
Santairiku Eiyuuki: Gendai Chishiki ni Yoru Teikoku Saikenki

Santairiku Eiyuuki: Gendai Chishiki ni Yoru Teikoku Saikenki (Light Novel) Possessing memories of being born, raised and died in a country called Japan… the young boy Hercule was born in the imperial household of a declining empire. This empire that once was a super power that reigned over the world… is now a country nearing it’s end. The public finances are in bankruptcy, the military strength declined to the point that barbarians are able to wreck havoc on their territories, and the neighboring countries squeeze the Empire for tribute payments every year. And the young Hercule is forced to take over this empire! Thus, the 12-year-old Hercule ascends to the throne. Using the knowledge from his previous life, Hercule struggles to rebuild the empire… reforming the tax system, revolutionizing the industry, reorganizing the public finances, rebuilding the administration and reforming the military system. Tags : Action..Comedy. Drama. Ecchi. Fantasy. Harem .Light Novels. Isekai. Kingdom Building .Modern Knowledge. Person in a Strange World. Reincarnation. Royalty. Based on a Web Novel, , Story does not belong to me . I am just posting it here for me to read on this app. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 4 – Card

[So, I've been kidnapped.]

[It's not a kidnapping. You're a Farsian's long-eared tribe Elf, right? There is a high probability that you're an aristocrat. If we're letting you die in our country, it's going to be a war.]

When he said that to Scheherazade…while looking at her breasts specifically, Carolina glared at Hercule.

Hercule responded by shrugging his shoulders.

As a matter of fact…

There were non-Long-eared tribe Elf aristocrats, so there were also long-eared tribe elf commoners too.

That's something that both the Lemurian Empire and the Fars Kingdom didn't change at all.

However, Hercule determined that Scheherazade was an aristocrat from [The culture of learning Lemurian language] and the [Upper-class Fars language] spoken by Scheherazade.

The decisive factor was ultimately the beautiful Fars language spoken by Scheherazade.

It was something similar for Lemurian language and English language in the premortal world, but the language spoken by the lower classes and the language spoken by the upper classes are slightly different even though it's the same language.

The class can be judged by the spoken language.

[Anyway, for the time being I'm calling the Foreign Minister now…. Well, do you want to ask some questions before that? Scheherazade-san, I'll answer it honestly.]

Hercule smiles at Scheherazade.

Scheherazade responded to Hercule with a nervous look.

[Umm…can I ask you one?]

[Yes, sure.]

[You see…Are you really Your Majesty the Emperor?]


When Hercule nodded with a smile, Scheherazade bent her knees and put her hands on the floor.

[Please forgive me for your impoliteness! T-that was, I don't have any intention of criticizing Your Majesty…]

[No problem, it's alright. At that time, I was just Hercule, not an Emperor.]

Hercule fluttered his hand and appealed that he didn't care.

Hercule who did not reveal his identity in the first place was also wrong after all.

[But, right now I'm the Emperor…. Any lie won't be permitted. You're definitely an aristocrat of the Fars kingdom, right?]


Since she was being stared straight by Hercule, Scheherazade shut her mouth while averting her glance away.

After taking a deep sigh, Hercule…

[Don't look away!!!]


Scheherazade replied with a crying face when Hercule suddenly yelled.

And as she was told, she stared straight into Hercule's eyes.

[Are you an aristocrat?]

[…I'm not.]

Hercule stares straight into Scheherazade's eyes.

It doesn't seem to be a lie.

[Then are you a commoner?]

[…I'm not.]

This doesn't seem to be a lie either.

What does it mean?

Hercule tilts his head.

[Tell me your real identity.]

[…I will remain silent.]

[I'm sorry, but you don't have the right to remain silent. Say it!]

[Uuh!! Please forgive me!!]

Hercule uses his innate magic [Dread] to intimidate Scheherazade, but Scheherazade just shakes her head from side to side while crying.

Hercule sighed.

[It seems there is no other way.]

Any further, the results will not be achieved even if Hercule keeps questioning her.

[…Your Majesty, is it fun to bully a girl?]

[Don't say it in a misleading way. Carolina.]

