
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Sasuke vs Killer Bee!

Scene starts-

[When Sasuke wakes up, he finds his injuries being treated by Tobi, who reintroduces himself as Madara Uchiha. When he sees Tobi's Sharingan, Sasuke's eyes suddenly use Amaterasu on him.]

Scene pauses.


Sasuke- "What the! What did you do?"

Itachi- "I had to confirm my last kill. Now you truly are the last uchiha. Although my plan was to kill Kakashi with it since you are already going after that fake Madara."

Kakashi was shocked and glad that he was not burned alive. Hiruzen was impressed again with Itachi.

Sasuke (started gritting his teeth and clenched his fist with anger)- "You sick bastard!"

Sasuke ran towards Itachi but Kakashi and Shisui stopped him.

Kakashi- "Stop Sasuke! You will get your change."

Shisui- "Kakashi is right. Not here."

After some time they calm Sasuke down.

Obito was impressed to see the lengths Itachi would go. Madara was also impressed because he wasn't sure that if he was really there, he would have survived or not because Obito survived because of Kamui.

Kisame (whispering)- "You really wanted to kill our leader or maybe didn't want him to get his hands on your brother? I had seen your battle. You had many openings. If he wanted he would be dead."

Itachi- "So now are we going to fight after we get out from here?"

Kisame- "No need. I already knew from the start you have a soft spot for him. I was planning to leave the Akatsuki after you died."

Itachi- "... Well then, it was nice knowing you Kisame-San."

Kisame- "Likewise, Itachi-San."

Other hokages were thinking that something is wrong. Itachi had many openings for someone who killed a clan alone and now this.

Scene starts-

[Tobi escapes the flames and marvels at the lengths Itachi would go through to protect Sasuke. Sasuke doesn't understand this and accuses Tobi of lying to him, but Tobi insists that everything he says is true: that Itachi killed the Uchiha clan on orders of Konoha's leadership in order to protect Sasuke. Sasuke is unable to process this and passes out again. When he wakes up, Tobi starts over, explaining the Uchiha's history, Konoha's history, and Itachi's history from the beginning. Sasuke tries pointing how hard Itachi tried to kill him, to which Tobi replies that it was only to draw out Orochimaru so as to stop him from manipulating Sasuke any further. Sasuke starts recalling memories he blocked out, things Itachi said, and occurrences that make more sense with Tobi's version of events. Realizing how much Itachi loved him, Sasuke is overcome with grief. Sasuke gathers the members of Hebi with Tobi watching from nearby. Having finally accepted that Itachi was a good person who was wronged by Konoha, he decides that the new mission for their team, now renamed "Taka", will be to destroy Konoha and tells them they can leave know if they want to but everyone agrees to stay.]


The elders and 3rd Hokage faces turned pale. Everyone except future ones were completely shocked. 

Naruto- "No! He is lying! I don't believe his! Sasuke! Don't believe him!"

A manic laugh escaped Sasuke's lips, echoing in the desolate place. is Sharingan got activated subconsciously.

Sasuke- "Do you think I will fall for that! It's a lie! He just wants me to join him! Itachi is pure evil! Cousin Shisui, you tell me that this is a lie!... Why are you quite! Itachi, you tell me that you are the same monster that kill our clan in cold blood!"

Shisui and Itachi averted their gaze. They couldn't meet Sasuke eyes. Others were also eager to ear that it was a lie! But the silence was telling them something else.

Danzo- "Of course it's a lie. Don't create panic in everyone uchiha."

Sasuke (with rage)- "You shut up! I am not asking you! Mother you tell me that this is a lie! That I didn't kill m last living relative who loved me but I kill the killer of our clan!"

Mikoto as tears in her eyes. He couldn't see her Sasuke like this.

Mikoto- "It's true Sasuke. Itachi tell him the complete truth."

As soon as Mikoto sys those words, it's like Sasuke's whole world got upside down! Everything he ever down in his life was a waste! Based on a lie!

Others were shocked at the revaluation. They couldn't get in terms with it. After the order from his mother, Itachi tells everything to Sasuke and others also heard it but it only increase their uneasiness.

