
X X X I V - [ D A E M O N ]

of a tease today than usual.

It's like one moment she's seducing me and making me want to do so many ungodly things to her, but the next she seems distant and off, barely maintaining eye contact. After dinner ended a little while back, Feia's made sure that she keeps at her routine—so she's currently in the latter of her mood.

Not just that, though; the vibe she gives off and her demeanor in general seems a bit different, somehow, but I think that it's just her getting used to being my Little Helper full-time. Or maybe she just found a newfound confidence in herself, knowing that she's well above Lilith—but just to be frank, Feia is quite a tough nut to crack so I wouldn't know just what she's thinking of unless she tells me herself.

The odd thing is that Feia is now able to do the things I do. Reading one's thoughts, teleporting, mind-blocking—you name it. I suppose that all of the more superior demons can teleport, so I shouldn't be surprised that she can do it as well. After all, Satan's right hand is quite a title.

But how is she even able to read my mind? Even though Satan's right hand is still a remarkable position, being Satan himself is still above it so she shouldn't be able to do so. And her mind-blocking... ? No one other than those in the Lucifer line can do that, and I'm pretty sure she's got no trace of our blood in hers—I would know.

I sigh, all these thoughts gnawing on my brain like parasites. I don't understand how this girl, this , can make me feel so many things at once.

I need to get this off my chest.

While Feia is somewhere avoiding me, I decide to use my time to talk to Bub once more. I don't know just when he's become my go-to demon, but I suppose that he practically signed up for it when he was declared Hell's General and to be honest, I'm not actually mad about it.

"Okay so," He starts, furrowing his eyebrows at all the things I've told him. "She was making you hard at dinner but now she's being a bitch?"

"," I scold, shooting daggers at him. "She's not a bitch. And she did make me hard."

"Okay that's bullshit." He says, pointing at me accusingly. "And I'm just kidding about the part where I said that she's a bitch. I love Laufie—I mean, who wouldn't, anyway?"

I shrug, knowing he already knows the answer to that question. Before I can even come up of a response, though, Bub speaks up once more.

"You really like her, do you?"

My shoulder's tense, never having anyone asked me such question. I know that I should just straight up deny it, since if anyone finds out that I'd gone soft they would look down on me and say that I am not worthy enough to be deemed their ruler. However, this is Bub I am talking to—knowing him, he'd break some goddamned rules for companionship.

"I do." I mutter, feeling like some petty schoolgirl as the words come out of my mouth.

He gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure there's more to it, but I won't push it—I already know the truth, anyway." I let out a breath in relief; another thing I'm grateful for is that Bub knows when he shouldn't be insistent about something.

"So tell her, why don't you?" he asks, knowing well that I'm not even going to reply to his previous statement. The way the question rolls off his tongue makes it sound like it's the single most simple solution ever, and I kind of wish it really that way.

"?" I question him right back, low-key wanting to kick myself for sounding like a whiny little bitch.

Bub scoffs. ", Angel. I've seen the way she looks at you; if it really is love, it won't go away just like that."

I cringe at the word . What a powerful word—the four letters alone could be the weapon of mass destruction or reconstruction. Being Satan, however, love is neither; it is a weakness, and us demons know nothing of it as it is considered completely unnecessary.

"Was it like that with..." I quietly begin, not really wanting to ask Bub about his rather sad past.

"It was," He nods, eyes downcast. "It's such an interesting feeling, this love. I guess we're the demons who's ever gotten lucky enough to experience it."

reading to have found out that there may actually be a way for Feia and I to be together.

It, however, comes with its own sacrifices. I, for one, will be stripped of my powers, and Hell would be in someone else's hand; I could choose, I suppose, and though I can't exactly see him ruling Hell, I'd immediately pick Bub to continue my work.

Feia would go back to her human self, and since she literally just turned into a full demon about a day ago, she shouldn't have a hard time getting used to being a human once more.

The two of us would leave Hell once and for all, and we'd have almost all of our memories wiped off—all I've got to do to make all this work is Feia's agreement.

The next evening, I call Feia in my office to tell her this... idea. But I suppose that it'd be worth it.

"Why did you call me here, My Lord?" Feia asks, sauntering in the room.

I get up as soon as I see her and clear my throat. "My Sweet... I'd like to propose an idea."

She looks at me oddly for a moment, perhaps trying to read my mind. I've blocked her from my head, though, so to say that I am surprised when she still manages to find out my plan is an understatement.

"Don't tell me you're going to confess your so-called for me." She deadpans, and the two of us simply stare at each other for what seems like hours. Her eyes are filled with boredom with a little hint of mischief, but mine are just full of shock and anticipation.

Finally, Feia breaks the silence with a cold and unexpected laugh.

"Do you know what my first Deadly Sin is, My Lord?" She asks, eyeing her nails nonchalantly before turning to me.

I shake my head no—I had only been with her at the final circle, so I wouldn't know unless the Seven Deadly Sins had told me.

She smirks, and makes her way around the table so that we are only a foot apart from each other.

"If you must know, Daemon, my first Deadly Sin was . Didn't expect that, didn't you?" I keep quiet, but I furrow my eyebrows together. She's right; I had expected her first to be Lust or something. "And do you know what they showed me?" She asks again, though, I've got a feeling that it's another rhetorical question. "It was me on the throne. And what's going to happen right now."

Sensing that something entirely wrong is about to happen, I try my best to calm her down.

"Feia, My Sweet." I say, my voice coming out dry and breathless. "It doesn't have to be like this. We can just leave Hell once and for all. Think about it, Feia―we're both dead, but I can fix it. I just need you to agree to come with me."

Feia scoffs. "? Daemon, are you even to yourself?" She walks towards me confidently, one leg crossing the other everytime she takes a step. "Hell's the best thing's that's ever happened to me! There's not a fucking I'm leaving this place." She then gives me her classic smile full of innocence before dipping her head back and returning with her eyes turned into complete blackness with a hint of red translucence. "Goodbye, ."

"Wait, Feia―"

"." She begins, eyes never looking away. ""

I can't move my limbs, let alone move my lips. I am powerless, and all I can do is watch Feia chant, the black pits that are her eyes boring through mine.

She holds both hands in front of her with the palms faced up. "! ! !"

Strangely enough, the last thoughts that cross my mind as I disappear is about how actually I am of her.

And just like that, everything before me turns to naught.