
Sarah's Submission (moved to a new link)

Everything changed the following week. She came inside in another slutty little outfit ready to tease and send Mr. Michaels off to his game as usual, but he did not look happy to see her. He told her to come in and sit down on the couch. Billy was nowhere to be seen. She could even see that Max had been put outside onto the deck and waited at the glass doors.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


Sarah felt herself sink. She thought she had done so well. And the thought of drinking cum out of a condom seemed insane. Disgusting. Clearly, she still had a lot to learn. "Yessir."

The scene jumped to where she masturbated in the shower. He rewound and watched it a second time. Finally, he stopped the video and turned to her. "Yes, I'll have to punish you for failing your instructions. But overall, you did a pretty good job. You got that boy off twice and you did a good job on the blowjob. Your skills are clearly improving. Masturbating in the shower added a nice touch. So the punishment won't be too severe."

She felt shocked relief. Mostly at hearing that the punishment wouldn't be too severe, but also because for the first time, he seemed somewhat happy with her and for some reason, that made her happy.

"But more on that later. Follow me upstairs," he commanded, and she dropped into step behind him.

Once they got upstairs to the bedroom, he turned and stood next to the bed, waiting expectantly. She hesitated not knowing what to do. She waited for him to say something, but he just continued to stare at her. Then all at once it struck her what he wanted.

She jumped and moved over to him and started taking off his clothes. She unbuttoned his shirt and folded it neatly on the chair. She continued until he stood completely naked in front of her with his clothes and shoes placed very neatly. "Now you," he commanded.

She ripped her clothes off as quickly as she could, not worrying about neatly folding anything. She dumped her clothes by the chair in a pile and started to return to him, but stopped when he held up his hand.

"On your hands and knees. Crawl over here, kiss my foot and apologize for failing to follow your instructions." She paused while she took this in. Not wanting to disobey, she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled over to him. Once in front of him, she reached down and kissed his foot. It felt so odd to be doing it. Humiliating on a level she had never experienced. She couldn't believe she had crawled on the floor completely naked. She felt a little ashamed of herself.

"I'm so sorry sir for failing you. I was a bad slave and didn't follow your instructions. I deserve to be punished." She kissed his foot again and hugged his leg. She kept her face down and waited for his reaction. She hoped by playing it up he would go easy on her.

Mr. Michaels didn't respond for what felt like a long time. Eventually, he said approvingly "Good girl. That is the type of contrition I like to see. Now come up here and let me kiss you."

The weight on her chest she had been carrying since she realized that she had fucked up lightened. She felt so relieved. She jumped to her feet and met his kiss as he bent down. It turned into a very passionate and slow kiss and he held her head in both hands. She couldn't remember a more satisfying feeling. She put everything into that kiss.

When they finally broke contact, he still held her head in his hands and looked directly into her eyes. "I'll still have to punish you, but it won't be that bad. You might even like it. But more on that later. For now, jump up on the bed."

She still wondered what he had in store for her, but she put it aside for the time being. She moved quickly to get on the bed. Mr. Michaels went to the bedside table and opened the drawer. He pulled out the nylon cuffs and came back to the bed.

"Give me your hand," he instructed. She obeyed and he wrapped the cuff around her wrist and secured the Velcro to make it tight. He did the other hand and both ankles. He went back to the drawer and pulled out several coils of rope. Sarah knew that she would be finding out tonight what being tied up felt like.

"Lay down across the bed with your hands over your head," he commanded. Sarah did as instructed feeling her heart start to race. He strung the rope through the D-rings of each wrist and then pulled the rope to tie if off on the side board of the bed frame. He moved to the other side and tied one leg to the footboard and one to the headboard pulling her legs wide apart. She pulled against the restraints and couldn't move an inch. He had her totally helpless with her pussy spread wide open. Next, he set up the tripod and camera focused right on her pussy.

He crawled up beside her and started running his hand over her body. From her neck, over her tits, her stomach, down her thighs and finally back up to her pussy, he lightly rubbed, pinched, and squeezed her body. He didn't hurry. He didn't need to. He could do anything he wanted, and she couldn't stop him. Next, he went to his bag on the other side of the bed and retrieved a riding crop. She had seen one before but had never used one and certainly had never been hit with one.

He started rubbing it over her body, following the same route as his hand earlier. Then without warning, he pulled the crop up and brought it down on her stomach with a sharp crack. She heard the loud snap noise first before a sharp pain radiated from where it struck her. The crop drug against her skin to another location and pulled back and whacked her again. This time she reacted and started to breath quickly in shallow breaths. "Relax. Feel the pain but try not to react. It won't be as bad that way. Let the pain wash through you." As soon as he finished, the crop came down just under her breast.

Sarah forced herself to relax. And to breath normally. Two more whacks, first on a thigh and then on top of her right breast. Controlling her fear helped. It hurt, but by staying relaxed and breathing, it became tolerable. The next one hit on the top of her pubic bone, just above her clit. The strike hit stronger than the others and stung. Next hit right onto her left nipple. She yelped and tensed for a second before getting under control. She struggled to keep her breathing level through a sharper intense pain that lasted longer. She wanted to rub her nipple and curl up into a ball. But she couldn't move.