
Sardinia! What Is Innocence? (Updated!)

"Hey, what is innocence?" Welcome to the great world of Sardinia! Sure, this world is still recovering from an apocalypse and, sure, massive beings known as Creatures attack the cities but, don't worry about any of that. This world is still great! In this world, everyone has their own goal in mind, as well as the most common goal, which is protecting their loved ones. Follow their lovely tale as they try and survive this world! ....If only they knew.... [This is an old story that I am finally trying to rewrite and, currently, only the first chapter has been rewritten. It is long, dark, and somewhat confusing, but still has its moments. At the end of this, you will start to truly wonder what innocence is. Other than that, hope you enjoy!]

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 3: School Time

I stopped when I saw a transport ship, half-filled with children, some of them around my age, land and pick up some more kids. I knew one of them in fact, the one with the pale blond hair and the purple eyes. She was a friend of mine. She knows that I work with the government too. She also is friends with Sardenia.

Yepo. Woopbodiie doo.

Someone is in a pissed-off mood. What is it?

Finish explaining already before she gets on!

The girl turned and saw me watching her. She smiled and waved at me and I waved back. Then she was gone, in the belly of the transport machine. Her name was Rachel Carvine. She was a somewhat shy kid but can be very friendly and talkative at times. We got along well. I think I saved her from some bullies. Then the Iquarks came in and one of the bullies pulled out a gun and called Keatori a freak and then the Iquarks ki-

My mind and body went cold.

That kid shot at Keatori and another Iquark took the hit and died. Why? Why did that kid do that? What did the Iquarks ever do wrong? The kid wasn't even from here! Why did she att-


The cold feeling went away. What was I thinking about? Doesn't matter. I turned towards the now visible Sardenia. Her voice was always louder when she was visible.

"Oh sure. I was thinking of something. My bad."

Sardenia muttered something and quickly turned away, an unreadable expression on her face.

"Well, it is Kellie. She got her coffee but she seemed off. It was like something bad happened but by everyone else's word nothing happened."

I let out a giggle.

"Oh Sardenia, do you really believe that they wouldn't lie to us? Kellie and the rest try their best not to but if something bad truly does happen they do lie to cover it up."

Sardenia still hasn't turned to face me. Something else is up.

"Say, something else is bothering you. I can tell. What is it?"

Sardenia twitched.



Sardenia let out a sigh of defeat.

"Sardina, are you truly happy?"

I paused for a moment.

"As long as my friends are happy and you are then I am happy!"

Sardenia shook her head.

"No. I mean, the way you are now. In this bliss. Are you really happy?"

I paused again.

"Sardenia, isn't bliss what we all want?"

"How far can bliss go? You don't have a small amount of bliss Sardina. You're painfully blissful. Is that what you want?"

I stopped smiling. Sardenia still hasn't turned to face me. What does she mean? It is true that I like bliss but I don't want to live a totally blissful life.

"N-n-no. I-i don't want to live a totally blissful life. Sardenia, what am I blissful towards? Please tell me."

Silence. Finally, Sardenia raised her right hand and looked like she was about to turn around. I waited, wanting to hear what she was going to tell me.

"Hey! Do you wanna go to school with me?"

We both snapped to attention and turned our eyes at Rachel. She took one glance at us and flinched. Me and Sardenia's eyes are not only bright but weird too. In fact, the Iquarks said that our eyes were creepier than theirs caught off guard by them. Even though Rachel is used to them the fact that they suddenly turned towards her probably scared her.

"O-oh. S-sorry. Am I interrupting something?"

Sardenia let out a smile.


I turned to face Sardenia but she wouldn't face me.


Nothing. It was clear I won't get a response from her. At least, not right now.

"Anyway, what did you ask?"

Rachel looked down, nervous.

"I-i, um...I w-wanted to know if y-you g-guys would like to go to school with me today. I-it is a special day at the sc-school where people who aren't enlisted in a school c-can come."

I let out a smile.

"Of course! That sounds like fun! Kellie doesn't have work for me today so I have nothing better to do. You coming too, Sardenia?"

