
Sapphire and Manuel: forgetting the past

After finally being free with the help of Oracle, a new challenge with a new opportunity to change their lives is presented to Sapphire and Manuel, and they agree to see their friends again without looking back.

DaoistObvp0c · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Valentine's Day and years later III

After enjoying a family mushroom pizza, we put everything away and took another walk where there was a beautiful cave and above it crystals of various colors, white, blue, lilac and in the center there was a large rainbow colored one, they had many shapes and colors, although all were with the same power as it was a temple of Cupid with Venus.

It was already in the afternoon and Cedric asked me to dance with him, although I explained him many times that I had two left feet he didn't listen to me and in the end I agreed to dance with him, he went to the viewpoint and looked for my cell phone to play the song, when it started to play I let him guide me although it was a little difficult but I managed to dance for a while, while the music was playing I noticed Cedric nervous so I asked him to tell me what was going on and between tangles and curious pauses he finally said

Cedric: I want to help you choose a horse -then he makes a curious pause and affirms- yes, that's what I wanted to say.

I didn't know why but I noticed that it wasn't entirely true, but I agreed and I preferred to pretend to believe him and then I did a little more research, not far from there there were wild horses and I looked at Cedric curiously and he said to me

Cedric: in the old days my tribe used to do this, let a wild horse choose him.

I look at him curiously and ask him: what is it like now?

He puts his hand to his head and says looking away a little: now it's in a corral, but for me it's more fun like this.

I shook my head a little and whispered: you'll see how they run away and none of them will accept me.

Cedric explained to me why he had named his horse Licht which means light in German, amazed by that he told me that he used to have a traveling uncle who loved Germany and that's why he named his horse Licht when he was still a foal, that amazed me a lot and I decided to try it as he had explained to me, I was not good at stealth so they quickly knew about me, they ran a little bit but they were still close.

The horses were really beautiful there was a white horse with brown spots and brown hair, another that was gray with darker shades, there were adults and young and even calves, it is true that I saw them but not fixedly I did not want them to see me as a threat, only there was something that none of them witnessed and that was that there was a beautiful Jaguar near all of us.

I sat on the grass and looked at the sky but from time to time I turned my face slightly and watched them until I decided to let my hair down so I would not notice that I saw them, I knew by quick sight that there were 4 that were staring at me, I sensed that one of them was the leader and was watching in case I made a wrong move.

I did not know how but a noise alerted me and I decided to take out my daggers, Cedric who was not far away and noticing the magic noticed that something was wrong, and approached me, of course the horses did not run away when they saw him because with the Elves they were a little more confident.

When we were about to make the herd run I heard a horse make a noise and that's when many started to run except the leader who had to fight, I ran as fast as I could and I placed myself in front of the horse and as if everyone could understand me I said

Me: that's enough.

The horse stopped making the noise as well as the Jaguar but it was still showing its fangs and I said: please stop -note its body somewhat weak and its tits sagging, so without looking at Cedric I said- it has young Cedric, maybe it felt threatened by me... What do I do.

He sighs and with his bow ready he says: the idea will be to leave.

As if the horse had understood I neighed and approached him angrily and said: don't worry we won't leave you alone Leader.

As he sees me for some reason he calms his gesture, both could run away and leave us to our fate but his curiosity was great.

I decided to put my daggers away as I recited a protection spell for the horses, all 3 as Licht joined in listening to the Leader whinny at Cedric.

Cedric just watched what I was doing without letting go of the bow ready to attack, I didn't want him to attack as that would hurt him more than me, so I decided to sacrifice a little, I could summon things, so I decided to summon some food and water, the Jaguar a un was angry but her sense of smell got the better of her, Perla had taught me a spell to summon anything, although she saw it as partly useless, but that at that moment was helpful, I remembered the food in chicken.