
Sasuke: Requiem

Sasuke with a new perspective. He's cold. He's Ruthless. He's, in a weird way... romantic? Watch as Sasuke top his peers. His talent is unbound. Breaking the shackles of fate, let us see as he rises to the top. *** Disclaimer: No transmigration, No reincarnation. Just Sasuke with a new perspective. Your opinion matters. Female lead: Ino

Zennin · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Unknown Visitor


Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto snapped their head toward each other.

"Did you hear that?"

Sakura asked, her expression hardened.

Naruto and Sasuke were in full caution.

"Yeah... One team's already down"

Naruto sweated, he smiled awkwardly looking over at Sasuke.

"Um... I gotta take a leak, he... he"


"Be quick"



Sakura and Sasuke were looking out for enemies, they surveyed the area until Naruto came.


Sasuke heard a feminine scream through the forest.

'One more down, ey... good, the more our enemies die, the better'

The duo arrived at their meeting place, Naruto came through the bushes, dragging a corpse with him.

"This doofus tried to ambush me... Sigh... Can't even take a break properly"

Sasuke neared him and took the corpse over his shoulders, he tossed it on a tree full of dangerous worms.

They latched on to the corpse and ate it whole.

Known to Sasuke, a long-haired man with a crane on top hidden under a fallen tree, he looked at them with predatory eyes.

'Son of Minato, heh... How intriguing... Itachi's brother too... My main objective'

He licked his lips with a hunger look, his eyes darting at the two individuals in front.


"A new enemy!!"

Sakura shouted seeing as several Kunais and Shurikens headed straight at them. Sasuke slammed his hands on the ground performing 'Earth Style: Mud Wall'.


A large-scale smoke appeared before them as the wall collapsed, Sasuke's instincts screamed of danger.

His hair stood up from goosebumps. The enemy was strong!

"This is more interesting than I thought"

The long-haired man revealed himself, he took off his crane. Two individuals also stood beside him.

The man took out an earth scroll from his pocket, he held it out and his... creepy long tongue also stuck out.

"I suppose you'd like to steal our Earth scroll, wouldn't you? Since you've already got a Heaven Scroll"

He brought the scroll before his mouth and... Swallowed it!?

He licked off his salvia from his lips.

"Now... Shall we see... Just who will be stealing scrolls from whom?"

He inserted his finger into his eye socket and tugged it down.

"We'll fight to the death!"

The sheer amount of killing intent emitting from him made Sakura's eyes widen, she knelt down, gasping for air.

"Urgh! Blegh!!"

She vomited, unable to resist the pressure. Sasuke narrowed his eyes, the opponent was dead serious.

Naruto summoned around 50 shadow clones, he was also getting serious. Two of the clones took away Sakura to keep her safe.

"Heh? You boys think you're tough?"

The man pointed his right hand at him, Sasuke felt something above them.


A humongous snake tried to pounce on them, Naruto's clone took out its kunais and shredded the snake before it could make its move.

Blood rained, The duo got soaked in it. They looked at the man in front of them with narrowed eyes.

"Hoh? I guess that was too easy ey... But... What about this!"

The black-haired man tugged his sleeves up, revealing several fuinjutsu marks, he bit on his thumb and slid it through them.

Wind started to run wildly.

"Summoning Justu!"

He slammed his hands down, white smoke spread through the area which quickly. dispersed.


If the previous snake was humongous, this was fucking colossal! The overgrown snake lunged at them without even getting any orders!

Sasuke body flickered on top of it and axe kicked the colossal snake to the ground.



The snake cried to no avail, It hit the ground causing it to crack.

Sasuke drifted to its head and prepared double impact!


A second tornado-like structure appeared on top of the wind on his elbow, he slammed down him hand into the snake's head.


The first hit formed a 10 Meters crater.


The second impact from the wind rushing down through his elbow to his fist made another 50-meter crater.

'Triple Impact'

Sasuke thought with his Sharingan activated, the fire-tornado-like structure ran down his elbow at breakneck speed.


An 80-meter crater along with an ear-screeching explosion took place, the tree snapped down and rubbles flew everywhere, the sheer impact of the Jutsu was stupidly powerful!


The force of the impact made the wind go wild, it lasted for almost 20 seconds before it cooled down.

The dust cleared to reveal the snake its head squashed like a potato, Sasuke let out a huff before focusing on the opponent who had his eyes bulged.

Naruto too was surprised, was Sasuke always this powerful!?

'The gap between our strength... Is so wide'

The blonde looked at his own palm, gripping it whilst gritting his teeth, he felt his heart burning in rage, to himself!

"I need to work harder"

He glanced at Sasuke, who was completely focused on the opponent ahead.

"I will get stronger"

Naruto mumbled before standing beside Sasuke.

'And for that... I need to defeat him!'

The blonde's own killing intent leaked out, making the long-haired man smirk. This was entertaining for him.

"My My My... Well then... Shall we begin, round two?"