

Keshav, a flying creature, lives in a haunted ruin. In the eyes of everyone, he is a demon or a wandering soul, but in reality he is of a calm nature and he is very much in love with flowers. One day he meets Vrinda who is allergic to flowers . Both fall in love with each other in spite of adversity. will they live together... ************ "I don't know... I don't know... but I have to be brave. I have to go inside. I want to see who is he?" Then she started to move in fear, she looked here and there. She could not see anything, she took a sigh of relief and started moving forward. She went further inside the building. That creature was sitting on a big tree nearby. He looked like a human in appearance. His eyes were just yellow. Tears of blood came out from his eyes. The teeth were also a bit big may be canine. He had black marks on his shoulders, probably tattoos. Vrinda was still thinking a lot. "Maybe he's a monster." ********************* JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kalakshik/?hl=en

sharmakalakshi913 · Fantasy
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324 Chs


Keshav was looking towards the front. He did not respond. Knowing that Keshav might be very bad, Vrinda was no longer afraid of him.

He was not saying anything but he was happy in his heart

"Come on, after so many years someone has come to talk to me. Don't run away from me in fear."

he asked Vrinda

"Aren't you scared of me?"

Vrinda said while moving away

"It is… not… but the way you are sitting now, it doesn't look like you will harm anyone."

Keshav asked looking at her with a slanting look

"Is it really so?"

"Yeah... yes..."

She took out the tiffin from her bag and extended it towards Keshav.

"I have brought this almond katli by making it. I hope you will definitely like it. I did not understand what should I give you while apologizing, but maybe you will like it."

Keshav started looking at the almonds katli. Vrinda understood the feelings of his mind and said

"No, really nothing has been mixed in it. it not have poison or drug. If you want, I can show myself by eating it too."

Hearing this, Keshav started smiling but then suddenly became serious again.

Vrinda said excitedly

"Oh! how sweet your smile is. You smile like this, don't you?"

Then she understood what she had said. She started stealing her eyes. Keshav also shuddered a bit because no one had ever told him like this. shee picked up an almond katli from the tiffin and ate it and then said

"Look, nothing happened to me. I did not mix anything, you must eat it. I made it myself."

Then her eyes fell on her watch, it was time for her to go home. She got up and started leaving, then she went close to him and put the tiffin in his hand and said

"I'll come later. I have to go home now."

She ran straight outside. Keshav also came flying on the verandah and started watching Vrinda leaving.

Vrinda looked back and saw Keshav. He was now looking very godly at his wings, although for the first time, Keshav will find it very scary. At first she was also scared when she saw him with wings. He was wearing black pants, nothing on top... bare, and his dark-skinned wings looked terrifying. Still, Vrinda went away smiling seeing him.