
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 19: Fight against the swordmen of the mist(5)

"Stay back." Kakashi affirmed with a firm voice to others in the mist.

"I guess using this jutsu is pretty useless jutsu in front of Kakashi of the Sharingan." Zabuza remarked after cancelling the jutsu.

He was clad with malicious chakra, making his appreance truly live up to his monicker 'Demon of the Mist.' enough to raised goose bumps on Team 7.

It all thanks to a technqiue he learn before his coronation as one of the swordmen of Kiri, where by sacrificing 7 days worth of chakra and 7 days of bed rest, he was able to tap into his demon form, that increases every aspect of his capability from chakra to his body.

Without wasting time, Kakashi instructed his Genin team to protect Tazuna and temporally made Sasuke the leader after noticing 'hunter-nin' that was behind Zabuza disappeared.

Now he focused on Zabuza, whose killing intent almost as terrifying as Orchimaru he tried to fought couple of years ago.

"Focuses on me!!" Zabuza roared and charged at Kakashi with hint of madness in his eyes.

Kakashi quickly uncover his left eyes and unseal the item he wanted to surprise his team after the mission.


'Oh well, nothing I can do about it.'

Zabuza grown stiff, felt weird that a simple tantō and kunai was enough to block his dash and push him away, until he notice the white glimmer.

'That sword!'

He recognise it belong to Kakashi father, who killed all seven of sword men in Kirigakure single handely that gives off an unique white glimmer

His aura grown wild, felt respected by Kakashi who defeated him like he was nothing a week ago.

"Hope my performance doesn't disapoint you." Kakashi said with sarcatic smile after seeing Zabuza reaction.

Zabuza again dashed, but with handle sign that frigtened Kakashi.

" Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu!!"


Five water dragon charged at Kakashi while Zabuza killing intent intensifled.

Clashing of sword can be heard from a distance, where Kakashi managed to block each of them while dodging the water dragon that had not dissipated yet.

It all thanks to Raijin no Ken and Sharingan, that act as a sixth sense when being active.


Of course thanks to reliance on both of them, he changed his battle style to be in sync with Raijin no Ken, where he primarily use it every time.

However his heart was still felt unease since Zabuza was fully capable of using water prison and not sure when he would use it.

Not knowing, chip on Zabuza shoulder, to defeat Kakashi.

"Feeling intimidated huh?" Zabuza mocked Kakashi, who was avoiding each strike.


Kakashi knew it was a losing battle if he fought against him around a river, so he delayed his offence and focused on how to counter against Zabuza power-up which he found suspicious.


'If he had this power, he could use it at the beginning, so why delay it?'

By the judgement of Kakashi, Zabuza was someone carries his pride to his arm, where it was weird he lets himself be humilated last time.


'He could take any time during a week when I was not there to attack, yet choose this day when I was here.'

Then recalled his sensei, who knew Sage mode but never used it due to time needed to perform.


While Zabuza form was no where to the elegant appearance his master had, amount of strength he gain, was significant, so thinking it as alternative jutsu, similar to lightning Release: Chakra mode that also gives a significant boost in power.


"PAY ATTENTION!" Zabuza roared, relentless with his strikes.

Seeing how close Zabuza was, he hold his right hand towards Zabuza.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang"

Kakashi forms a Raikiri in his hand and launches it at the opponent in the form a hound.

Due how highly fast it fast and its unpreditable movements, it hit Zabuza body with full force.

"AGH!!" Zabuza howled in pain that surprise Kakashi.

But through his Sharigan he finally understood how Zabuza got strong.

'He is using negative chakra!'

Kakashi remembered that 1st Mizukage at that time invent it, quickly climbing in the ranks where it's power was great enough to force 1st Hokage to give three tail and six tail, which unlike others, were compatible with their land and united the clans under his rule.

However, he too died in first shinobi world war, because their is one caveats he ignored it was exploited by 2nd Hokage who was famous. for his battle IQ

It requires extreme chakra control to be practical or else it spells end to the user.

'I guess my jutsu was enough to stop him, for a minute at least.' Kakashi sighed, when Zabuza again doing relentless strikes.

Zabuza knew about the story, hence why he sacrifice 7 days of chakra instead of usual 1 to cover up the weakness while firther boosting him.

"That trick won't work twice!" and instanty the aura of his became dense, now as acting as his barrier.

Kakashi could not helped be impressed, feeling bad he didn't requested assistance.

So seeing how situation payed out, Kakashi left eyes glowed red, now willing to play a gambit after founding a discovery.

"Lightning Release: Chakra Mode!"

Kakashu wraps his body in a layer of lightning chakra, where each of his hair line sticks up the more he clads himself with lightning chakra.


"IT'S MORE LIKE IT!" Zabuza roared in amusement, when Kakashi finally went to offence.

However, soon his enthusiam turn to regret when none of his strikes were registering this time; each strikes now landed on him.

Other than the power-up, due to special nature lightning chakra stimulates Kakashi nervous system, enhancing his speed and his reaction time, now finally able to keep up with his Sharigan which was also enhances.

Combines with his father sword, he reforged with more chakra metal and filling all the cracks that was accumulated, lightning chakra flow to a degree, where almost none of it wasted when imbued it.

So after each lightning chakra enhance strikes, Zabuza began to dissipated all of his water dragon, desperately trying to coat his body with water chakra to cushion against Kakashi offence, as each strikes were electrocuting him, making it harder to concentrate and in hopes of performing similar feat with his water chakra.

Unfortunately this is where the fight ends.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang!!!"

Unlike last time, 10 large hounds was launch at Zabuza, leaving him no room to escape.


None of the hounds let go, using every ounce of chakra Raijin no Ken and Kakashi had.

It lasted until, until demonic aura fade away where Zabuza no longer able to concentrate on it.

"Dammit!" Zabuza coughed out blood from his throat, no longer in demonic state.

Kakashi sighed after covering his left eye, already uses up most of his chakra and even Raijin no Ken chakra for using that jutsu he copied during his Anbu years, to the utmost limit to double down on his plan on disrupting Zabuza chakra concentration while using lightning hounds on him for safe measure as it work well previously.

In the end, he succeed with his gambit when Zabuza gathered water chakra around him, forgetting that its was good conductor of electricity which increases Kakashi chance to success.

Now forming a light blue lightning in his hands, he glanced at Zabuza, who was refusing to stand down and holding his sword; Kakashi utter: "Its guess its your end", before forming a weaker version of Raikiri.


"Whats this?" Kakashi said, raising his eyes brows, not expecting someone else took his dull Raikiri.

Zabuza eyes widened until he realised who was in front of him.


hope fightning scenes are adequate enough

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