

15 December 1020

The kingdom was in complete darkness as silence covered the downtown, but... the only place thriving was the royal castle as it continued shining through the dark night..., the whole place reeked with movement liveliness... the throne room:

All kinds of food were still scattered around the different tables, because in these occasions..., people care about having a good time more than filling their bellies...

Martip brought his new home-made instrument and looked at the thousands of people waiting for him, he yelled "you want to have a good time? then, you will get it!!!!" as he started playing what sounded like folklore Irish Traven music...

The vampires kept wandering what that weird noise was, but as soon as it started picking up pace, they started jamming, then as some ladies starts moving their hips to the rhythm of the instruments, the party started and the vampires started jumping around dancing with their mates, or looked for a new one....