Hercule smiled bitterly at Carolina, who glared at him with her eyes.

Then, the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived while doing such a thing.

[I'm Todris Todrianus. His Majesty the Emperor.]

[Oh, finally you came.]

In front of Hercule, there was a fat man…

The Foreign Minister Todris Todrianus greeted him.

Todris Todrianus.

His race was a mixed-race of a long-eared tribe which is half-elf.

An important vassal of the late Emperor Hadrianus III, his task is to manage all diplomatic affairs.

Hercule trusted the eyes of Hadrianus III's for talent, so he appointed and kept Todris Todrianus' position as it was.

[So, do you know who she is?]

[Yes, I do. I kind of understand?]

Todris stared at Scheherazade.

[…Though, I didn't expect it to be Scheherazade-sama.]

[Do you know her?]

[Rather I know her… She's Princess Scheherazade. She's the daughter of Sasanian VIII, the Princess of the Fars Kingdom.]



One of the five children of King Sasanian VIII, a royal family of purebred long-eared high elf.

Her beauty seemed to be famous in the Kingdom of Fars, but it is also famous for her to rarely make an appearance in social circles.

The reason is simple.

Because Scheherazade was a Messiah believer.

It's not a well-known story.

Rather, it is not a story that is completely known to everyone.

Not long ago, the Messianic religion was not suppressed in the Fars kingdom…

There were also a few Messiahs in the heart of the country.

[However, she is quite pious to leave her home and do pilgrimage to the sacred ground.]

[Truly… I've never heard any story of a Princess from one country running away from home.]

Hercule and Todris stared at Scheherazade.

When you thought about it, she didn't even think like a princess would be.

[Uuu… I can't be caught by the Emperor of Lemuria… Oh, no more. My father will get angry…]

Scheherazade crying and sniffling.

That's likely, but there is no doubt that it is not at the level of getting angry anymore.

[So what should we do? With this.]

[Your Majesty, please don't say this. She is still a Princess.]

Todris admonished Hercule.

After shrugging his shoulders, Hercule went to approach Scheherazade's side.

Scheherazade was drawn back in a frightened manner.

Hercule showed a smile at Scheherazade.

[Don't worry. Princess Scheherazade. I am the Emperor of the Lemurian Empire. Until the Last Judgment descends, I am the ruler of the only Empire of God on earth and the guardian of all Messiahs. Even if your position is different from the normal people. For me, every Messiah believer is something that must be protected. I'll show you that I can protect you.]

[Y-your Majesty the Emperor…]

Scheherazade looked up at Hercule with tears.

Now, Hercule's point was exploding in Scheherazade.

[P-please! But please, only to my father! If he knew that I was captured by the Lemuria Emperor…]

Scheherazade grabs the sleeve of Hercule's clothes, is she really that scared of her father?

[Please, anything, I'll do anything! So please keep it a secret.]

[Please be relieved. I am on your side.]

Hercule replied with a smile.


[That, I'm thinking of returning her, but does anyone have any objections?]

Hercule immediately got interrupted, after he gathered only the senior vassals.

Carolina and Todris, who had heard his statement toward Scheherazade that he would [absolutely protect her], dropped their shoulders.

[Your Majesty… when I thought better of him…]

[What were his words earlier?]

[No, it's necessary to lie at that time, right?]

Hercule shrugged his shoulders.

For the time being, he showed that kindness to comfort her, but it seems that Carolina and Todris cannot understand it.

Good grief, it's troublesome.

Hercule looked around while thinking about something.

[I have no objection. If it's unskilled to be done, they would suspect that we're the ones who kidnapped the Princess by now.]

Christos agreed with Hercule.

[I have the same opinion too. The border with the Kingdom of Fars is now stable. We don't need to bother to create a cause to start war. The military power of the Kingdom of Fars is still higher than our country. Unfortunately.]

It's rare for Garphis to have the same opinion as Christos, I nodded in agreement.

[Lucanos, how about you?]



[Eh? Ah… I'm sorry. What is it?]

[Just as I said earlier, I'm asking if we should return Scheherazade or not… What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?]

Hercule worriedly asked Lucanos.

