
Satire World

As Angelo ran away from home, he had to stay in a hotel offered by a mysterious man. From there, he had chance encounters with eerie instances, soulmate, magical minutes, and other things he can't explain.

Seven_Cruz · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

August 18, 2018 (Saturday) 2:30 PM Main Cagan Plaza

The day before Angelo checked in the Cardeal Hotel.

The sun shone brightly, reaching its hot fingers against Mair's skin, damped with drizzling sweats.

She placed her hand inside the bag clinging on her left shoulder and grabbed the moistened water bottle. She took a sip before sitting down on a wooden hickory bench.

Still not contented, she grabbed another bottle and drank the milk in it. The white and viscous fluid soothed her throat, filling up her empty stomach.

After quenching her thirst, the next thing her hand grabbed is her cellphone. She searched for the contact names and dialed Sopheirin, her friend's number.

Only the blinking ring and the service voice answered the call. After a few more attempts, she gave up and contacted another friend instead.

"Hello, Lyka?" Mair confirmed as the line finally connected. "Hey, I can't contact Sopheirin."

"I think she's busy with her paintings," Lyka, her friend answered. "Why did you call?"

"I've went to all the jobs you've recommended," She explained, a weary tone pulls her confidence underneath the surface. A sweltering body endured the sunlight's heat, almost burning her skin with open pores. "No one really wants to accept a young girl without any experience in jobs. Ugh, this just sucks!"

"Hmm… Why don't you try asking someone on an online dating chat room?" Lyka jested, a teasing laugh resonated across the line.

Mair chuckled at the thought of her friend's suggestion. "I don't know what to do anymore. Don't you have any more recommendations? I'd apply anywhere right now."

"Let's see," A few seconds of pause came by. "I know a person named Paul Alejandro and he's trying to recruit someone who'll work for his newly-built hotel. It's quite near from Ly Café, actually."

"What's the name of the hotel? I'll try to apply there."

"It's called Cardeal Hotel. Paul Alejandro handles the fortieth floor."

"Alright, got it. I'll be trying my luck once more!"


"Yes?" She asked while putting back her bottles back in her bag.

"I've heard rumors about Paul Alejandro once," Lyka's voice from the line crept with a horrifying breath of menace. "He might seem composed and professional because of his build and age, but… I heard that he…"

Mair stood up against the blinding sunlight, biting her eyes to prick. "He what?"

"Never mind. Forget about it. Just remember to be always careful, alright?"

"Sure. I'll keep that in mind."

3:02 PM Cardeal Hotel 40th floor

A man in a tuxedo greeted Mair as she stepped on the floor's shimmering golden tiles.

His grayish hair was subtly dyed ebony black. His mature composure brimmed strongly, presenting himself quite deftly.

"How may I help you, ma'am?" He asked.

"Uh… I'm looking for Mr. Paul Alejandro," Mair asked as a confirmation, although she's very sure that the man before her is the man she's already looking for. "I'm here for a job application."

"You're name is…?"

"Mair," Her voice almost choked to equal the man's glistening authority. "I'm Mair Costa… sir."

"Ms. Mair Costa," His deep voice resonated against her weak soul. He went behind the contemporary reception counter. "The screening will begin at seven o'clock later. Please list down your cellphone number, so I could send you the requirements you might need."

Mair cleared her throat and went near the counter. She listed down her cellphone number on a log book, the ink remaining as digits course from her writing. "So… I'll be returning here at seven."

"Yes. Please do come. I'll be hoping to see you for the interview."

"Thank you, Mr. Paul Alejandro."

6:09 PM Ly Café

After collecting all the requirements that were sent to Mair's contact number, she immediately went straight to her friend's part time job at the Ly Café.

After a few minutes stretched by her impatience, Lyka finally took her seat across Mair with a fruit salad.

Mair instantly pulled the glass plate and indulged herself to the sumptuous and delectable fruit salad that was offered to her.

"Sopheirin is working on her new chef-d'oeuvre," Lyka rested her chin on her palms. Her elbow stands against the vintage carob table. "With the same theme."

"Uh, sexual… abuse?" Mair momentarily halted eating her fruit salad. "She's still obsessed with that?"

"It's kind of her trauma. You know that girl. We couldn't help her, so let's have her help herself."


"Here," Lyka brought out a foreign chocolate, an imported-looking one. "Sopheirin bought it for us."

"She really likes giving out chocolates."

"Sopheirin still think chocolates relieve stress and depression."

"Doesn't it?"

"I read that it does. But I don't think it's too effective if a person's depression becomes too much for merely several bars of chocolate."

Mair shrugged. She went back to indulge herself to the fruit salad. "Let her be, then."

"Speaking of depressions, would you like to come with me? Someone invited me to a seminar about those stuffs. I'm not feeling any of that, but you or someone you know might need it."

"You know I have an interview and it's just a few minutes away."

"Oh, come on. The seminar won't last too long!"