
Sapphire and Cedric: Changing our lives

Sapphire lived many beautiful moments with the bears and love had finally knocked on her door, already engaged to Cedric a big decision and a new challenge comes before them, only she will be able to control a latent darkness.

DaoistObvp0c · Fantasy
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Life's twists and turns and my big decision II

Already at the hour we decided to leave the room to walk near the Castle, my mother to see me in the garden ran to hug me and wish me happy birthday while I put her aware of the tiara and a beautiful suit; Paula was excited about my story and more of the Jaguar at the beginning of course also thought the same as Cedric and understood why this at the end stressed the phrase 'lose me' but then understood why and the final result of it.

He proposed that I could bring them here and they would take them to one of the doors where the place is big and has enough food and I could have an excuse to visit them all, the idea was not bad so I decided to put it into practice the next day.

We arrived at the dining room and saw several people already up and Jack smiling happily while in a few words he ran to where I was to raise me and hug me, Cedric and Paula laughed for such an event and from there one by one of those present congratulated me, the guys who belonged to the band the same.

Teresa who was like a cousin to me and I remember she used to sing a lot for me, introduced me to Ricardo a very handsome guy with tanned skin, deep black eyes and wavy black hair he was about 1.80 he was human just like me but I noticed that he never left Teresa's side, he played the drums and the piano so he knew how to help Teresa.

As we sat down Teresa along with Ricardo sang a beautiful melody, about how 2 guys at a club opening get to know each other and like each other and become friends, where both of their hearts know there is something more. Anyone who knew vampires now would say 'they don't have feelings anymore' and yes they are partly right as they don't reflect their feelings as humans they were.

But they still have one or two other emotions, for example hate, jealousy and violence they knew how to control those emotions, but they were still my family and I loved them as they loved me and Manuel as they gave us more than we could ask for.

Manuel that day could not go and neither could his parents as he would meet a future partner, and more since our last conversation he copied me few emails and I knew he wanted to give himself some time, and then come back to see me as a friend. At the party they sang birthday to me and gave me more clothes, low shoes and some beautiful small earrings, Cedric who was very quiet looks at my father and to break that curious ice he says

Jack: Is something wrong son? You seem quiet

I raised an eyebrow when I heard the word 'son' I looked at Paula and she raised her shoulder and also looked at him curiously, when we were thinking of asking Cedric stands up and says

Cedeic: I need everyone's attention, I have something important to say.

I looked at him curious but then I said to myself 'maybe he wants everyone to see my second gift' so in part I didn't give him much importance until after taking a popcorn I noticed that Cedric was next to me and he was staring at me, when I saw him I made a curious and doubtful gesture at the same time until I noticed that he put a knee on the floor and without understanding I took another popcorn.

Cedric who is trying to calm down waits a little and says: my beautiful Sapphire princess... Will you marry me?

Just when I was enjoying the popcorn a cough of nerves invaded me so I had to drink a mouthful of water and then all pink like a guava I said: eh?.... I mean, this is very sudden... I don't even know what to say anymore.

And a very animated Paula and Teresa say in unison "yes" to which Ricardo, encouraging both women even more, says

Ricardo: a "yes" wouldn't be bad, come on woman this is not easy for us.

I did not know if it was true or not but what I did know was that I was excited and nervous, I will not deny that if I wondered or imagined, but from dream to reality is a turn of several degrees and more to have the family encouraging the nerves.

I stared at him and took his hands that were hot from nerves and while ignoring a cheering family almost shouting yes as if it had been for them, I got down on one knee in front of Cedric and although I could only laugh or smile from nerves I joined the words of a yes and then said.

Me: Yes I want to marry you and not just because of my lively family doing the cheering...but I also can't imagine a life without you.

It may sound corny but it was the only sentence I could connect or complete because otherwise I was a nervous wreck. We cut the cake between the two of us since instead of birthday cake it became engagement cake and my parents partly knew about Cedric's plan and that's why my father told him 'son'.

Near morning we went to the bears since it would be in the afternoon and we left happy, promising to let them know everything.