
Santairiku Eiyuuki: Gendai Chishiki ni Yoru Teikoku Saikenki

Santairiku Eiyuuki: Gendai Chishiki ni Yoru Teikoku Saikenki (Light Novel) Possessing memories of being born, raised and died in a country called Japan… the young boy Hercule was born in the imperial household of a declining empire. This empire that once was a super power that reigned over the world… is now a country nearing it’s end. The public finances are in bankruptcy, the military strength declined to the point that barbarians are able to wreck havoc on their territories, and the neighboring countries squeeze the Empire for tribute payments every year. And the young Hercule is forced to take over this empire! Thus, the 12-year-old Hercule ascends to the throne. Using the knowledge from his previous life, Hercule struggles to rebuild the empire… reforming the tax system, revolutionizing the industry, reorganizing the public finances, rebuilding the administration and reforming the military system. Tags : Action..Comedy. Drama. Ecchi. Fantasy. Harem .Light Novels. Isekai. Kingdom Building .Modern Knowledge. Person in a Strange World. Reincarnation. Royalty. Based on a Web Novel, , Story does not belong to me . I am just posting it here for me to read on this app. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 25 Revolt of Hadrianus (IV)

"Watch, Darios. This is art in the form of warfare. Aah… lovely…"

(Unbelievable. To think he managed to reproduce it so perfectly.)

Darios amazedly looked at Hercule, who was wearing an enraptured expression.

The tactic that Hercule just replicated was originally used by a legendary general living about a thousand year ago who was known for making use of the mobility of cavalry troops to the maximum degree. It could be called a work of art created from the fallen corpses of war.

Some might think that victory was expected with such a huge gap in military strength between the two sides. But Darios was certain that an ordinary person would not have been capable of such a feat.

In the first place, it was none other than Hercule who created that gap in military strength through diplomacy, most particularly by removing the enemy's elite Bulgaroni cavalry from the playing field. He had splendidly eliminated the enemy cavalry force without losing a single soldier, without paying a single coin, and even made them own him in return. His diplomatic prowess, his negotiation ability alone was already worth a special mention.

And one must not forget that the troops who had just accomplished this double envelopment maneuver were personally trained Hercule, who also handpicked the commanders and assigned them their posts.

Before, the structure of the Lemurian Army made it difficult to take in mercenary troops. Mercenary contingents often ended up being more of a hindrance and had to be converted into part of the standing army.



The most crucial part was weaponry. Had the Lemurian troops been all equipped with pikes, they would have been too inflexible to surround enemy flanks. But if the troops had all carried halberds, it would be difficult for them intercept enemy troops in the front.

Appropriate weapons make a strong army. That is a major prerequisite for victory.

Still, that alone was not enough to carry out such a magnificent encirclement.

The last piece was—Darios.

Had Hercule been forced to command twenty thousand troops by himself, it would have been impossible for him to give out such complex orders. By delegating half of the army to Darios, he was able to execute an encirclement maneuver for the first time.

And the one who welcomed Darios—a past enemy, someone he should have hated for humiliating his father—into the Lemurian army was none other than Hercule himself.

This victory was Hercule's doing, from start to finish. It was the final culmination.

Darios understood that full well.

In days of yore, this sure-win encirclement tactic was carried out by a great general who crossed a great mountain range to invade a peninsula and brought Lemuria to bay.

Many figures in history had suffered devastating defeats while trying to imitate him.

It was because they didn't understand the true nature of the encirclement tactic. To execute it required three factors: high-quality troops, excellent officers and an edge in cavalry strength.

Hercule understood that full well, therefore he drilled his troops, appointed the best officers and crippled the enemy cavalry force through negotiations.

The most dreadful thing was…

(A fifteen-year-old boy managed all this… What kind of monster will he grow up to be?)

The life expectancy of elves was 200 years. Which means Hercule would continue to accumulate experience for 185 years more.

(I'm looking forward to it… I really am.)

A smile appeared on Darios's face. How much more would his young lord mature? How much more would he accomplish?

Darios would continue to observe attentively.

"Your Imperial Majesty."

"Nn? What, Darios?"

Darios told Hercule who was still on cloud nine.

"I'll serve you to the best of my ability from here on out, my lord."

