
Sasuke in Another Dimension

After the 4th shinobi world war, Sasuke travels between dimensions with the Rinnegan and unexpectedly arrives in a dangerous world. World: - Solo Leveling - Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation English is not my second language. Note: I don't own the cover, if the owner want to drop it please let me know, thanks.

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Chris gasped for breath, his body battered and bruised. The battle had taken its toll, and he could feel his strength waning. The transformation that had once empowered him had faded, leaving him vulnerable and wounded.

Thomas gritted his teeth in frustration. He had been restraining the dragon's onslaught, but it was becoming increasingly clear that their two-man effort was not enough to overcome the formidable beast.

"[Die, humans!]" The dragon's voice boomed, its mouth opening wide as flames ignited within.


"Damn it!" Thomas cursed, swiftly activating his Ruler's Authority to draw in the fiery breath, sparing them from immediate destruction.


The dragon swiftly changed its tactic, abandoning its position and hurtling towards the kneeling Chris.


"He's trying to take advantage while I'm distracted!" Thomas realized, deciphering the dragon's intentions.

Canceling his skill, Thomas lunged forward, desperate to shield Chris, who was still struggling to recover.

"Chris, move your ass!" Thomas shouted, sprinting toward his fallen comrade.

"Shit!" Chris attempted to dodge, but his reactions were too slow.

The dragon's jaws clamped down on Chris's body, causing him to cry out in agony.


With a powerful flap of its wings, the red dragon ascended into the sky, violently tossing Chris from a great height.



Chris's limp body crashed into the rubble of a shattered building, succumbing to unconsciousness this time.

Rushing to the spot where Chris had fallen, Thomas anxiously examined his friend's battered form.

"Thank God he's still breathing."

"[Playtime is over. I will show you the true meaning of fear.]" The dragon's voice resonated, its mana swirling ominously.

[Dragon Fear!]


The Dragon Fear skill allowed the dragon to unleash a soul-piercing scream infused with mana, plunging anyone weaker than itself into despair and panic.

"Ugh." Thomas clutched his chest, his body trembling under the weight of the skill. Hopelessness seeped into his being, overshadowing his will to fight and even his will to live.

"[Die!]" The dragon gathered its mana, preparing for another devastating attack.

[Dragon Breath!]


Overwhelmed by the twin onslaught, Thomas could only stare helplessly at the advancing wall of fire hurtling toward him.


The dragon believed it had achieved victory, flying low and alighting on the ground. Its gaze fixed on the thick dust that had settled from the now-subsided flames.

But its eyes widened as it beheld a dark purple humanoid figure, adorned with a massive shield, standing protectively over the two humans.



Thomas, now donning the dark purple avatar, was bewildered by the turn of events. The brush with death had left him at a loss for words, his gaze fixed upon the back of his savior.

"You must get him to safety, including yourself," the man's voice broke the spell of Thomas's daze.

"But the dragon?" Thomas voiced his concern, worried that the dragon might launch another assault.

"Go now, I will handle it."

From the man's tone and demeanor, Thomas could discern his reliability.

"Fine, I'll retreat. Just be careful of its breath," Thomas warned about the dragon's dangerous attack.

"Understood." The man nodded, acknowledging the warning.

Thomas nodded back, swiftly scooping up the critically injured Chris, and hastened away from the battlefield.



Dismissing Susanoo, Sasuke surveyed the wreckage surrounding him. The city center had been reduced to a mere expanse of rubble and debris.



The ground trembled under the heavy footfalls drawing closer.

"Even without activating my Sharingan, I can sense the immense energy emanating from its body. Reminds me of a Biju, although it's not the same," Sasuke analyzed, his gaze fixated on the silent, towering lizard.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan, allowing him to clearly perceive the dragon's magical energy.

"What's clear is that this creature differs from other monsters. Perfect for testing my new jutsu," Sasuke smirked, considering the dragon his guinea pig.

[How dare you obstruct me, you maggots!]

The dragon's words offended Sasuke, though he paid little heed to its nonsensical babbling.


A sudden surge of wind and heat signaled the dragon's imminent attack.


A torrent of flames surged toward Sasuke. Swiftly channeling chakra into his left eye, he reacted with precision.


Darting away from the fiery breath, Sasuke seamlessly exchanged places with a nearby rock.


Performing a series of intricate hand seals, Sasuke prepared his jutsu. Vast quantities of chakra radiated from his being.




The ground quivered as colossal tree trunks burst forth, the sound of splintering wood reverberating throughout the surroundings.

"Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kōtan!" (Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence) Sasuke's voice rang out, commanding the onslaught of the forest's might.


The sea of trees surged forward, relentlessly converging upon the red dragon.

I'm having a hard time writing fighting stories but I'm giving my best, I hope you guys enjoy it.

If you like it, keep it in your library thanks!

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