
Sarah Keissi

Sarah Keissi didn't expect to see her ex-fiancee again a month after their heartbreaking breakup. Yet, there he was, standing there in front of her, delivering the news that shattered her world for the second time. A series of events she barely comprehends keep happening making Sarah doubt her sanity, her safety, and the rightfulness of her decision to break up with her fiance. could it be that he wasn't the bad person she thought he was? And even if he wasn't, was there still a place in this mess for them to be together again?

NC1008 · Sci-fi
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154 Chs

Strategy 1

Sarah felt exactly like the princess in Jade's picture book. When Elias had told her that it was time to start getting ready, she thought that he meant getting their strategy ready and going over the plan one last time.

She'd left her parents with Austin only to find Elias guiding her back to her room where Gail waited for her with an army of women in suits.

For the last hour, she'd been bathed in scented water, massaged and they even took care of her skincare. By the time they were done with her skin felt like a newborn's bottom.

After those few relaxing moments, a frenzy of activity started as they started preparing her hair and doing her make-up. At some point, Raeli had joined them and they both enjoyed throwing around jokes as they got ready for the party. Two hours later she stood in front of the mirror unable;e to recognize herself. except for her face, she looked and felt like a completely different person, and she even felt happy and proud about it.