
Satisfying the King of Hearts [BL]

In a post-apocalyptic world where the planet has stopped spinning, Kanaru Burdett finds himself sent to a faraway kingdom to support his people. However, he comes as a member of the wealthiest king’s harem court. Just when he thinks of his mundane days in the king’s palace, his involvement with King Fenris draws up a different kind of thrill. What to do when he becomes the king’s new favorite concubine?

droopyghost · LGBT+
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143 Chs

Next to Burdett

Just in front of the camp, a lot of important people joined the crowd. On the ground was an almost dying soldier in a Burdett castle uniform. His body was filled with injuries, and no one could tell how much longer he had. Before he could make his last breath, Rodnir was able to resuscitate him with healing magic. After all, this man brought news.

The people of Burdett were no strangers to the healing capabilities of the unicorns. However, that man didn't realize the king's ward was already there. The soldier even recognized Rodnir's face from his visit almost two months ago.

"Your Grace, the ward of the king!" The soldier couldn't help but grab Rodnir's arms. "Ah… His Highness, the second prince, must have asked for your help… uhh…"

"Quit stalling. Tell me what's happening in Burdett right now." Rodnir wanted to swat the bloody hands off him. However, he couldn't do so in front of a lot of people.