
Satisfying the King of Hearts [BL]

In a world reshaped by a devastating solar flare, humanity mutated into beings with beast qualities. Civilizations fell and rose, creating a clear divide between the blessed harbor countries and the unfortunate lesser countries. Middlemist, the country headed by the unicorns, sat on top. Kanaru, a proud third prince, found himself in the worst role. To ensure the survival of his people, he entered the harem court of Middlemist as a concubine. Due to an unexpected turn of events, he became the king’s favorite! However, that very ‘title’ came with an insane path he must undertake. Fenris Middlemist was known as the most charismatic and magnanimous. His pristine image to outsiders soon shattered piece by piece. From fumbling menial court tasks to destroying world-ending threats, Kanaru ventured into the world Fenris lived… or had run away from. Love, trust, and satisfaction—how much of these could Kanaru offer to the King of Hearts?

droopyghost · LGBT+
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238 Chs


Kanaru recognized the fruits as those that didn't grow anywhere close to Burdett or this region. Since the children had those, those fruits must be from the resources sent to Burdett. Kanaru thought the resources were most likely building materials to strengthen the keeps and castles. He didn't realize Fenris would allot perishables that were expensive to maintain.

He smiled at the kids and took in the looks in their eyes. It was as if he was still one of the greatest people in the world, even if they had to suffer in his absence.

"Do you want one? You can have mine!" One kid noticed Kanaru staring at the food. He just offered his food to the prince instead. However, one countered the offer by giving her fruit as well. "We can share mine, too! Let me just… break this open!" 

"Your Highness, this is yellow like your eyes!" The rest of the children chirped like little fledglings, but they were not asking for food. "Your Highness—!" "Your Highness—!"