Jiraiya- "So you were the spy who used to give me information."

Danzo- "I never expected from you to reveal everything like this Itachi."

Itachi- "Shup up Danzo! Do you think I wouldn't have stopped killing my clan if mother command me to? I would have stopped but she understand and gladly help me in it. I thought that I have to fought my father but he welcome death with open arms."

Danzo just gritted his teeth in frustration.

Tobirama- "It's natu-"

Hashirama- "Tobirama! You will not finish your sentence. We have already passed so no need for our opinion on tis matter even tough this is done by your students."

Tobirama realized tat it's better that he stayed quite, After all e didn't want his brother to mound chakra.

Hashirama- "Sasuke, I know whatever I say will not be enough but in my opinion you have a good older brother. An even greater shinobi that I ever was."

Kakashi was sad that even after knowing everything about Itachi, in the end he knew nothing.

And other were having mixed emotions after hearing this.

Hiruzen- "Sorry Sasuke. I really tried to find another way."

Tsunade- "If you didn't order and Danzo used your name then why is Danzo still in the council! And how could you not handle them! All the elders are stripped from their positions and they will face judgement!"

Danzo was frustrated that is plans got ruined and other elders were busy debating with Tsunade. Hiruzen knew the temper of his student and also knew he was wrong so he decided to stay quite.

Itachi- "Sasuke..."

Sasuke (laughing continuously)- "So now what? What am I supposed to do with this? I lived for this my entire life and then I know its a lie. I could have killed you. Forgot that I really killed you!"

Itachi knew his little brother has developed a habit of laughing in pain.

Itachi- "Forgive me, Sasuke."

Tears started rolling from Sasuke's eyes. The more he think the more he realise what he would have done if he didn't knew about this. His sharingan responded to his grief and with a red flash he has now Mangekyo Sharingan. Instead of tears blood started rolling from his eyes.

Those who had any doubt, it disappeared after seeing his sharingan awakening. They now knew Sasuke was sad, very sad.

Everyone started talking among themselves and shared their thought on the matter. Jonin teacher were talking among themselves. Teams were talking among themselves. The sanins, Minato and Kushina started talking among themselves. And the uchihas were taking among among themselves except Madara and Obito as Madara was busy talking with Hashirama and Obito was busy planning with Zetsu.

Adult Sasuke- "Look at them talking like they really know. It's refreshing seeing them like this! It's thrilling!"

Adult Naruto- "Sasuke..."

Adult Sasuke- "What? Would you rather have me sad about it again. I have come in terms with it and now it's amusing to me, seeing their reactions. And I am enjoying this, since not much things amuses me."

Future Kakashi- "Leave it Naruto. He is actually right."

Adult Sakura- "So this was the truth! Why anyone of you never tell me about it?!"

Adult Sasuke- "Itachi didn't want anyone to know about it. He wanted to lost it in time. So no one told you or anyone else for that matter. Although Naruto is idiot so he told his wife."

Adult Hinata- "Yea but I also didn't told anyone."

Adult Naruto- "See! She didn't told anyone so stop coming at me."

Ashura- "I am sad big brother. Why does these things happen to your reincarnation."

Indra- "Ashura. Aren't you too old for crying like a thousands year old?"

Ashura- "I can't help it big brother."

After everyone calmed down especially Sasuke they started paying attention again.

Adult Sasuke- "Shit! My past self awaken the mangekyo earlier than he supposed to. I can feel some changes in me. Even if I erase everyone memories he will still have his mangekyo."

Adult Naruto- "Come on! It will not make any difference."

Adult Sasuke- "Idiot! Because of different circumstances I could get entirely different abilities. Although I will still have Amaterasu because of Itachi sealing it inside me. But you get the point."

Adult Naruto- "I can't see how it affects anything. If anything shouldn't you be happy to get more abilities."

Adult Sasuke- "Seriously, I am revolting if you are the Kage after we go back. I can't with you."

Adult Naruto- "Hey! Enough Sasuke otherwise you will gain yourself a fight!"

Adult Sasuke- "Do you think I care!"

