
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 21: Fight against the swordmen of the mist(FIN)

"Fuck..." Sasuke groaned, feeling the aftermath of his 'battle'.

Opening his eyes, he sees a hundreds of bandits lying in the ground where Gatō body was found among them.

Just when he tried to sit, pain in his torso and back intensified whan Naruto hugged him.

"Calm down idiot..." Sasuke whispered, feeling bad for Naruto who thought Sasuke died.

Wiping his tears and snots, Naruto yelled: "Shut Up!"

Seeing the devasted ground that was covered with ice shards and Sakura who keeping a distance towards Naruto, Sasuke guessed Naruto did not went to one tail Jinchūriki Forms version 1.

He went Jinchūriki Forms version 2 instead!

When he opened his 'newly matured 2 tomoe Sharingan' he found trace of Kurama chakra and even found some flesh that contain Kurama chakra.

However he relaxed a bit when he notice the ice 'prison' on Naruto was still there, just not enforced.

'So my plan succeed despite of my miscalculation.' Sasuke was agonised by his mistake, forgetting how close he was to Naruto, where even jerkish OG Sasuke managed to triggered Naruto one tail Jinchūriki Forms Version 1 form, were the miscalcution would had ruined his plan.

It was neglience on his part.

Regardless, he succeed since ice prison Haku applied was strong enough to subdue that form in some some capacity before being defeated, though Sasuke curious by Sakura expression towards Naruto.

He expect fear and disgust as none of them were that close enough to accept that form that resembles a real demon, but her eyes tell her a different story.

A story, Sasuke pay no attention to, as mysterious change of her personality was something that gave him no room to sleep were even wasted Bunseki to figured it out.

And obviously, Bunseki was not Google-sama, so he found nothing.

As long as development was not bad, Sasuke won't pry too much.

"Good you are awake, you give us quite a scare especially by your right arm that was twisted before I untwisted it." Kakashi said, pointing to his right arm that previously cause Tazuna to faint again when he gain consciousness and saw the sight.

It explains Sasuke why he couldn't feel any pain from his right arm, where pain receptor had been damaged.

While looking at scene by his '2 tomoa Sharingan' he saw 2 glimmer of chakra far away.

"Oh that, umm...pretty interesting thing happened." Kakashi remarked, telling what happened while Sasuke was knocked up while the villagers who arrived a while minutes ago, was trying to wake up Tazuna.

After hearing, in Sasuke POV, other than 4 Tail Jinchūriki Forms version 2 Naruto used, everything went mostly like the cannon, which he wanted.

Though Sasuke found it suspicious Kakashi did not hide Jinchūriki Forms version 2 part from hom, but then again, he never questioned Kakashi when Zabuza called him 'Kakashi of the Sharingan' twice in front of him.

Kakashi thought he knew it from his father, which was clan leader and from his mother who was friends with Kushina, previous Jinchūriki of Kurama.

So Sasuke took advantage of the misunderstanding.

"Anyway, Sakura, will you help Sasuke pack his bag?" Kakashi asked Sakura, who gladly accepted it.

Sasuke, who was shimmering in pain, asked Naruto to go and packed up, which Naruto reluctantly nod after Sakura dragged him to help her.

After relieving his pain, Sasuke got up, asked Kakashi to go on his own, saying he would catch up eventually.

Kakashi nod and went with the villagers who was about celebrate after Tazuna waked up.

"Now lets first collect flesh of Jinchūriki Forms version 2 first before going to them." Sasuke murmured and pullout scrolls to seal them using Enclosing Jutsu.


~And all the world there was no that needed me.~

~I was unnecesary..~

~To show mercy who oppose the one who serve~

~To allow his enemies to live.~

~It is a betrayal of your life's very purpose.~

~Your life has no meaning.~

~Signifying nothing~

~Why is it your so determine to be a Hokage?~

~Because you want all eyes and look at you and recognised you as a great shinobi.~

~You see it as only through the eyes of others that our little lives have any significance.~

~When their is no one he sees at you or will look at you it's as if you do not exist.~

~Even if they sees at you, they looked at you as a monster.~

~Other than the who person who smiled at the end, entrusting you to finish the job he could not do.~

"Naruto." Kakashi gently tapped on Naruto's shoulder, who was staring at the wall of Tazuna's house for a while.

"Ah sorry, just feeling tired haha." Naruto said, giving a smile of a snake oil merchant, which convinces no one.

"If you have something in your mind, just say it." Kakashi asserted, experiencing how lack of communication can evolved into further problems down the line.