Darios smiled at Hercule's bewildered expression. It was at this moment that Darios truly and sincerely pledged his allegiance to Hercule.

"Alright, we gotta start cutting them down so they can't break out of the encirclement. Don't let your guard down okay, Your Majesty."

"I know, I know… There's more to the encirclement tactic than just surrounding your enemy, huh. It's like a waterskin filled with so much water that it stretches out."

The battle formation must be stretched thin to make a complete encirclement. If enemy troops inside managed to get their act together and simultaneously push toward the same direction, they would be able to break through.

That was only if they could get their act together, though. For the enemy troops who were in total frenzy from being surrounded on the flanks and behind to work in concert was a tall order. Losing the ability to think calmly amid the mass hysteria, they would rather retreat deeper inside than to face the Lemurian Army who was determined to wipe them out. Even if someone noticed how foolish such an act was, they wouldn't be able to go against the flow of people running for their lives. If they tried to do that, friendly fire would occur for sure.

When an encirclement had been closed, any gap in numbers no longer mattered.

To encircle was to surround the enemy, rendering all enemy troops not in immediate contact with the encircling force useless. When an encirclement had been closed, 90% of the enemy force was as good as dead. The rebels were no longer an army but a mere flock of people.

"Well, as long as we keep enemy troops bottled in and rain arrows on them, there's no commander who could put them in fighting order though."

"Exactly. We should remain cautious, but… it's fine to relax a bit. Our victory is unshakable."

Hercule and Darios let their guard down at that moment. They let themselves relax completely.

One must not let victory get over their head. That saying was apt for Hercule and Darios at the time.

The battle was indeed already decided. No matter what happened after this, the outcome could not be overturned. But… Hercule's work of art named "encircle and exterminate" was a little flawed.

First off, it must be said that the encirclement Hercule created was flawless. There was no gap for even a rat to slip through. As well, his longbowmen were raining arrows down from above.

Each person shot ten arrows a minute. One regiment, 9,600 longbowmen were there, which meant 96,000 arrows were pouring down every minute.

There was probably no one on earth who could put his troops in order in such a situation. How many commanders in world history could boast of having rallied his men to charge at the smallest oscillation in the encirclement and successfully break out?

Such a feat required talent in leading soldiers, keen tactical vision that wouldn't miss the slightest opportunity, and… the devil's own luck.

Even if it was Hercule or Darios who were in such a situation, they wouldn't be able to break out without some degree of luck.

At the moment, however… He was there, inside the encirclement.

A young man who possessed both the talent in leading soldiers and keen tactical vision that wouldn't miss the slightest opportunity.

And—a streak of luck with less than one in a thousand chance came his way.

"Now! Charge! Let's survive and return home!!"

That young man, Oskar Almon, shouted. Leading the few troops he had left, he charged towards the gap that was briefly opened because of the fluctuation in the encircling formation.

God had lent him a hand.

And thus, thirty people including Oskar Almon successfully broke out of the encirclement.

"How about it, Darios? Could you break out if it was you?"

"It would depend on luck. The rate of success would be one in a hundred at most."

"Hm. If it was me, it would be one in ten, I think."

Hercule and Darios were astonished. To think enemy troops managed to break out of the encirclement. Only thirty of them, but… that was a splendid breakthrough.

"Oh well, it doesn't affect the overall situation. My artwork will come out a little misshapen, that's all."

"Hahaha… Well, even that great tactician let Lemurian troops get away a few times… hm?"

While comforting Hercule, Darios noticed.

Hercule had an exceedingly delightful smile on his face. It was like a kid coming across a pretty stone on the beach.

"Darios, rejoice. We finally have a new addition to our standing army."

Lemurian Army:

Infantry: ~1000 dead; ~18,200 remaining

Cavalry: ~200 dead; ~9,400 remaining

Longbowmen: 100 dead; ~9,500 remaining

Total: 1,300 dead; 37,100 remaining.

Rebel Army:

Mercenary infantry: ~13,000 dead; 2,000 surrendered; 30 escaped; 0 remaining

Crossbowmen: 1,000 dead; 500 surrendered; 500 escaped; 0 remaining

Bulgaroni cavalry: 8,000 withdrawn; 0 remaining

Noble cavalry: 700 dead; 1,300 surrendered

Total: zero remaining.

Result: Lemurian Army's total victory.