
Sasuke : The Uchiha Prodigy

The MC has been Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha after Itachi puts him in the Tsukuyomi again. Disclaimer : I Do not own any of the Characters or Images used in this fanfic.

Uchiha_Minato · Anime & Comics
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2. The Uchiha Clan Library

It was currently my second day in this world, and I was now walking towards the Uchiha Clan Library, Saske currently had four jutsu's in his arsenal, Fire style: dragonfire technique, The Fire style: great fireball technique, The Fire Style Phoenix sagefire technique and the most powerfull one The Chidori. Sasuke had learnt all the fire style jutsus by himself by learning from the scrolls in the library, Sasuke's ninjutsu arsenal only consisted of 4 Ninjutsu's currently because most of the scrolls in the library were only accessible if you had awakened the Sharingan and Sasuke did not know he had actually awakened the Sharingan during the Massacre so he simply just learnt everything that was accessable to him in the library and that was these 3 techniques and the Uchiha style taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu.

Before I left the house to head to library in the morning, I decided to go through a few things in Itachi's room to see if I can find anything useful And luckily I did, I found a few pairs of Anbu uniform and Armor and a few pairs of shuriken and other ninja tools But the thing that caught my eye the most was his chokuto mainly because that reminded me that towards the end of the series Sasuke was Easily one of the best Kenjutsu users But that was mainly because he was trained by Orochimaru. But I didn't exactly plan on joining Orochimaru so I didnt know how much progress I would make compared to the original Sasuke from the series. Joining Orochimaru was a huge risk, but it definitely had its rewards. But currently, since I have access to the Uchiha Clan Library, I didnt feel it was worth it for me to join Orochimaru,But if i didn't join Orochimaru there was a lot of things I would not have, I wouldn't have immunity to poisons. My kenjutsu definitely wouldn't be as good as Sasuke's was originally, and I wouldn't have the snake summoning contract, and I wouldn't have any of the snake related techniques and my Curse Mark probably wont Evolve. But since I had knowledge of everything, Sasuke learnt from the series, I could still technically try and learn them on my own, though there would be no guarantee that I would succeed at it. But one thing i could Guarantee myself was that my Ninjutsu and Genjutsu would definitely be a lot better than what Sasuke's was in the Series as i now had access to the library of a clan that could literally copy any jutsu using their eyes.

There is also a part of me that felt that maybe, The best thing for me to do is to retire from being a Shinobi and just live as a civilian and use my sharing gun to make a good amount of money by using my Sharingan and just live my life out. But I quickly decided against that idea as i was essential in Sealing away Kaguya if she was ever released. If I ever decided to live as a normal civilian, word would definitely spread out very quickly, considering I was the last Uchiha and the last Uchiha deciding to not be a Shinobi was a huge thing considering the Legacy of the Clan and I also had an older brother who I felt definitely wouldn't just let me live as a normal Civilian and would probably come back to put me in a Genjutsu and make me watch my parents die for another 24 Hours.

Walking into the Library i saw that it was divided into multiple sections Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu and many more. I was a bit surprised at the amount of knowledge present inside these walls since the Uchiha Clan were mainly known for the Eyes, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu so i didn't think they would be as invested in the other fields too. But i also felt i shouldn't have been surprised by this considering that they could use their eyes to literally just copy pretty much any jutsu.

As tempting as it was to start learning something flashy like ninjutsu or kenjutsu i simply decided against it as i had something else on my mind which i wanted to learn first.

I wanted to learn some kind of teleportation jutsu, or any kind of jutsu which would help me move much faster, as it would just save a lot of time, The ones which would first come to mind when you would think about teleporting were the Flying thunder God, The Raikage's Lightning Chakra Mode and Sasuke's Rinnegan's Amenotejikara, But i was currently not at a point where learning any of these was possible for me, I didn't have the Rinnegan to be able to use the Amenotejikara. I simply did not have enough sealing jutsu knowledge in order to learn flying Thunder god. And the only person who knew how to currently use the Lightning Chakra Mode was the Raikage so that meant i will have to recreate the jutsu myself and that would take a very long time and that was not something i currently had, i wanted to learn something as quickly as possible so i decided to go with the Body Flicker Technique and that was a basic technique which most shinobi knew so finding that in this library would not be a problem and i was fairly certain i could master it very quickly.

After finding the Jutsu scroll in the D Rank Ninjutsu Section i decided to head towards the training grounds to learn the Body Flicker Technique, but just before leaving i decided to carry a basic Sealing Jutsu Scroll aswell.


It was currently night time and i was sitting on the roof of my house in the Uchiha Clan compound and thinking about what i wanted to do in the future since i currently had no real goal in mind, i was able to master the Body Flicker Technique within a few hours, i was not at a level where i would be able to use it against a jonin in a fight, but i was confident that i was fast enough to the point where i would be able to catch a High Level Chunin Off-Guard with my Body Flicker if i ever used it in battle.

I was brought out of my thoughts when i felt four chakra signatures enter the Uchiha Clan Compound, 'So they are finally here' i said to myself.

i knew who these four members were, not because i could tell who they were from their chakra signature but because i knew would come to the leaf village to offer me a deal, to be honest it wasn't much of a deal it was more of a choice that i go with them willingly and be their leader or they take me by force.

I Didn't want to fight them here in the middle of the compound and risk more damages to the house so i quickly used the Body flicker Technique and appeared at the same place where i had learnt the Body Flicker Technique.