

Kazuto holding one of Suguha's hand, they are walking side by side at the mall while Suguha was looking around her excitedly.

Today was a special day as Kazuto had promised her that they will be shopping today and Kazuto had promised her that he will buy her anything she wants.

And as a girl as she is, who would say no to a free shopping? Suguha had immediately change clothes after hearing this and pestered Kazuto to go instantly.

Kazuto could only smile at how excited she was and just followed her as this day is meant to be spent with her.


"Sugu-chan where do you want to go first?" Kazuto asked.

Suguha then put up a thinking expression, she out her hand under her chin as she then looks up with her eyes closed. Her eyebrows were knitted together as she though very hard.

Kazuto waited for her answer and just stood there as he looked at her thinking expression which was really cute. He had no idea how old he was in his past life but he certainly is not a lollicon.

After some moment, Suguha finally decided where she wants to ge first.

"Let's eat first!" She said excitedly as she had already chosen where they will be eating, she dragged Kazuto towards it.

"Okay.....No need to drag me." Kazuto helplessly smiled as he didn't resist Suguha dragging him. He was clearly stronger than her many times but he decided not to resist and just let Suguha be.

Arriving in front of the restaurant, it was named Fragrant Flower but they are not selling flowers. They just had the theme of a garden-like restaurant as the place was surrounded by different kind of flowers.

There were some hanging on the ceiling, at the walls, and their was even some on the tables. Everywhere you look at, you could see flowers amd they all smell nicely.

"Woaahh!!" Suguha was amazed by the restaurant and thought that it was very beautiful. That was one of the reasons why she chose thos restaurant because she thought it was 'beautiful'.

Kazuto was also appreciating the beauty of the restaurant and how unique their theme was. He had not seen a restaurant before that was completely filled with flowers like this one. Their are a lot of cafe shops that are flower themed but no restaurant.

It was also refreshing to look at the vibrant colors of the flowers as they all harmonized and can calm the mind. Kazuto immediately fell for this restaurant and metally noted to visit here more often.

"Onii-chan let's go inside.." Suguha said. As she then entered the restaurant which had the doors already opened.

"Alright." Kazuto then followed behind Suguha. As he went inside, he was once again amazed by the restaurant. He can't get enough of this view no matter how he look at it.

They then sat on the vacant seat, where a waiter approached them while holding the menu.

"What would you like to order sir?" The waiter said as she look at Kazuto with a blush on her face. As Kazuto don't really look like a 12 year old kid because of how tall he already was, people often mistaken him for a teenager.

Kazuto picked up the menu and then looked at it for a while before passing it to Suguha amd said to her.

"What do you want to eat Sugu-chan?" Suguha received the menu, then pointed at one dish that she seem to have already chosen from the very start.

"I want this Special Beef Stew!" Kazuto then also chose the same order as her.

"What would you like for your drinks sir?"

"We will just have some Mango Juice."

The waiter then left not before she stole another glance at Kazuto who was noticed by Suguha.

"Hmpt!" Suguha pouted at this as she glared at Kazuto.

"What is it Sugu-chan?" Kazuto asked. It was a bit uncomfortable when Suguha was looking at him clearly mad about something he was not even aware of.

Suguha just turned to look away from him and Kazuto can only helplessly smile. A sudden thought then emerged from his thoughts as he looked at Suguha.

--Is she having that thing already?

Kazuto thought to himself. There was this special day of the month that girls would become extremely moody. He thought that Suguha was just experiencing the same.

If Suguha knew what he was thinking, she would really punch him as it is not an appropriate thing to think.


A short chapter since I just got my tablet and there will be changes in the release schedule.

There will only be one chapter every two days as my brain can't keep up with the daily updates. I really don't want to mess up the story so I try to think about it harder.

About the other fanfic, we have reached 500 people who had put this novel in their libraries so I am starting to re-write the novel.

Just a quick question, should it be in 1st POV or 3rd POV?

WritingForFuncreators' thoughts