


Him? God.

I jumped back to my feet quickly. A weird feeling was taking form inside me. A sort of nervousness covered me up. I looked at him. He was standing and staring at me, now. I tried to shake off my weird sensation and sound cool.

"Hey, Abin. I'm, I'm sorry about that. Really, I didn't see you coming. Sorry abou-" He spoke, cutting my words in the middle.

"That's like fine, you know. Like, very much fine. Umm, yeah."- He said. Even he was trying hard not to meet my eyes.

"Oh, that's so nice of you. Umm, I think, I should be leaving now. Ya know."

"Oh, Oh, yeah...of course."- He said, and gave me space to walk forwards.

"Thank you!!" I said and tried to walk and vapourise from there as soon as possible. But again, Abin stopped me.

"Hey, Sara."- He called from behind. I looked behind to meet his handsome face, now plastered with a burning smile.

"I liked your tap-dance, you know. It's amazing."- He appreciated me. As I heard those words, my heart seemed to dance in jubilation. I grinned back at him and ran away.

Wow, what a nice thought of exit. Running away. He probably might have a disappointing impression about me. Of course, who does tap-dance in a corridor, who runs away in top speed when you appreciate them? No one does these weird things except for me. Umm, well why am I even bothered about his impression about me. Why would I even care if he had a bad impression?

"Whatever, these feelings...all these things, they're just some teenage thoughts. Just a few more time and then you, yourself chuck these thoughts out of your mind. Did you know that, Sara?"

My mind was pre-occupied with all these thoughts that I failed to notice, where my feet had landed me up. Oh yeah, our dormitory room. Guess, that's the best place, I can spend the rest of my time.

I locked the door of our room and bounced onto my bed. I hugged my pillow close to my chest and lay there thinking about Abin. The guy was one of the most handsome hunks in the whole school. He was a topper in studies too. A very innocent and calm boy, who captured everyone's heart at first sight.

"Oh, Again. Sara, seriously....why are you thinking about him? You have tons of other things to think, don't you? Go...and bath. You didn't take a shower today. Go on, go...Go I said, Sara."

My brain insisted me to do and so I obeyed. I grabbed my towel and clothes and walked into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

The water was warm(the heater was doing its work). As the water fell on my body, I felt all my nervousness trickle down with the water. I closed my eyes, to visualise Abin. He had a well-sculpted handsome face with small dimples that showed up whenever he smiled. Thick brown locks of hair, which was always found covering his left eyes. Just imagining about him, made my belly do somersaults.

I was so lost in my dreamland, but then suddenly something stirred me back to reality.

At first, I thought it to be my imagination. B ut, no I was hearing it in reality. It sounded like someone was sobbing. I turned off the shower and concentrated. The more I concentrated on the sound, the louder it became. I quickly dressed up and walked out of the bathroom.

There was nobody in the room. And still, the sobbing was there. After checking the whole room, I concluded. I am going out.

Maybe, sitting alone might have made my mind imagine such sounds. I pulled up a hoodie over my outfit and grabbed my textbooks and pens. I placed my hand on the door's handle and pushed it down to open the door while I checked if I had everything with me. But alas, the door didn't open up. I searched for the keys on the table where I'd placed it and what an unpleasant surprise, the keys seemed to be missing. I checked the room again, to be disappointed again. No keys. And all this while the sobs were increasing. It was louder too. I felt my heart beating so hard against my ribs. I tried with all my might to open the door, but no the door seemed to be sealed with some 100000 tons of iron. Beautiful...Why do things like this happen to me?

When I gave up my struggle and decided to get some water, everything changed.

When I say everything changed...I mean EVERYTHING. A moment ago, the whole room was silent and quiet and so normal(Except for the sobs). But the next moment, the lights in the room turn off automatically. A harsher sound started ringing in my ears. It sounded more like a devilish laugh. Which made my head go in a merry-go-round. Everything felt so unusual. I looked around and of course, saw nothing. All the lights were off and the light that came in from the window seemed to be blocked by some invisible shield. All of a sudden a light flashed out from nowhere.

I'm serious, it just flashed from nowhere.

I stood rooted to the floor. My knees, shaking like hell. Now, what was this??

And instantly something appeared. Yes again, the black figure in the huge cloak. A sound issued from somewhere(most probably this blacky).

"Sara."- It called. I remained silent, for my words seemed to dissolve with my increased breath. I looked right at it and stood still. But inside me, nothing was silent. Even the organs inside my body tried to run away.

But, I knew I couldn't stand still like this. I had to do something. I spoke up.

"Who is it?"- But, no sound escaped my mouth. I gulped and cleared my throat. I spoke again, loud and clear enough.


I waited, but nothing happened. The blacky in front just stood there, with no movements. Instantly, I felt a bit better. Maybe, this is a dream. Maybe, I should just open my eyes and look. I closed my eyes. Took a deep breath and then opened my eyes.


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was another pair of eyes. But, that pair of eyes, barely qualified as 'eyes'.

Those eyes were red. Blood trickled down those eyes. A small black spot was on the red bloody mass. I stepped back and fell. It was the blacky. It was her eyes. She was standing close to me. God. I clutched the bangle on my wrist and prayed. But I was interrupted by Blacky. Through the corner of my eyes, I saw the thing approaching me. I jumped up and moved back.

"Cowardice, Sara Alves Toldler. You are a coward." - The voice laughed like a devil.

Toldler? My name was just Sara Alves. Oh, I get it, she called me a toddler. She teased me. I felt anger in me. How dare she?

I took a step forward and didn't step back. I had to prove myself in front of her. Blacky was standing still under the light. I walked towards her. I don't know from where that courage just popped in. But yes, each of my steps was firm and confident, which made me feel more confident.

"Here I am. Sara Alves. Now, if you have courage in you, come on...Face me."- I spoke up with an unquavering voice.

"Sara Alves, is it? Of course, you have not yet realised the truth. My master will be delighted."- the voice spoke as she approached me.

We were just an arm apart, now. Her figure was as usual. Blurry and misty. Her face was hidden behind the hood of the cloak that she had on.

Though my brain was sending me signals to run off and escape, the rest of my body wasn't ready to obey it this time. I was determined. If this decision would kill me, then I would happily welcome death.

"Sara Alves, your tale ends here. No more of Sara Alves Toldler."- Saying this, she fished out a stick from her pocket and pointed it towards me.

"Here ends the tale of the great Sara Alves Toldler. Our master will be delighted to know about your death."- She laughed.

The stick wasn't too long but rather it resembled a wand....wait...A wand. The thing in her hand wasn't a stick, it was a wand. I stood there, unable to move. I knew this was my last. I was weaponless and she was gonna kill.

"God, help me."

I muttered under my breath as I saw a silver light flash from the end of the wand.


A/N- Hey, guys. How do you feel about this chapter? Will Sara survive or will she be killed by the "blacky". To know more, stay tuned for the next chapters. Your suggestions and thoughts are most welcomed. This chapter lacks proof-reading, please do forgive the mistakes.

If you like this chapter, then please do vote and lemme know your valuable comments.

Till the next chapter...Take care!!