Future Kakashi- "Naruto, if Sasuke got different abilities, then it could alter the final fight and you could lose since from what I know it was very close fight."

Adult Naruto- "Oh! Don't worry! We will think of something or if I can't think of anything then I trust my past self to hit more hard."

Adult Sasuke- "You better be right Idiot."

Scene starts-

[Tobi offers to help Taka destroy Konoha, but in exchange first asks that they help Akatsuki by going to Kumogakure to capture the Eight-Tails. Sasuke agrees but makes it clear he plans to kill only the elders involved in the massacre and the rest of the villagers will be spared.]

Scene pauses.

Tsunade- "Uchiha, I want to help you. I know you want to kill the elders and they will face judgement. But I can't save you if you will go and cause a national scene."

Before Sasuke can answer Itachi interject.

Itachi- "Don't worry, Lady Hokage. I assure you. This was because Tobi manipulated him. Now he knows the entire truth and he will not do anything like this. I request you to let this slide."

Tsunade- "My my! Such change in attitude. You are really good. I also assure you as long as it's something inside Konoha nothing major will happen."

Sasuke was really embarrassed. This feeling really bought back nostalgia. It was a feeling that came when his father was angry with him and Itachi save him from his father.

Kakashi decided to tease him more.

Kakashi- "Look at that Sasuke. Even after all that you still don't want to kill innocent people."

Sasuke- "Kakashi I swear! If you don't shut up, as the head of the clan I will plug out your sharingan."

Kakashi just laughed at his student threat. Orochimaru was just observing all this and was curious that wat will Sasuke do next.

Scene starts-

[They track the Eight-Tails' jinchuriki, Killer B, to the Valley of Clouds and Lightning and confront him. Sasuke and Suigetsu attack him with their swords, but he proves to be a better swordsman than they are and stabs Sasuke with several of his Supervibrato Lightning Release Swords. After Karin heals his injuries, Sasuke attacks B with Chidori, but it has little effect. B enters a version 1 form and attacks. Sasuke, recognizing it from his fight with Naruto, tries halting B with a genjutsu. B pretends to be paralyzed by it, causing Sasuke to lower his guard and allowing B to hit him with a Lariat. Sasuke is left badly injured and it falls to Jugo to heal him. B enters Tailed Beast Mode and attacks Taka with a Tailed Beast Ball, which Suigetsu uses his body to block; he survives, but is knocked unconscious. Unwilling to lose his teammates, Sasuke uses his Mangekyo Sharingan to perform Amaterasu on B. As B writhes in pain he nearly crushes Karin with a tentacle, prompting Sasuke to sever it to protect her. B's transformation recedes, Taka collects his body, and they deliver it to Tobi. It is revealed that in an earlier, secret conversation with Tobi, Sasuke admitted he not only wants to kill the elders but all the residents of Konoha. Sasuke explains that the grief of losing Itachi and everyone being ignorant of how Itachi sacrificed his life for peace made it impossible for him to follow in Itachi's footsteps and he felt the villagers are just as guilty, even going as far as to threaten to kill the loved ones of anyone who dared to oppose him but then he stop that and declares that he will stick to killing the elders. As they recuperate, they discover they've been followed by Kumo-nin. They escape before they can be drawn into battle and set out for Konoha.]

Scene pauses.

Madara- "You used Mangekyo well for the first time kid."

Tsunade (while mentally face palming)- "Very good uchiha. You really have to wear your clan logo when doing a mission like this. Now I have to deal with that Raikage."

Jiraiya- "Yea! Look at Itachi and look at this."

Kushina- "Well that black fire is really dangerous. Even eight-tails jinchuriki lose."

Itachi (with a sigh)- "Just don't kill yourself Sasuke."

Shikamaru- "Really troublesome. It would be miracle that Raikage didn't start a war."

Kiba- "So now we have to clean his mess? Great!"

Orochimaru-"Sasuke-kun, I am almost disappointed in your kenjutsu skills."

Sasuke- "Stop acting like you are really my sensei."

Orochimaru- "But I am Sasuke-kun even if it was for a mutual benefit. And I know you, you are just as disappointed."