It's rare for Lucanos to be slow to respond.

[…I'm sorry. It's just, I'm a little bit worried.]

[What are you worried about?]

[It's not a big deal… I should return to normal soon, I think.]

Hercule leaned his neck, when he saw toward Lucanos's appearance, which was different from usual…

If he had something to say, Hercule thought that Lucanos would say it, so he decided to drop the topic here.

Hercule looks at Carolina.

[What do you think?]

[Although, I don't know about the political judgment… I feel sorry for her, but maybe it's better for her to return back? King Sasanian VIII may be worried too.]

[Haha… Surely Sasanian VIII would be worried. Well, is it reasonable to do them a favor with the intention of getting something later?]

With that in mind, Hercule turned his attention to Todris.

Todris is a diplomatic specialist.

It's not too late to make the final decision, even after hearing Todris's opinion.

[I disagree, His Majesty the Emperor.]

[Why is that?]

[You shouldn't let go of your important diplomatic cards.]

After Todris said that to distract Hercule, and then he began to explain.

[First of all, I would like to explain the damage that our country suffers from returning her. As the Emperor told Scheherazade earlier, Your Majesty is the guardian of all Messiahs. For example, Even if she is a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Fars… No, because she is the royal family of the Fars Kingdom, Your Majesty must protect her. If Your Majesty returns her to Sasan VIII, Your Majesty's authority as a guardian of the Messiah will fall.]

The Emperor of Lemuria is the guardian of the Messiah.

Even though he's just a public figure, but…

In diplomacy, the public figure is important.

Todris knew well that this authority had tremendous power in diplomacy.

That is why the decision that makes the loss of this authority must be avoided.

But, Hercule asked a question.

[Is it something that must be protected even if it's become a war? Is it something that must be protected even if the territory is lost or the lives of the people are used?]

[It depends on the scale. Your Majesty the Emperor. Of course, compare the important location of the Empire… It's something that cannot be compared to Syria, Misuru, nor the Sacred grounds. However, Your Majesty. Those territories can be retaken. The population will keep increasing. Military forces can be rebuilt. But, neither authority nor trust will be restored after losing it once.]

[I see, trust is more important than territory and population.]

Hercule smiled happily.

It's a thought that Hercule doesn't consider that much.

But it made sense.

[Moreover, even if we returned her, it does not mean that Sasanian VIII will be friendly to our country. Depending on the circumstances, they may be attacking us by saying that [She was kidnapped]. This was quite possible. Given the nature of the King Sasanian, her daughter is a Messianic, so it is no wonder that he might try to use the war to regain his foot back from the diplomatic blunder.]

[Although, I don't know the character of Sasanian VIII… Well, I certainly won't be that grateful. From the standpoint of Sasanian VIII. There is certainly a possibility of attacking.]

The military power of the Fars Kingdom is higher than the Lemurian Empire.

Threatening someone with a pistol by using a knife would be counterproductive.

[What are the benefits?]

[First of all, the trust and authority of our country and Your Majesty will rise. If we win, of course, but even if we lose, the fact that our country fought against the Kingdom of Fars to protect the Messiah believer will still remain. Your Majesty's domestic support will go up too.]

[I see… but, I'd rather make an actual profit. Trust and authority aren't very attractive.]

Of course, It's not bad to be praised [As expected of Hercule!!]…

[Yes, I know. First… Sasanian VIII doesn't know the fact that our country is giving Princess Scheherazade a shelter. If you're being doubted, you can pretend to not know about her. Princess Scheherazade is a diplomatic card. She is very useful as she is. So, she should stay retained.]

I see, Hercule convinced himself inwardly.

Scheherazade was the joker.

Depending on how it was used, it could either give disadvantages or it could be of great benefit to the Lemurian Empire.

Todris judged that the benefits were greater.

[Our country has been defeated by the Kingdom of Fars in military force, and it has been put in a disadvantageous position until now…. That's why you should not let go of this card.]

Todris concluded his explanation with that opinion.

The final decision is Hercule.

After thinking a while, Hercule…

[Alright, let's go with Todris's idea.]

Thus, Scheherazade would stay in the Lemurian Empire for a while.