"Well if you're going then I don't have much of a choice."

I let out a giggle.

"You're the one who made that vow, not me! Besides, it's gonna be fun! A whole new experience! We always wanted to go to a school that isn't for military commands!"

Rachel let out a nervous laugh.

"So is that a yes?"

I lunged forward and hugged Rachel.


"I have no problem with it...although we are a little tall."

I stopped hugging a stunned and blushing Rachel and looked at Sardenia.

"What do you mean?"

"Well compare yourself to Rachel."

I walked over to Rachel. I was taller than her by two feet and a half at least. I knew for a fact that I was almost as tall as most of the soldiers and I was only a foot and a half shorter than most Iquarks which are taller than humans.


"We also have a katana that is always there and becomes visible in reflections at random if we don't use it for too long which we don't."

"Don't worry about it. We've got you covered. Just go and have fun and please don't reveal your powers to anyone."

Sardenia stiffened. I wonder what she was afraid of? It is just Kellie-chan after all.

"Alright, Kellie-chan! Neee!"

I grabbed Sardenia and then grabbed Rachel and hugged them both.

"This is going to be so much-"



The dog sat there staring at me, his golden eyes narrowed with annoyance.

"I get why you're moping but you haven't even tried anything yet! Where are your senses!? Don't ya want to even try and get revenge?"

The dog, no, the thing's name is Chewawa or Chihuahua. It is spelled many ways but it is pronounced the same, with a chew instead of a chi. He had sleek and handsome golden-tan fur, a medium-sized tail with tan fur on the tail that is bigger than his normal fur, two large ears, a short but handsome and defined snout with a black nose, and patches of white fur on his head, forming a white line down his snout and on top of his head had the white fur in a Greek Ohm. He also had two slim lines of white fur on the sides of his body and the tan fur on his tail near the end was white. His eyes were his most noticeable feature. They were large and golden. They also looked like fly eyes but somehow he made it look not creepy at all and instead it only enhanced his features. His pupils looked more like lights. His pupils were bright white yellow and shaped like a cat's pupils but they burned so brightly and moved so sharp that it looked like it was nothing but light.

Some other features were short yellow spikes hidden on his elbow by tan-yellow fur. He also always had his two front long fangs peeking through his top lip and he wore a black studded collar with golden studs. Looking at his eyes for too long is also bad. It made you feel like you're staring at everything or an ancient presence, something old and powerful as well as knowledgeable. He also can read minds. Basically, he is an oversized dog.

But none of that matters. He is the one that killed Shiro. When he first appeared in front of me he was wearing a bunch of bags or pouches which were a navy blue color. In those bags or pouches, he had a bunch of guns and some other stuff. His guns were also golden and as he proved to me, can kill Creatures. He also claims they can kill a lot more, especially gods.

I still remember it even if it was six hours ago.

Shiro's legs dropped flat on the floor. Chewawa cocked his shotgun and then swiftly put it away in a pouch on his side. There were no straps holding the bags in place but they stayed on him. I have never seen someone put a weapon away so quickly too. He did it in a flash, faster than anyone could blink. He then grinned at me. He wasn't taller than me but he was tall, around 4.6.

I remember falling to my knees. Kellie began to give the order to aim at Chewawa but Kellie suddenly stopped talking and her arms went to her side. It was clear that Kellie wasn't in control. Chewawa then said that he is my guardian before grabbing me with his paw with No thumbs may I add and the next thing I knew we were on a cliff or hill made up of large rocks and boulders, staring off into a desert wasteland with the sun setting. It wasn't the normal sun but one that stayed setting forever, moving only slightly. After that, I stayed silent and Chewawa just kept on staring into the sunset, glancing at me to see if I had done anything every now and then and getting more and more annoyed. It was like that for six hours. Finally, he told me his name and the many ways to spell it and that he had mind-reading and about his guns before going back to being silent...for about two minutes when his patience ran out.

"ARE YOU GONNA ANSWER ME!? I know for a fact that this isn't your way of getting revenge. So what are you trying to do? I honestly thought moping around was above you. Serves me right for not checking huh?"


