
X I V - [ D A E M O N ]

that funerals are such a pain in the ass?

I mean, being a demon and all, we've never really had to visit others when they die; we just watch them turn to ash, and not shed a single tear over it since we're all heartless piece of shits.

But playing as Feia's , I have to pretend to comfort her and look sad for two hours straight.

And then of course, there's the interrogation from none other than Feia's parents and best friend.

Humans are such nosy creatures—they always butt in each other's problems and businesses and expect to know the whole truth when it's none of their beeswax.

Why the hell did we have to associate with them, again?

Oh yeah.

For manifestation, possession, and power.

But now that I think about it, we demons are such thirsty creatures—not only for power, but for other aspects such as blood and lust as well.

So I suppose demons and humans can be equal somehow, since we are both aggravating and depraved in our own ways.

I am currently answering Feia's parents, trying to be as honest as possible though without revealing just or I am. Feia had introduced me as a 'friend', but I've got a feeling that her parents are going to have a long talk with her when they get home.

"So ," Feia's father says, eyeing me up and down skeptically. "Where do you go to?"

, I want to answer. . "NYU, ." I try hard not to spit out the last word; never in my life have I called anyone else 'Sir'. I am accustomed to everyone calling that, not vice versa.

"And, uh—how old did you say you were?"

. "Twenty. I'll be twenty-one this October."

He is about to say something else when Feia's mother perks up beside him, the tears on her cheeks already starting to dry. "So how did you meet Christie?"

. "We met at a seminar a couple of weeks ago." I briefly look at Feia who has her arms crossed in front of her. "You know? The one for the community church?"

Mrs. Galron's eyes light up a little. "? That's terrific! Which church do you go to?"

. "Saint Michael's."

"Oh, I've heard that's a good church." She nods in approval. "But what am I saying? All the places where God is worshipped are always good."

"That is very true, Ma'am."

"Well, Sweetheart," She turns to beam at Feia. "I like your new friend. He has morals, just like you. And Rayner," She gives me a grin that looks almost identical with Feia's very own. "We'd love to have you over for dinner sometime so that we can get to know you better."

. "Of course, I would like that very much." I force myself to smile at her when all I really want to do is roll my eyes at all this religious talk.

"Alright, then. We'll leave you two alone now. Come on, Caleb. Let's go thank the rest of the guests." She tugs at her husband's arm and the both of them disappears into the crowd of black-cladded people.

"And you call fake?" Feia raises an eyebrow and gives me a knowing smirk.

I shrug. "Well I can't just go all, 'Hello, there. I'm Satan and your daughter here is now my right hand. Damn me to Hell all you wish, but I'm telling you both, there sure isn't a place like home!'" I say a little exaggeratedly, managing to weasel out a laugh out of her.

"I'd honestly pay fifty bucks to watch how that would go."

"Fifty bucks mean in Hell." I say, "But a little would personally mean a to me." I wink at her and she rolls her eyes in response, though a small smile creeps onto her face anyway.

"You wish, Lucifer."

"Damn right, 'I wish'."

"Ooh, having a lover's spat, are we?"

We immediately turn around to see an old lady (can I even her a ?) in a long and rather hideous dress the color of navy blue. Her heels seem a bit too small compared to her sizable feet and the cat-eye sunglasses around her eyes are of no use at the funeral home. She is also wearing a wide brimmed hat, white gloves that extends just past her wrists and two layers of pearl necklaces.

"?" I say, incredulous. "What the ?"

Bub immediately clamps my mouth shut with one hand and look around before whispering, "Shh! I'm undercover!"

I roll my eyes as I push his hand off my face. "Oh, yeah. The disguise is convincing."

"?" Bub says, a wide grin on his face. "I Sera's outfit were the bomb!"

" are ?" I ask, staring at the clothes in disgust. "They're !"

Bub gasps, bringing a hand to his chest to emphasize his shock. "How you! That's my fuck buddy you're talking about!"

"Hi, Bub." Feia, who's been silent the whole time by my side, speaks up. "How's Sera?"

Bub's expression immediately brightens. "Oh, he's fine—in health and in perfect condition. Thanks for asking, Laufie! Unlike over here..." His gaze begrudgingly shift towards me and I shrug in response.

"So," I start, clearing my throat. "what brings you here?"

"Oh, right. So I was at your office with Sera—"

" ?" I say, cutting him short. "What the hell were you doing in ?"

"You know," Bub shrugs a shoulder. "Things."

"Bub, if you did it in my office I will fucking you."

"Oh, we did, demon boy." Bub winks at me and gives me a mischievous grin. "Your table provides good angle, if you know what I mean."

"YOU DID IT ON MY TABLE?!" I shout, making the people in the room stare at me. I quickly mutter a "sorry" but turn back to Bub immediately. "That's pure demon soul extract, you piece of shit! You know what kinds of things I had to go through to get that one table? If I find—" I cut myself short to cringe before continuing— " on my table, , I'm going to give your place to someone else."

"Awwh, but I'm your !" Bub pouts as he makes his pupils dilate a little.

"The hell you are," I grumble.

"C'mon, Daemon. Give em a break." Feia smirks, lightly grazing my arm. Shivers immediately run down my spine and I can't help but freeze on the spot, not knowing what exactly to do next.

"Yeah, , give me a break." Bub mimics, then clears his throat and shifts on his leg. "Anyway. So at first I came to your office looking for you when all of a sudden, Lilith came—"

"?" I say, making sure I heard him correctly. "What the hell was doing in ?"

"I'm getting there, Angel." Bub snaps, rolling his eyes. "Lilith was also looking for you. Probably to satisfy her thirst in which, might I say, only the ocean can quench."

"Who's Lilith?" Feia asks, crossing her arms in front of her.

Bub immediately pulls her in a tight embrace and runs his hands through her hair soothingly. "There, there, Laufie. She's no one of importance."

"But I was just asking—"

"A-tut-tut!" Bub puts his index finger to Feia's lips, silencing her. "She's just a... , dear."

"She's one of the Fallen." I say, stifling a yawn.

"?" Feia furrows her eyebrows but it quickly shoots up as realization hits her. "Oh, you mean the Seven Deadly Sins?" Both Bub and I nod our heads in unison. "Bub, you're one, aren't you?"

"Sure am, girl. Gluttony." Bub states proudly, puffing out his chest.

"And uh, this Lilith?"


"Isn't that Asmodeus?"

"My Sweet, do you believe what the humans have taught you after all of ?" I ask, gesturing at me and Bub. "Take it from a mortal when you've got us demons to tell you the stories?"

"Eh, maybe not," Feia shrugs.


"So. When can I meet her?"

My eyes widen in an instant as I look at her in disbelief. "You want to meet ?"

"Well, sure. I'd like to meet my boss' fuck buddy."

"Hold up—" I raise a finger in front of me and look at her in mild disgust. "Lilith is my fuck buddy."

"Whatever you say, ."

"Why don't we go meet her now?" Bub suggests, suddenly enthusiastic. I give him a look of disapproval but it simply earns a smirk from him.

"Sure, why not?" Feia answers, grinning. "Let me just come up of an excuse for my parents and off to Hell we go."

I've got a bad feeling about this.