
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 39:Winning a bet against the Legendary Sucker(FIN)

In the sixth day, to Sasuke surprise, Tsunade announced that she would return back to village, realising village would be in greater mess if someone with nefarious being take over it instead where she stop the bet she had with Kakashi, admitting it was childish to make it for the first place.

Kakashi's temporary team knew who she was referring to.

Danzo Shimura, the darkness of Konoha.

It was no surprise why Shino and Hinata knew Danzo, being heirs to their clan(in Hinata case, was heir to her clan), whose fathers had extremely terrible view of them to after certain incidents to the point of refraining anyone from their clan to have any contact with root and informed them immediately if they knew anything related to Danzo.

Shizune, who knew Danzo through her master, understood and agreed with her reasoning and went to pack their bags that had left.(which are just thoughts and prayers)

Sasuke however, who has the privilege of being the transmigrator, found her excuse to be hard to believe, doubting someone who would throw away Nono and Kabuto would have any interest in the medical department in the first place.

'Maybe Kakashi informed her about Yamato's origin, compelling her to go back and confront Danzo about this.' Sasuke deduced, believing Kakashi had to convince her somehow rather than continuing a bet that he would obviously lose.

He still has questions why he felt a sudden burst of Kakashi chakra in the forest but didn't bother in the end when they packed their bags to go back to Konoha, thinking Kakashi was just practicing purple lightning and he was just overthinking things for no reason.


When night falls, they begin to set up a camp to sleep before continuing their way back to Konoha.

Unfortunately for Sasuke, he was the only one setting it up when Shino and Hinata fell asleep and the adults were already too intoxicated for drinking on their way.

He was impressed how smoothly they used body flicker while drinking when Tsunade offered to drink with her, giving him some interesting ideas.

'I should suggest Naruto use body flicker while training with his clones to speed up his training.'

Sasuke believes Naruto would be a true munchkin protagonist if he used it alongside his clone, multiplying his gains to several levels.

Unlike other, who develop a pseudo PTSD when using shadow clone for training, learning the hard way (source:Sasuke Uchiha), Naruto has the best vitality, where he casually uses multiple shadow clone jutsu as if he was using E-rank jutsu.

Though he may vomit a lot at first stage, he will thank Sasuke later for making him OP faster than usual.

'Phew, it's finally done.'

After a while of struggling, he managed to make a camp for 6 of them.

Considering both his teammates were in deep sleep, he carried them individually to their tent.

Shino was easy to carry, where the bugs were cooperative enough not to stay on Shino body for the time being until he was finally laid on the tent.

Hinata however was extremely heavy, where Sasuke facepalm.

'I forgot to tell her to remove the weights, no wonder her movement was sluggish.'

Sasuke was contemplating removing the weight by himself, particularly her chest region where the weight vest was worn , having no malicious thoughts, until he unzips her cream-coloured hooded-jacket.

'Fuck.' Sasuke curses, and quickly zips her jacket and escapes the tent with his reddened face.

'No horny thoughts, no horny thoughts, no horny thoughts!'

Chanting his prayers, he collided with Tsunade, who seemed to have a fouler mood than usual.

"Did you sip from the bottle?"

'Huh? Oh yeah...'

"Ah yes." Sasuke lied, while distancing himself from the tent.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, it seems you have beaten me and Kakashi already, truly his apprentice." Tsunade remarked in a self -deprecating tone, while chugging a wine bottle she had in her hand when she took it from Kakashi who slept after having just 1 sake.

'I think I should start my own sake selling business.'

While thinking of ways to sell alcohol to Tsunade to turn a profit, he was unprepared by her unfiltered sentences.

"The elders are truly corrupted to the core, having no remorse for massacring your clan by using your own brother while using my grand uncle's prejudice to excuse their means."

Sasuke, who was embarrassed earlier, had already forgotten about it, and was staring at her with a bewildered expression.

"Sometimes I wished I just slap my granduncle for raising snakes like them

who in the name of prioritising the village my grandfather and him died defending, simply enriched themselves and pushed their once allies to their grave if it endangered their interest."

Drunk Tsunade was seething, no longer able to restrain herself.

"If they continue any longer I won't be surprised if only their people remain, leaving others to die in the next shinobi world war."

She was on board with the Kakashi plan, feeling responsible for not reminding them of their place.

"Ack!" She softly cried when he looked at Sasuke's eyes.

'Sorry Lady Tsunade for my distasteful act, but my curiosity got the best of me.'

He thanks himself for gathering Senjutsu chakra in the middle of Tsunade monologue, enhancing his Genjutsu for his EMS to take the opportunity.

'Should remember to weaken my prey's mental fortitude with alcohol, a side of strong depression and helplessness next time.'

Shutting down her consciousness,

he began to dive deeper into her memory, representing it as a library.

Unlike the one he saw from mercenaries, it was humongous, having all sorts of knowledge you can expect from the legendary healer.

But he wasn't interested in it, only focused on memories of yesterday to find the person who revealed the truth and had a smile after seeing her memory.

'Didn't think Raijin no Ken had an ability to store information like a video recorder around its surroundings albeit it seemed you need to be extremely good at controlling lightning like him to see and display content properly.'

P.S:·Not going to upload on Friday and Saturday from now on.(unless I really feel it)

·Update would be stable, as much as I humanely can and I would notify like last time if stop writing for some IRL reason.

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