

City mafia rule! Will you be a celebrity, hitman, senator, or FBI director? Join the mob and rule the city! Will you become a celebrity mobster, or the shadow rule?

senhordogamerplay · Urban
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25 Chs


The sound of the butcher cutting meat at the front was background noise for our discussion. The money from being a mobster was great and so was the respect on the streets. But for Freddie, he loved the mob life for the celebrity status and the connections he made. He financed many young artists such as Jill Decker, Kelly Wolfe and Toby Carter. Despite restricting his activities to the performing arts, his earnings were still generally very good.

His biggest client at the time was a rock group called Depraved. When I asked how much money he was making from them, he was honest and told me it wasn't much. He said he was still helping them build their career and that it was a long-term investment. That was really good, but his numbers were low now and that was a problem.

He was very grateful for understanding. Four Fingers let him run things his way when he was in charge too. Freddie might be down for a few months, but when his artists started making some real money, he always made up for the lull.

(Freddie Ratio +20)

Although Lisa had been a longer associate than I had, she was only recently hired. This meant that she wasn't making as much money as the others on the crew. We talked about her small home business, trying to figure out how to increase her cash flow. I could tell she was nervous about making enough money for the family.

it was a kind thing to do. The business had been with me for a long time and the owner knew how it worked. Lisa was happy to get off to a good start. She had a few other businesses but that made things easier when it came time to send me money.

(Smooth Ratio +15 and -1 Protection/Extortion)

Since I was elevated to capo and Dana died, we had two new positions to fill. Lisa filled in one and I assumed Digger Doug filled in the other. I have to admit, I was quite surprised by Four Finger's words. Daniel De Luca had been the black sheep of the family and there had been a huge row between him and the old Don. This resulted in Don De Luca saying that Daniel would never be allowed back into the family as long as he was alive.

What I didn't know was that De Luca felt terrible about taking that oath. He had made his capos promise to open the books to Daniel and bring him back to the family after his death, allowing him to protect his rebellious son without having to break his word. That was why Daniel De Luca was elevated to a made man a few months after his father's death. Unfortunately for me, Daniel was placed on my crew.

Daniel's first task was to bring all of his Peruvian drug contacts to New Daria. I could imagine how old Don would be turning over in his grave over this. Daniel was a sledgehammer with no finesse in his actions.

I'm not sure who was using it more, Daniel or me, but together we knew how the system was supposed to work. The good thing about drugs was that they were highly profitable. As long as Daniel stayed out of jail, he would quickly become one of my biggest earners.

(Daniel ratio +10)

Another new issue I had to deal with was family disputes. Normally, it was easy to handle. For the most part, it was just about respecting Nova Daria's traditional territories. As a grown man, I was safe from most dangers. Killing me would cause a war between the families that would leave hundreds dead and no profit to anyone. Even with that in mind, I still felt apprehensive when a Rossi Family limousine pulled up outside the butcher shop and the driver asked me to come inside.

I refused to go.

I sat in the backseat and let the man take me around town. I was probably being reckless, but the difference between bravery and foolishness was a fine line to tread. We pulled up outside a small Italian restaurant and the driver opened the door for me. I went in and sat down opposite Enzo Rossi himself. I was surprised to speak with the head of the Rossi family, but I remained calm.

(Rossi Family Reputation +10)

"Let me cut to the chase," Enzo said with an angry expression on his face.

He pulled a cloth napkin off the table and revealed a large clunky assault rifle underneath! I calculated my chances of survival if Enzo pulled the trigger. It didn't look good.

The men at the door drew their weapons at the same time. Enzo picked up the assault rifle and began to raise its deadly barrel towards my face.

The men at the door fell to the ground, but it was foolish to turn your back on Enzo Rossi. I felt something solid hit me in the back of the head and then I didn't know anymore.

(Firearms +5)


It was a wonder that I woke up. The smell of meat was the first thing I noticed when I finally made it to the back room of 1000. Freddie, Jimmy, Lisa and everyone else was hovering around, waiting for me to recover.

"He's awake," Doug said.

I get hurt everywhere. I had received one of the worst beatings I've ever had. I had loose teeth, two black eyes and blood all over my clothes. The Rossi Family had knocked me senseless and dumped me in front of the butcher shop. It took me several months before I felt like myself again. It was incredible that we had avoided an all-out war. Obviously the Rossi family didn't want that, which is why I was still alive.

(Rossi Family Reputation -50)

A few days later, something strange happened. It was a complete hit. I had forgotten my sunglasses in my Mustang and went back almost immediately to get them. There was someone inside! I pulled out my .44 Magnum and cautiously approached. It was Alexis! She was already out and walking quickly down the street, one hand to her ear and the other holding a bunch of wires. I looked around and saw a woman pushing a stroller suddenly look away, her lips moving quickly. Another Fed. I knew I was being watched, but I wasn't sure what Alexis was doing in my car.