

As the small group of Satan Supporters traveled realms, Kota was filled with pure excitement. Realizing his parents had went towards God's side. Kota was watching as stars moved about, the place was filled with countless number of stars that each had their own name. Kota had the knowledge of someone that has lived for 4,000 years. Though, this is restricted due to how underdeveloped his brain is. This results in him only have 10% of the knowledge he is originally granted with, about 400 years? Still great. Kota watched with a smile on his face, showing a positive mood while he was just regularly traveling to hell. Heh. As the place seemed to change, the platform that the group stood on finally landed on a hot area. The heat was reduced to his natural arffinity to flames. Actually, this was just due to his mark. A small sigh exited Satan's mouth as he then walked off of the platform. Multiple people soon saying one thing at the same time, except for Kota due to being still in awe.

"So, this is hell?"

They said. The residents that seemed to be here for a while nodded. Satan had lifted his hands and moved it back and forth to represent a 'follow me' gesture. Satan was indeed more powerful here, his horns growing even more as he stepped deeper into hell. Satan was even 8'3" now that he arrived in teh atmosphere. Soon, the group only saw something in the distance. A castle? Satan's Squad Base!? They surely needed a better name for the faction. Anyways, a slight smirk rose on Kota's face. Satan entered and so did the rest. The interior was more pleasant than the exterior actually. Filled with carpets that were pink and fluffy, a small lava fountain in the center of the giant room. There were angelic beast heads around, just like how humans put deer heads up as an achievement. The foundation was well sturdy as well. Now, the squad members took a rest from this tiresome day and begun interacting with eachother. Some even begun fights. Kota had just been speaking to a girl that was of the same age as him. Kota was honestly bored, this place was just boring. So, he asked someone to fight. Luckily, he picked someone that seemed to be strong. Their name? It was Knoci. A male that was 19, and he seemed to have combat experience. Suddenly, everyone cleared the way as a large space for fighting was reserved by Kota and Knoci.

"If I beat you, I get to..hit you once with my full power!"

Kota lifted his right arm and stretched his right leg out, his other body parts remaaining dormant. He then grinned.

Sorry for the short chapter, it was made in the same day as my introductory chapter. The next one will be fully worked on and will fulfill your expectations.

Dontai_Is_cleancreators' thoughts