
Sasuke: The Ultimate Shinobi

You know the process, a guy died and then transmigrated as Sasuke in Naruto world. As he continues his journey to the world of fantasy, he discovered many things that weren't mentioned in the anime/manga. To prepare for the upcoming 4th great ninja war, he utilised his knowledge to his advantage. But now that this is his new reality, he can only change a bit of the story as to not cause unintentional diversion in the story line until he achieve his "godhood" or something close to that. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A/N: I will not divert too much on the cannon story line, so for those who are looking for the story that wants something very new or different from the original story, this is not for you. Anyway, the updates are random since I don't want to put pressure on my self. I'm just a guy who doesn't have anything meaningful to do so I tried writing. Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters in this novel, it belongs to their respective and rightful author and writer of Naruto/Boruto.

Silent_Cuber · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Training

((Sasuke PoV))

-At the foot of the mountain–

"Alright, time to train." I said as I ran at full speed.

There are a lot of trees obstructing the path so I dodged them all. This helps me in improving my coordination and acceleration from zero to max speed in the shortest amount of time.

Because of all the sudden change in speed and direction it was quite hard to gain and maintain momentum in order to jump to one of the tree branches that was 5 times as high as me. I had no choice but to rely solely on my lower body strength and propel myself up.

I planted my left foot on the ground and bent my knee to a 70 degree angle. I then straightened my leg and pushed the ground beneath me with all my strength. A moment later, I was in the air and landed with my right foot on the tree branch.

After a week of nonstop training, I could finally say that I had full control over my body so such a stunt is possible to me now.

I continued jumping from one tree branch to another, working my lower body to the fullest. Not only will this strengthen my legs, it will also improve my explosive speed, agility, balance and stamina.

After some time, I finally reached the top of the mountain.

As I landed on the ground I pulled a gourd of water mixed with salt out of my holster and drank. I rested there for a couple of minutes and made sure I'm hydrated.

Next is to go back down, but now using my arms. I jumped again towards the tree branch, but this time, I grabbed and hung on it.

Like a gymnast, I swung my body back and forth to gain momentum and launched myself to the nearest tree branch. I continued doing so like a monkey until I reached the foot of the mountain.

By doing this, I get to strengthen my upper body while allowing a full range of motions to improve my flexibility which is very important in executing advanced taijutsu.

I've been doing this kind of training with other calisthenics for a week now and my overall physical capabilities are increasing steadily.

In order to maximize the effect of my training I am planning on learning basic medical ninjutsu. But that will need to wait as I still don't know how to control my chakra properly.

Time is something that anyone will never hope to own so maximizing the benefits I can get out of the time I have is a must. Although my recovery rate is significantly faster than my last life, I still need a full day of rest after pushing my body to the point where I can't even move. And medical ninjutsu is the key for that which will allow me to train without even needing a day of rest.

The first day I trained on this mountain I didn't do any physical training. I tried to execute the hand seals I learned from my teacher during the after classes and tried to imitate the book about chakra control in the academy's library.

Without even realizing what it's doing to my body, I was out cold because of chakra exhaustion after doing it for straight 3 hours. Thanks to an anbu, I found myself in the hospital and the news immediately got to the hokage.

//Flash back//

"Sasuke, you just recovered recently. Why are you pushing yourself too hard?" The hokage said with a tint of anger.

Hearing him like this, I just looked down at the blanket and squeezed it with my small hands.

"I'm sorry." I said apologetically.

Although I said that, I'm thinking about something else. 'Looks like my guess is correct.'

Earlier, I purposely exhausted myself till I lost consciousness to see how the hokage would react. And the scene right now, just after a couple of minutes since I passed out, proves that he either used his jutsu to peep on people or secretly assigned an anbu to keep watch on me.

After all, I'm on the top of a big tree surrounded by other trees when I passed out so no one could have found me there without doing it deliberately within such a short amount of time.

'This confirmed that someone is keeping watch on me. Meaning that my movements will now be completely limited. I need to do something about this.'

"Just don't do it again." The hokage said.

"B-but, I can't do that." I said in a low tone.

"And why is that, young man? Is there something more important than your own safety?"

I squeezed the blanket tighter and said, "I'm doing this for my own safety… You've said it before, I just got lucky that I survive the massacre.

