
Something Happened

The meeting was finished in a blink of an eye and most of it were spent on how they will be improving the medical equipments which were all solved by Kazuto. This made him look very reliable for the other people inside the room which made the meeting smoother with most of it Kazuto and Shouzou talking to each other.

The meeting ended after three hours, people then started to leave, leaving only Kazuto and Shouzou inside the room

During the meeting, Shouzou was amazed by how knowledgeable Kazuto was and this just fully cemented the thought of marrying his daughter to him and making him inherit the company.

Which he thinks will really developed better and just imagining it made him really happy. He then went to Kazuto and was just about to talk to him when Kazuto's phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me for a bit Uncle Shou." Kazuto apologetically said.

Shouzou nodded at him and said, "Don't worry about me. It must be important, you go on ahead and answer it."

Kazuto then picked up the phone call and went a little bit away from Shouzou. When he saw who was calling him, he was a bit confused as to why she was callimg but he still answered.

"Hello S..."

"WHAT?! Where are you right now?!"

"Okay! I'll be there right away!"

Kazuto then went towards Shouzou hurriedly and said to him

"I'm so sorry Uncle Shou. Something important happen and I really need to go right now."

"Don't worry about it Kazuto. If it's important I could asked my driver to drive you there." Shouzou said and then offered some help. This was a chance for him to get closer to Kazuto and he wouldn't miss this chance.

"That would be really great Uncle Shou. I'll be going then, I will come visit next time." Kazuto said as he started running out of the building.

When he was already out of the building, he was then approached by a man whom he recognized as the one who had driven the car that picked him up earlier.

"Hello Mr. Kirigaya, the boss asked me to drive you to where you are going." The man respectfully said.

"Thank you then. I'll be going to XXXXX Hospital amd can we hurry?" Kazuto said as he got inside the car.


/XXXXX Hospital - September 13, 2020/

Arriving in front of the hospital, Kazuto said his thanks to the driver and got out of the car immediately and quickly rushed to the hospital.

He then approached the receptionist and asked her.

"Which room is Asada Shino in?!"

The receptionist looked at him and was not that really surprised to see him as he looked a bit taller than a 12 years should be and by the way he acts maturely, the receptionist just thought that he was a family.

"She's in Room 404 sir."

"Thank you!" Kazuto quickly said his thanks and then bolted towards the room number. It was located at the fourth floor but he didn't used the elevator as he was faster when running.

He then arrived in front of the room and without any hesitation, opened it and then entered it.


/RECT Inc./

"Where did he go?" Shouzou asked the driver.

The driver had his head lowered as he answered, "He went to the XXXXX Hospital boss!"

"Okay, you may go." Shouzou said. The driver then left amd Shouzou was left alone in his office.

He then stood from his chair amd went close to the window as he gaze outside. He was thinking what should he do to make Kazuto be part of his family amd he can only put his hope towards his daughter.

Luckily for him, his daughter was also a beauty and from the looks of it, had a crush on Kazuto. If he can push them together amd get them married, not only would his daughter be happy, his companh would also flourished. It is like killing two birds with one stone.

It is short because I have something to ask you guys.

I was thinking of making Shino look like her avatar Sinon after a year of the incident or I should make her look like on already?

Also, what do you think of making Shino a Kuudere? you know, she acts cool and cold to others but very sweet to our Kazuto.

Should I also save the Konno sisters and include them in the Harem?

The Konno sisters are Konno Aiko and Konno Yuuki. Aiko's the older one between the two of them.

WritingForFuncreators' thoughts