My voice was barely a whisper.


I was about to repeat myself when the dog let out a chuckle. It was slow and menacing.

"Why? Why did I kill Shiro? So you can hate me. So you can see that I'm not a good guy. That's why. I know it isn't a good reason but you name another way of getting you to truly hate me."

I had nothing. He was correct. I truly hate him. I have never hated something so much in my life.

"Exactly Shena. Heheheh. Now we are getting somewhere."

Chewawa stopped looking at me and looked off in the distance.

"I'd suggest you come with me. I won't let you die or get hurt or abused but I want to go to the city dock. If you don't go I'll tell Erogazi what has happened to you so she will foolishly try and save you only to get herself killed."

I got up, my face a mask of fury. Chewawa turned and studied me before smiling, showing his pointed teeth.

"Glad you got the message."


I looked up at the impressive building which is now my new school. The military division was moved here for now. Apparently, the other school was having difficulties. Our mission was to keep a low profile even though people know who we are and brush up on our knowledge. I would like to think we were smart and the teachers were good at teaching us not just military stuff.

Today was also the day where you can bring in kids who have never been enlisted in a school. There is a chance that they will be accepted into this school free of charge.

The name of the school was Relkozi School. It was a full-course school. All the way up to sixteen grade, though you can stop at twelfth grade. I wonder how many kids are gonna come.

"That expression. Are you calling everyone here kids again?"

I looked behind me. Standing there in a white school outfit and wearing her cliche two ribbons, one pink one and one red one that is on her brown hair, was Malami Mayomi. Her pinkish-red eyes sparkled in the sunlight and she always had a cheery smile on when not fighting.

"If you're going by age then you're a kid too David."

I shook my head.

"They don't fight as we do. They don't protect everyone else."

Malami chuckled.

"Oh get off your high horse. We are all kids. You also know that not everyone in the military school fights. Our group is the only exception."

I let out a sigh.

"I know. It is just, I don't think I can or will ever get used to life as a normal schoolboy. I am too used to the military school."

Malami walked up to me and patted me on the head, showing the seven-inch height difference between us.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

I let out a smile. Malami had this shy but cute voice. She always manages to get through my skull.


We both turned to watch a small girl with orange blond hair run up to us, waving her arms in the air, completely ignorant to those around her or how embarrassing she is being. She stopped short a couple of inches away and started catching her breath. Despite being at the military school, I have a couple of friends outside of that school. This is one of them. Her name is Arvo Pastadeen. We call her Pasta as a nickname due to her last name having pasta in it.

"I thought you were good at cardio and track Arvo."

Arvo wore tan shorts but other than that her uniform was the same as most of the other school girls. Her hair had two short pigtails on the side of her head and two blue hair ties were on each pigtail. She had golden yellow and orange eyes. Her eyes also turn orange or yellow at random. She was short and while loud and like an adorable little sister, she is one of the smartest and most sympathetic person I know. She always succeeds in getting a smile on my face and on everyone she meets. She also sees things from a different angle.

"I am! I missed the dropship so I ran all the way here."

"You must be really tired then. You live pretty far away, don't you Arvo?"

"Yep!" Arvo said, standing up, seemingly catching her breath, "But don't worry about me."

Suddenly a girl wearing a frillish black dress with white at the very bottom and a white shirt underneath and black boots stepped out from behind Arvo. She had short black hair and blazing red eyes that seemed to glow and more white than tan skin. She was a little bit smaller than Arvo. I was surprised I didn't see her. By Malami's expression, I am guessing she didn't see her either.

The girl reached up and grabbed Arvo's left shoulder. Arvo stiffened and a nervous and somewhat frightful look came across her face. The other girl's face became unreadable.

"Arvo. You didn't come on the transport ship today."

"Oh. Hey Arimi."

Arvo slowly turned around. The next second the girl, Arimi, grabbed her by the collar and started shaking her.


"Wait for a second, you walked?" I asked in disbelief.

Arvo met me and Malami's confused look.

"Remember when I said I was friends with someone who could outrun anyone? This is her. She is like a machine!"