…M-my brother. No, that man, what if he comes back to kill me? He's an insane man. His hatred and lust for blood was enough to the point that he had no qualm killing his family, the people he grew up with."

I paused for a moment as I remember the scene that night. My body shook but I continued with a weak voice, "Even father, according to you, he was one of the few people who could rival a kage and was killed without even being able to put up a fight. I know you are very powerful, hokage-sama; b-but even you won't be able to protect me forever."

After saying that, I lifted the blanket off and kneeled on the bed. I looked at the hokage with pleading eyes and kowtow.

With a shaking voice and tears running down my eyes, I gathered my courage and spoke, "P-please, let me continue my training… I am but a kid, afraid to meet his end without even accomplishing anything yet."

The bedsheet under me got wet as my body shook more violently from the fear that the hokage might reject me.

When my chest was about to burst from all the cry and fear - at least, that's what I was trying to portray - a warm hand on my shoulder calmed my racing heart.

"I understand where you're coming from. Raise your head, there's no need to kneel." The hokage said as he assisted me to sit upright.

He looked at the window and said, "If I knew you would force yourself to this extent. I shouldn't have given you access to the academy's library too early.

Just because you learned a few things doesn't mean you can practice them on your own. You still need proper guidance or you will just injure yourself. If that's the case then…"

After careful consideration, the hokage turned his head back to me and said, "...I will guide you personally."

"U-uh?" I was genuinely shocked.

My plan is to get an excuse to continue doing what I'm doing but this is totally unexpected. Although this will still restrict my movements, it's still better than anything I could hope for.

The person who will be teaching me is a person who knows every corner and every ins and outs of ninjutsu. The man who knew all of the jutsu in the village, except the kekkei genkais, as well as the strongest kage in his prime.

"But, I have a condition. You will need to follow the academy's curriculum for a year. You are to not train your chakra until the teacher teaches it to you when you become a 2nd year. Which means you are only to train your body till then as a form of punishment. If you can do that, then I will take you as my student in your 2nd year. Is that clear?"

I wiped my tears with my arm and gave the hokage a resolute face. "Thank you hokage-sama. I will do my best to be in the best shape possible till that time comes."

"I will be leaving now."

The hokage was about to leave when he turned around back to me.

"Also, I will relinquish your permission in the academy's library as well. You will need to wait until the librarian allows your batch." The hokage said and left the room.

"I-I understand." I said as I bowed towards his direction even though he already left.

//Flash back end//

'It's just a shame that I will not be able to train my chakra for a year..'

Although I think it's stupid to not train my chakra as early as possible, I can not risk not doing so knowing there are people watching me which might as well be sensor types.

I then continued my training till the sun set.

((3rd PoV))

–At the hokage building–

The hokage released a puff of smoke from his mouth as he looked at his crystal clear orb. Inside, was a projection of a boy training on the mountain.

'What a resilient young man. Although he lost his memories, the lingering feeling on his heart will forever remain. This might be what Itachi had intended.

It's better to wipe his memories off than to let him live in nothing but hatred and revenge, becoming the second coming of Madara. Instead, use the unknown fear Itachi had planted that remains in his heart to get stronger.' The hokage thought and contemplated his past decisions.

The Uchiha clan is one of the most loyal clans in the village but emotions always got the better of them. This made them very unstable and hard to control.

Isolating them was probably the last straw. If he was just a little bit more considerate of their feelings and did not let his colleagues control him, they could have resolved the issue.

When Minato died, he should have just let Fugaku take the mantle. He's the most fitted for the job. His feats and accomplishments were enough for the daimyo to put his trust in him, yet Hiruzen pushed the idea away because of his clouded judgement.

One person doesn't represent the whole clan, Madara was just a freak of nature. It was evident with Shishui and Itachi, two of the most talented Uchiha he had ever seen who maintained level headedness and loyalty.

He was too slow in making decisions and taking action that his friend took the matter into his own hands. Getting rid of the threat and sacrificing the village's strength. Before he knew it, it was already too late.

It's like all of his bad decisions and incompetence built up and slapped him in the face. Starting from Orochimaru's defection to the nine-tails incident. And now, the village is at its lowest.

"I just hope taking him as a student is the right choice. While I'm on it, I might as well train Naruto."