

- ?? December 219

Drake put a frustrated face while thinking and suddenly... he asked "hey..., your son..., is he..., by any means.... a human?" leaving the woman with open shocked eyes as she asked in disbelieve "h-huh...?".

The woman's eyes widened up "h-huh? h-how did you know...?", drake looked away angrily "tsk..., as i thought..., it's impossible for a vampire to decline our offer..., let alone four times..., you must've had a strong reason not to join us..., and I couldn't think of a stronger one...".

the woman started tearing up "but... even if you accepted him... the others won't-", drake interrupted her angrily "where is he...?".

She kept looking at him with teary eyes "I hid him in a closet in the 7th floor...", drake dusted his black coat off and said "then... let's go... (starts whispering) because with a condition like yours... that's the least I can do...".

The woman's eyes started flowing with tears..., and suddenly she jumped on drake and started hugging him..., drake put a creeped out face and yelled "HEY!! woman..., what the hell are you doing...?".

She kept crying on his coat as all the feelings and the pressure she hid exploded to the outside..., suddenly she lifted her teary face and said "I'm... so happy that..., that... you'll help me save my son..., even if he was a human..., you're strong and different from the others".

She wiped her tears and said with a big smile through pain, tears and blood "my name's Mariana, Mariana bucur, and I like to be called Maria".

Drake let a deep annoyed sigh and looked at her with cold glare "drake...".

The woman tilted her head with a confused smile "huh...?", drake put a frustrated face and looked away "tsk... drake... ,it's my name...", she jumped in happiness "drake... was it!!".

Drake grabbed her by the head and said with an angry tone "stop squirming around..., we didn't save your son yet..., (puts her down) first...we have to gather information about the enemy...".

She looked at him "h-humans?", drake kept thinking and said "maybe...., but we have to figure out why these humans are so stubborn..., tsk... and these bastards can use dark magic too...., 7th floor was it?", She answered "yes...", drake looked at her with a cold stare and said "then let's move out...".

And thus..., their quest began, but they don't have enough time, because these "humans" were everywhere...

Drake kept looking around and said "then, let's move out...", he kept looking at Maria and noticed the wounds on her body, she looked exhausted from fighting all these enemies as she kept breathing heavily...

He said "or..., you know what...? stay here..., let me take care of things... alone".

Maria put a grumpy face and yelled "NO!", drake's face changed as he got angry and yelled "HAAA! look at yourself!! You can't move with a body like that..., let me-...", Maria closed her ears and eyes and kept yelling "la-la-la, I don't hear you...".

Drake tried to convince her "this is not a game... you might die...".

Maria stopped and looked down... suddenly she smiled and said with a sad tone "you know..., i have no problem with that.... because I'm willing to risk everything..., for my son... (looks at drake) his name is Edward by the way...".

Drake kept looking at her angrily "tsk..." as he took his coat and ripped a small strip from it..., he extended his hand to Maria and stayed silent for a bit...

She kept looking at him in confusion..., he put an angry face and said "come on..., give me your hand", Maria gave him her arm and watched him rolling the piece of fabric around the wound and tying it...

Suddenly, Maria chuckled as drake started struggling with the tie..., he kept thinking "Emma... how the hell do you even do tie this...!!".

After treating Maria's wound..., they started walking through doors, it was calm, suspiciously calm... so drake went on first..., there was no one in the first floor, so, he looked at Maria and waved his head at her to move up to the next floor...

Drake kept helping Maria as she struggled to climb the stairs, he kept looking at her deep wounds and thought "she's a though woman..., but toughness won't save her from this situation..., tsk... if we continued like this... she's going to-".

His train of thoughts got interrupted with Maria smiling as she said "you're... the first vampire to touch me... hehe...", drake kept looking at her with a cold stare as she continued "I don't know why..., but... with you... I... for some reason.... Feel safer...".

Drake looked away angrily "humph..." while seeing pain in her face..., he thought "... she's suffering..., even though I closed her wounds, but blood still finds a way to leak..., i expected that since it was nothing but a last resort..., to extend her life for a little bit longer...".

That's a vampire's biggest weakness, and their deepest fears, the fact that they would not die an honored death fighting for a noble cause..., but instead, dying like this... is their worst nightmares,

The vampire's blood is watery, which makes it "unlike humans" impossible to treat wounds, and since the constant flow of blood doesn't let the wound heal, It's hopeless to waste time on the injury...

So... they just close the wound, for couple extra minutes or hours before they die the legendary death every vampire seeks.....

Drake and Maria were interrupted in the second floor by a couple of enemies, drake put a frustrated face when he noticed that their appearance became less humans and more distorted...

He let go of Maria as they got ready to fight, he looked at them and asked "humans usually don't look like that, what are you exactly?".

One of them looked at drake and said "oh...? well, well, well, isn't that the legendary Dracula himself?", drake tilted his angry confused face "you know who am I?", Maria alerted drake "look at their eyes... drake, there's something weird about them!!".

Drake looked at her "what do you mean...?".

Maria got angry "human eyes don't look like that".

The weird looking humans started laughing as one of them yelled at drake while he was confused "are you really that stupid? I don't even know how you won the war, we had it at hand...".

Drake got alerted "we? I'm really a heavy headed vampire you know, I don't get hints that easy...", Maria opened her eyes in confusion and looked at drake's face..., It was straight when he said that sentence...

She thought nervously "h-how can someone say something like that with a serious face...".

Suddenly, one of the weird looking humans lost his patient and yelled "how many hints do you need, you're really stupid, huh...? we're demons...!! you heavy headed idiot!".

Maria asked in shock "d-demons...? then why do you look like humans?".

Drake answered her "they don't look like humans, they are humans.... tsk.... what kind of filthy acts is this..., using weak mans' bodies as shields, you cowards... come out of your shells and fight!!".

Maria got confused as one of the demons stepped up and said "you are not that retard after all, we are already ahead of you, filthy vampires...!!! because we've already surpassed our weakness to the sun and this realm...!!"

The demons kept smiling menacingly as he continued "all thanks to these weak pathetic creatures, ha! Humans are not useless after all, we thought that they were nothing but cattle for us, but we found a use for them, of course other than delicious meals...." as he put wide evil smile and twinkling sharp eyes....

As soon as, they said that, they jumped drake and Maria while yelling "and now..., it's your turns! bastard!".

She got ready while drake was standing still...

He looked at the demons as they were about to strike... and finally decided to move..., but he just surprised Maria by charging straight toward the demons...

As one of them tried to swing his long claws..., he was surprised with a howling punch to the face that blew him alongside all the other demons..., the impact was so great to the point where the pressured air escaped the room by destroying all the windows in that floor...

Maria had open sweaty eyes while being bombarded by the strong shockwave that shook the whole mansion, she kept watching drake's frustrated emerging out of the huge cloud of dust, his fist continued steaming after destroying all the demo with one swing of his hand...

She kept watching with a mesmerized face as she said with a soft voice "d-... Dracula..., huh...?".