Arimi met our gaze and narrowed her eyes...at me. She didn't like me for some reason.

"Ciao. My name is Arimi Reachelar. It is spelled A-r-i-m-i R-e-a-c-h-e-l-a-r. Pronounced Ara-mi Rach-el-ar. My blood type is A and my weight is 95 lb. I am 5.2 ft tall. I look to be a fourteen-year-old girl. My other name is Acame which means matter and antimatter. I am single and have no blood relatives."

"Um, Arimi," Arvo said, breaking the silence, "You don't have to say everything about you."

Arimi cocked her head. "But Mistress, you know I haven't said everything about myself."

Arvo gave Arimi a push but it really didn't work out since Arimi barely moved.

"Anyway Pasta, are you going in, or are you gonna wait with us for the others?"

Arimi tensed up a little, her eyes narrowed in suspicion at Malami. Arvo on the other hand let out a moan.

"Calling me Pasta already?"

Arimi took a threatening step forward.

"Say, do you have a problem with that nickname?"

"Yeah. They don't have to start it this early."

"...I see."

Me and Malami let out a nervous gulp. We gave Arvo a pleading look but she was looking at the sky. She really didn't understand the context of what Arimi is thinking.

"Is the nickname annoying?"

Arvo closed her eyes.

"It can be."

The air was thick with tension. The fact that Arimi's eyes look like they are glowing wasn't helping the mood either.

"What friends would call their friend a nickname that the other friend feels annoyed over?"

"I-it is j-just a play on her last name which has the word pasta in it."

Arimi took another step forward and suddenly, despite her small size, I felt like my life was in real danger.

"Mistress, should I terminate them?"


Arvo finally turned and looked at Arimi and us. After a moment she realized the misunderstanding.

"WHAAA! NO! D-don't terminate them or any of my friends please for calling me Pasta."

Arimi gave her a searching look before glaring at me and Malami.


Arvo let out a sigh of relief. I never saw Arvo's new friend but now that I have I can tell why some people are afraid of her. There was just a tone in her voice and the look in her eyes that said that if given the order to, she will kill us. Also, what person uses the work terminate instead of kill?

"WOW! I've never been this close to the school building before! It really is amazing Rachel."

"Looks like the military one, to be honest. It just has a red top and a gold emblem instead of a blue top and a red eagle emblem."

I turned around to look at the new voice. Getting off a silver and grey transport ship with some other students were two tall girls that look like twins and Rachel. Both the girls had odd and strangely intimidating blue eyes with red and white pupils. Both of them also wore white and grey sneakers with spikes on the bottom. It took me a minute to recognize another surprising thing about the twin's shoes. They had many hidden blades and a spur on the back. It was clearly military-made. The twins looked alike but the one who had a less enthusiastic tone wore a black jacket over a grey shirt but other than that they were completely alike.

Rachel was wearing a plain grey shirt and black shorts and her normal white sneakers as normal, not even bothering with the school outfit.

Arimi gave both the twins a look of interest that I couldn't quite understand. The twin with the black jacket noticed us first and after waiting with Rachel, tapped the other twin and pointed at us.

"Oh hi! My name is Sardina and this is Sardenia! I'm friends with Rachel who I think might also be friends with you! I hope we can all become good friends though I doubt that me and Sardenia will be going here for long."


Making friends is easy. Keeping them for more than a couple of days is the hard part. That is how you will truly know if someone is your friend or not.


I examined each and every person in front of me. The orange-haired girl looked friendly and was giving me a warm smile. So was the girl standing next to the dark blue-haired guy wearing two ribbons. The girl wearing the black dress with the glowing red eyes was the girl I saw when raiding Fort Applecide. I've seen her around every now and then so I assume she lives in the town or near the town that I live next to. She was giving me a friendly look but I could sense confusion in there as well. She also was smiling a little which was making the orange girl happy and confused.

The dark blue hair guy with the blue eyes and tan skin wearing a rather sharp school outfit that looks more like a business suit and a blue necktie was giving me a weird look. I couldn't tell if it was friendly or confusing.

It seems mostly everyone here is giving us a confused look.