"Just.... the notion...we have to live...make me feel sick." Naruto said, finding it hard to accept the notion.

Notion that shinobi were needed to be merely tool to justify their existence.

It was no longer a dream sold to him by 3rd Hokage after being kicked out from the orphanage.

Seeing his friend in brink of death, while 3rd Hokage who he once admired and thrive to succeed him, does nothing but stay in office all day, made his resent the not only 3rd Hokage, but his goal to thrive to succeed him.

Kakashi signed and choose not to answer.

He too felt sick from this world.

Living such a life where losing own lives as a shinobi was easier than a living a fulffiling life.

It's the profession destined not for the one who thrive for happiness after all.

So seeing madness from eyes of enemies were not surprising, as too were living in the same vile world.

"Its the reality of this unfortunate world, were we could do nothing about it." Kakashi said, that made Naruto to lower his head.

"Their even once a time were even clan wage war against each other."

"But than two Shinobi, known to be pinnacle

of all shinobi, joins hands in hopes of bringing peace to their world, which lead to development to villages, to bring peace, at least within the boundary of the land."

"They were called Hashirama Senju and Madara...Uchiha."

Both of them looked at Kakashi with surprised when he tell surname of the second shinobi.

In their textbook, only one name came, who became the 1st Hokage and did not expect Sasuke clan were founder of the village as elder council dismissed any kind of achievement from the Uchiha and even did not acknowledge them as founders.

But later it hit them that, the textbook never mentioned war against clans as well, they assumed that all clans were always peace with each other within their land.

Sakura was confused why village publsih unfactual things while Naruto faith towards 3rd Hokage fell even more, seeing that nothing was written about his friend's clan, despite the founder being from that clan.

Kakashi knew he should had not said it, but, he did not want them to be mindless shinobis who did not knew how dirty their leader were who paints himself as a saint.

Moreover, he felt Uchiha should be respected more, seeing how much discrimination they suffered despite the contribution they made were they had the most casulaties among the clan in every war until their demise.

While Naruto and Sakura was busy with their thoughts, he quietly summoned a clone to watch over them and went to find Sasuke who had not come back yet.


'Fuck...I wish my right arm work..it would been faster to gather them.' Sasuke

contemplated, where he picked up and seal all the flesh of Jinchūriki Forms version 2 he found using Base Sharigan by his right hand.

After all said and done, he went to Haku and Zabuza.

Since both of them were unconscious and brink of death, Sasuke grind up some of millitary powder and let them inhaled it.

While not a special medicine, it was still an expensive and effective that heals 20% of wounds after 10 minutes used in case of emergency for an important person, ideally the clan leader.

"Hope we don't cross path, as enemies" Sasuke mumbled, trying not to have regret by his act of pity witnessing both of their strength in full display this time.

"So, could you explain why you do it?" Kakashi, who was right behind him asked, catching Sasuke red handed.

Sasuke stay stiffed, realising he was too greedy to waste time when he was collecting Jinchūriki Forms version 2 flesh.

He was glad Kakashi presumably did not caught him collecting them, it did not change the fact that his act of pity could be excused easily.

'Sometimes wished I had been Genjutsu master like Itachi were I...wait that's it!' Sasuke eye lit up where he began brain-storming a good story.

"Because they were victims of my brother." Sasuke said with solemn voice, that took Kakashi by surprise.

Sasuke continued:" My brother....attacked the Mizukage, not because he was wanted to assasinate him, rather to control him through his Genjutsu mastery to inflict pain to clans the same way he inflicted in his own clan."

"So before thriving justice for my clan, I must correct the wrongs done by my brother." Sasuke concluded, hoping his 'conviction' was enough.

Was Sasuke accurate by his allegation?

Obviously not, as Obito controlled him.

But he knew their was some merit to his claim since if it was so easy to controlled a Kage or a Jinchūrik, then Obito would not waste time to get tail beasts, so Sasuke hypothesis 4th Mizukage got controlled by Obito after surviving attack from Itachi, were he was took weak to free from control.

So technically it would be plausible to accuse Itachi for this, since he technically caused it.

Kakashi stay silent before he sighed:" Fine, I'll overlook it, just go back to them."

Sasuke felt sense of relief and maintained a solemn expression before leaving.

Kakashi on the other hand looked at the sky with a grim look.

'Sometimes I feel bad for you for the pain those four gave to you.'

Kakashi kept staring in the sky, could not help against his intrusive thoughts until Zabuza and Haku wakes up.

Next chapter will be a side story and a flashback since you can't watch Naruto before getting flashback and a side story

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