered how an online bookie managed to secure so many deals in the local neighborhood. It didn't take long to find the answer. There were dozens of people saying that a 19 year old boy was handing out flyers all over town. We received a description and started looking. We found him later that day. The expression on Dana's face was horrible. I almost felt sorry for the punk.

(Citizen Reputation +5)

He was no match for the two of us. Dana really worked the kid. It was his own fault, he should have known better than to steal customers from a mafia-connected punter.

(Intimidation +5 and Relationship Dana +10)

Sometimes business and pleasure crossed unexpectedly, like the day Freddie the Rose asked me to go with him to see one of his partners. He always dressed in the most expensive three-piece suits and often carried a fancy cane. He was a real dandy. He asked me to wear something nice and then had me pick him up from his house. He got into my Mustang with a satisfied look on his face. I think he liked my car.

(Freddie Ratio +5)

We drove to the outskirts of New Daria and then down the private lane to a huge iron gate, which was wide open. There were many expensive cars there and a valet ready to take my keys. It was a very elaborate and fancy party. Freddie tipped the valet and then walked confidently inside. I couldn't believe the number of celebrities I recognized. Movie stars, sports athletes, politicians... it was a who's who of popularity. Freddie led us to a very beautiful woman wearing a shiny black dress.

"Leandro Paulino Silveira, I'd like you to meet Jill Decker," he said.

"Jill is a movie star," said Freddie as he grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. "She's been in two big Hollywood movies. All the celebrity magazines say she's one of the biggest rising stars of her generation."

"You're very kind," Jill said with a charming smile as she led Freddie and me into a small library away from the rest of the crowd.

Once we were away from the crowd, Jill got a lot more serious. She went to the table and took a stack of papers from the drawer. It was a movie script for a drama called "A Kiss of Sunshine".

"I want the lead," Jill said with unexpected implacability.

"Hell yeah," Freddie said with a smile. "And you will too."

Freddie loved working with celebrities. Writers, singers, sports stars, actors and actresses... for a fee, Freddie can help make your dreams come true.

it was not easy. The security guard took a good beating before letting us through, but he was nothing compared to the tough old casting director. He kept babbling about "artistic freedom" even as he lay bleeding at the bottom of the stairs. Freddie and I took him by the arms and started walking him back downstairs again before he finally agreed to give Jill a private audition. We waited for the callbacks, and sure enough, Jill got the part.

(Freddie Ratio +5, Jill Ratio +10 and Fighting +5)

I have to admit, I could see why Jill Decker was a movie star. She had an amazing body: a perfect figure, full red lips, and long, soft brown hair that you wanted to run your fingers through. She was charming, smart and funny too.