True. I wonder why? Maybe it is because we are tall? Maybe because we look like twins? Maybe because we are with Rachel and only the girl with the red eyes has seen me around.

All very good questions but which one is it?

"U-um, are you guys gonna introduce yourself?"

I blinked at Rachel.

"Didn't we introduce ourselves though?"

"She was talking about the other people, not us."

I let out a giggle.

"My bad."

Rachel let out a nervous giggle and I snuggled up closer to her to try and comfort her.

"My name is David Peo. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Malami Mayomi."

"My name is Arvo Pastadeen. I hope we become good friends!"

"Ciao. My name is Arimi Reachelar. It is spelled A-r-i-m-i R-e-a-c-h-e-l-a-r. Pronounced Ara-mi Rach-el-ar. My blood type is A and my weight is 95 lb. I am 5.2 ft tall. I look to be a fourteen-year-old girl. My other name is Acame which means matter and antimatter. I am single and have no blood relatives."

Everyone turned to face Arimi except for me and Sardenia who was now embarrassed.

"Oh, we were doing stuff like that. We're sorry."

"Our bad."

I took in a deep breath. Rachel was about to say something but David stopped her.

"My name is Sardina Terrokati. Spelled S-a-r-d-i-n-a T-e-r-r-o-k-a-t-i. Pronounced Sar-dee-nuh Terro-kati. My blood type is unknown but considered in AAABCG formula. I am single and my only blood relative is Sardenia, spelled S-a-r-d-e-n-i-a, pronounced Sar-den-ee-nuh. We both have the same blood type and last name. I work for a special division unit in the government and work directly for Kellie who is third in command. I live in the largest town outside of the cities ruled by the Iquarks. I am the Iquarks frenemy and have been playing with them for all of my life. I am 6.5 ft tall and I weigh 105 lb. Me and Sardenia are the same so everything I said also implies to her. My favorite sport is fighting the Iquarks. My best friends are Rachel, Kellie-chan, and Keatori. I hope you guys can be included on that list! Neee!"

Rachel let out a nervous groan while Arimi closed her eyes and smiled at me with an expression that said you said too much. The others were now giving me extremely confused looks.

Does this fall in the category of giving ourselves away?

Well, I think she was referring to our powers.

Yeah, I guess yo-

"Crap! Kellie was listening in!"

I turned and looked at Sardenia.

"She is? Where? I don't see her."

Sardenia then reached behind my right ear and tapped on the headset.

"Oh! That. I forget it is there when I'm not on missions or fighting the Iquarks."

"Communications being off doesn't mean it isn't being broadcasted. We all know it is mainly used for a one-sided listening device."

"Well, it has been useful before! It isn't just a listening device."

"Guys." Rachel said suddenly, bumping into me and Sardenia.

"Wait, you work for the government!?"

I look at David. He seemed surprised.

"Yeah. That is what I said."

"You work for Kellie who is third in command?" Malami piped up.

"...Yeah that is what I said. We also do missions for Hearovogo but mainly for Kellie."

"Hearovogo? Spelled H-e-a-r-o-v-o-g-o? Pronounced Hair-vo-go?"

"Might as well call this the spelling class chapter."

"Yep. He is first in command and in charge of the whole government."

David and Malami looked down at the ground, lost in thought.

"We work for fourth in command but we never heard of you. When did you start working?"

"My entire li-"

What she said hit both of us.

"Wait, there is a fourth in command!?"

"Huh? Did you say a fourth in command!?"

Me and Sardenia asked at the same time. I cast Sardenia a sideways glance and she turned away from me.

"Why, how interesting. Wouldn't you agree, Sardenia?"

Sardenia muttered a curse word under her breath.

"Who is it!? It isn't Kendrick, right? I thought he was the same rank as Kellie."

"You know all the higher-ups, don't you? We only know of the first in command's name because we overheard it. Also, fourth in command's name is Abia."

I nudged Sardenia playfully.

"You're still wrong," Sardenia growled.

"I know I'm wrong. We both were. Isn't life weird like that?"