Sasuke- "Tsk."

Adult Sasuke-"Alright! Now this is pissing me off. Jiraiya you died a virgin. Tsunade you are alive and still a virgin. Shikamaru your sensei died and it was your fault. Kiba your dogs have grandchildren and you are still not married. And Orochimaru you have a child in future and you even let him call you mother."


Some started laughing and mentioned people frowned hard.

Tsunade and Jiraiya- "How dare you!"

Kiba- "Bastard!"

Shikamaru- "It's not a drag."

Orochimaru was panicking internally. Like really a KID!

Kakashi- "You are really quite Naruto. That's a surprise. Knowing you, you would have started fighting."

Naruto- "I have seen his conversation with my future self, Dattebayo! I am not stupid like my future self."

Adult Naruto- "Hey! I am not stupid! You are, Dattebayo!"

Naruto- "Oh really! Your hair tells me a different story!"

Adult Naruto- "At least I don't return home to an empty house."

Naruto- "Oh you gonna go there! Atleast I don't look like a zombie straight out of coffin!"

Adult Naruto- "Atleast I have a wife!"

Naruto- "I have Pervy Sage!"

Adult Naruto- "Look who finally crawled out of his ramen bowl. You know, "adulting" seems to have done wonders for your vocabulary. Still stuck on the same vocabulary level of a five-year-old throwing a tantrum, I see, Dattebayo!"

Naruto- "At least I'm not delusional enough to think a jutsu named "Talk no Jutsu" is gonna solve everything, Hokage-teme. Newsflash: the real world doesn't work on friendship speeches and ramen bribes!"

Adult Naruto- "Oh, it worked on Kurama, and that's saying something. You know, the giant ball of rage that almost turned you into a walking orange popsicle? Remember who had to clean up your mess after you lost?"

Naruto- "Don't even get me started on your "friendship" with Kurama! You just use him like a glorified battery pack, stuffing him with ramen and expecting him to do your dirty work! Where's the respect, the empathy? You treat him like a disposable jutsu, not a living being!"

Adult Naruto- "At least I can actually control him, unlike a certain knucklehead who lost his arm to a grumpy crustacean. Speaking of losing things, I hear you're still missing your dignity after Sasuke repeatedly stomped you into the ground."

Naruto- "Hey! At least I had the guts to face Sasuke, unlike you who spent most of the time chasing after him like a lovesick puppy! And losing an arm is nothing compared to the emotional scars you inflicted on Sasuke with your "friendship" speeches!"

Adult Naruto- "Emotional scars? More like a healthy dose of reality you couldn't handle. You were so blinded by your obsession with Sasuke that you almost became another Orochimaru puppet. Talk about emotional baggage!"

Naruto- "Obsessed? I was just trying to help him! And who needs reality when you have the power of friendship? You wouldn't understand, you are too busy playing house with your fancy title and forgetting the real struggles of a ninja!"

Adult Naruto- "Struggles? You mean like whining about ramen and chasing after a guy who clearly didn't care about you? Talk about having a rough life! And while you were off playing hero on your own, I was actually leading the village, protecting everyone while you were busy getting kidnapped like a helpless damsel."

Naruto- "Helpless damsel? You wish! I may get captured sometimes, but at least I don't need a village full of babysitters to keep me safe! You're so wrapped up in your fancy Hokage duties that you've forgotten what it actually means to be a ninja! Dattebayo!"

Adult Naruto- "And look who it made Hokage in the end, mini me! Being a leader isn't just about throwing punches, knucklehead. It's about strategy, responsibility, and making tough decisions. Something you wouldn't understand until you grow up... and even then, it's doubtful."

Everyone were laughing and couldn't control it. Both Kakashi tried to stop their Naruto.

Kakashi- "Naruto if he is more stupid than you, then prove it by keeping quite."

Future Kakashi- "Naruto, you are an adult. Act like it."

Sasuke- "Shup up! You both are stupid! Do you not realise you are roasting yourself?"

Both Naruto realized what they were doing and know was red because of embarrassment.

(Done! Have a great Day/Night!)