Sardenia let out a small giggle, a small smile on her face and she gave me a caring look as a mother would.

"I guess so."

"Life is full of surprises."

Rachel suddenly grabbed both of our hands. Sardenia looked surprised but then smiled at her.

"Ahh, I can't wait to go to school. Learning military commands is something that teaches you nothing of school life."

I let out a smile and patted Rachel on the head. I'll make sure nothing ever happens to our little Rachel. She is one of the few friends I have. She accepts me the way I am. That is something to care about. I remember one of the very first things I said to her. I'll try for you. What was the context behind that? What did I mean? Who cares?

I gave Rachel a look that had all my love in it. Someone like her is worth protecting, no matter what. I love you, Rachel.


I was surprised that Chewawa wanted to let me play by the beach. When we arrived where we were going I realized the dock was almost a mile away. Chewawa then promptly sat down and told me to knock myself out. Then he made a chest appear out of nowhere and in it was a bunch of swimming outfits. He then made a sandcastle around me and told me to get change and then exit once I am done.

When I found one I liked, a blue bathing suit, I stepped out and to my surprise saw Chewawa walking out of the water, a fish in his jaws. He wasn't looking at me but I knew he was secretly watching me. A part of me wanted to make a run for it but instead, I just walked right up to him. He stopped and sat down and finally turned to look at me and dropped the fish.

"You know, I could change your mind to make you run, but as your guardian, I won't do anything like that. Most people think having mind reading abilities makes you understand people. They're not wrong and for me, I can understand everyone's reason. But if I am the way I am now, on the same level as other mind readers, I don't understand you at all. I am purposely not going full power to read your mind and it is making me irritated. So tell me, Shena, why don't you try and run or fight me?"

I ignored his question and tested the water. It was nice and warm.

"Shena? No one has ever pronounced my name that way. They say it She-na, not Shen-na."

The dog closed his eyes and then turned back to his fish which he bit by the head and swallowed whole.

"You always wanted to be called Shena but no one called you it. So much for making you utterly hate me. I mean you still do but I can't believe that I just did that."

Chewawa flicked his tail at me.

"Go on and swim before school ends and it gets more crowded and it becomes unpleasant to swim."

"Are you sure you just don't want to risk losing me in the crowd?" I asked teasingly.

Chewawa let out a chuckle.

"That's the spirit. It is true that I might lose you but probably for a second. I not only have your scent but I have your energy source and mind locked in. I also have great hearing and great eyesight. If I really wanted to I could make myself know everything again...but doing that ruins the fun. I can also move faster than light can be created so I can find you pretty quick.

"But if you think you can then go ahead and wait for the crowd and then try. I'm not stopping you from trying to escape."

Chewawa then stared off in the ocean. I could tell he wanted it to be sunset or sunrise. I watched him for a bit before going deeper into the water. I haven't been to a beach for a long time. Master Erogazi was scared of the beach but she did go with me once. That wasn't the last time I went to the beach. It was when I visited Geravia. She lives on a beach. I think it is near the place Chewawa took me because the sun was always setting there. Or maybe it was rising? It was just always half below the horizon.


"Chewawa, why are you, my guardian?"

Chewawa sighed and turned to face me.

"Call it a promise. You see, Erogazi's great great great grandmother met me one day and made a deal with me. I was surprised that she wanted me to protect not Erogazi but her best friend slash maid. After some investigating just to make sure you were Erogazi's friend and maid I came to my conclusion. All the others weren't as close as you were to her. So I came to get you...but you were gone. I then did some research and found you ten minutes later. I didn't want to use my know everything ability. Then I saw Shiro approaching and you know the rest."

Chewawa waited for my reaction but none came. I still don't get why he wants me to hate him. Maybe I should ask him? Would he tell me? Also, why did Erogazi's ancient grandmother want Chewawa to protect me? Is Erogazi okay?

"As your guardian, I won't lie to you unless it is a white lie but I can avoid questions."

I flooded my mind with every lewd thing I saw in my lifetime.

"You're doing that to a being who has been around when only nothing existed. I also am a playboy in a way that I tell girls and guys who to lay and get paid for it. I also am now blocking all of those memories from reaching me so now your mind is stuck thinking about them."

Well, he has a pretty interesting past. A dog playboy huh? Maybe he was human once?

"Were you ever human?"

"I never tried a human form. I found this dog and was best friends with him and we made a pack. Now I am in his body and he is still alive and in control of my army. And no he didn't look like this when he was alive."

"Why not try it?"

Chewawa let out a chuckle. He does that a lot.

"I've never considered myself human or any upwalker. I've never been something that is in the role of humans for as long as I live. I am not counting the worlds where dogs are as smart as humans since there isn't a lot. Those are alternate realities actually, not worlds.

"If a species has a True World then I consider them vital like that."

"You do know a lot."

I thought I was old and knowledgeable but I always said that to cheer me up. The others, except the little brother, we're all smarter than me...though I can still keep their butts in some subjects and history.

Shard's cold and harsh words when she found out I was living with Master Erogazi replayed in my mind over and over. Some sister she is.

"Hey Chewawa, do you have any siblings?"

Chewawa flicked his ears.

"Younger brother, three sisters, adopted brother, and a mirrored version of me made up of code."

Well, I was expecting a little more less ridiculous answer than that but oh well.

"How about parents?"

"Two raptors called the Raptor of Darkness and the Raptor of Light. I am also talking about the dinosaur raptors. Both aren't very good parents. They are caring but both are dumb monkeys. The Light Raptor is more caring while the Dark Raptor is always up for a good game. I am fond of them but I wouldn't call them good parents."

I wasn't getting anywhere with this.

"What are you?"

Chewawa let out a snort.

"The first-ever God. I made all the other gods with some help from the Androscents who created me and the Raptors."

"So you're a god?"

"Yes but I am the most powerful god in existence and since gods were created. I am more powerful than any of your gods and I am pretty high on the high scale. I can fight an Androscent but my power level is more of that of a Trekolas."

"What is a Trekolas? What is an Androscent?"

"Trekolases are powerful beings mainly responsible for being something. Trekos are new Trekolases or Trekolases that aren't as powerful or are minor in the role. I assume the government would know what they are. After all, you don't live on a Centipede and don't know of the Androscents."

"Wait what?"

Chewawa gave me a searching look.

"Oh. No one here actually knows. Well, congrats! You made me use the know everything power. Good for you!"

I now have a headache. Centipede. Androscents. Trekos?

"Well, there must be a book explaining them somewhere in history. Tomorrow let's hit the library so I can get an understanding of this world some more."

"Why not now?" I asked.

"Chances of running into one of your family members of Erogavi are high if we go now. Tomorrow is safer and better."

I wonder what will happen if Chewawa meets one of my family members. Will they fight or will they back down? Something tells me Chewawa will fight to the death to keep custody over me.

"You still haven't answered my question of what the Androscents are."

Chewawa let out a chuckle.

"Highest of the high. The most powerful and strongest things nonliving and living. They created everything. They have been alive for countless eons? decades? All high numbers I guess. They are responsible for keeping the Constellation in check. However, a weird infection event occurred and the Androscents got their peace at last as Shades but they are now moved back into their own world because they kept on getting called back because of numerous strange events.

"Just think of them as the most powerful, clever, and smartest as well as fastest things ever and forever," Chewawa added, catching my lost expression.

"They also are insane because they have been alive...kinda, forever. They were the tiny bits of nothingness, smaller than micro-organisms, that willed itself to move and then they gained consciousness and then they moved themselves to meet and gain form...which means they were there for everything."

I splashed water on Chewawa. He shook himself off and didn't say anything.

"Okay. Just stop talking. You're giving me a headache."

Chewawa stiffened and he turned around, his fur on end. At first, I thought he was on guard but then I realized he was angry. What was he angry about?

"You're smiling. Why?"

I didn't understand his question, nor the heavily irritated tone in his voice.

"I am? Sorry, I didn't realize."

Chewawa snorted and then turned to face the sun and the ocean.

"What are you happy about?"

I thought about that.

"I don't know. I really don't know."