
Sandy Shores Not Just a Clan Leader

“The kills that are unexpected, and those my Prey doesn't see coming, are more fun. I can torture her or scare her to pieces, but I like the surprise.”-AB Get a glimpse into AB's head and see what he was like before he became a villain. Does this vicious vampire have a softer side?

Kayla_Ellen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter Two


I grab my top hat, placing it on like I do every single morning,  my wife Eleanor is fixing my tie. I glazed down at the beautiful pair of blue eyes staring up at me. Her smile on her pale face makes her cheeks seem extra red. I kiss her nose gently and love the laughter falling from my action. 

"How long will this business trip be AB?" I hear the desperation in her voice, and I can see the sadness on her face. I know she hates it when I leave. I can't help it, I am a businessman through and through, and sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the importance of life. 

"A week or so, maybe more." My heart hurts as she pulls away from me. I know she is disappointed. 

"Don't I even matter to you?" 

"Eleanor, stop, you know how much work matters. My job is how we survive."

"It's just I never see you anymore, I miss you, and the time we spend together." 

I feel her soft skin beneath my hand as I stroke her cheek. After this trip, we will go on a grand vacation together. It'll be luxurious and fun." 


I chuckle, seeing the happiness in her eyes. The way she looks at me with a stern face, I know what would happen if I broke a promise. 

"Yes, I promise."

Getting one last peck of Eleonor's lips, I walk out the front door of my enchanted three story house. It was a house many dream about owning and never will. I didn't get this house by chance or a lucky hand at poker.  It took hard work, dedication, sweat and tears. 

My whole life is dedicated to work, you get nowhere in life without hard work and fighting for the things you want. I picked up those values from my grandpa who's name was also AB, a very popular and common name in the south.

My ears heard the tapping of horse hooves as they gallop down the all brick road, the many of horse and buggies were overwhelming, as there will be many travelers for the holiday season, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. 

"Ticket please," I hear an elderly woman bark behind the ticket booth. 

I chuckle to myself, flashing her my upper class ticket. 

"Right this, this is way Mr. Phillips." She offers a fake smile, which was what I return. 

Once on the train, my eyes searched over the seats B123 in the Upperclassmen section. The very front of the train was where passengers could enjoy brandy, cigars, and steaks, among other things. I would imagine the menu would be less fancy for underclassmen. I would imagine beer and cheeseburgers would be appropriate for their menu. 

  I take my seat, trying my best to ignore the watchful eyes before me. 

"Frederick," the young gentleman reaches his arm across to shake my hand. He sits in a few seats beside me. 

"AB." My hand soon met him in a friendly shake.  This Frederick was fabulously wealthy, you can tell by his suit and the brand. His hat was neatly feathered, and his cigar smelled of spice. 

"What business do you work for?" He asks. 

"I am an owner of a furnace business."

"Oh yeah, bet you guys go through a lot of Steel."

  I smile and nod. "You have no idea."

"And your line of business?"

"I am a saloon owner." I see his proud grin. 

"Honorable work indeed."

He chuckles, lifting his glass and taking a shot of brandy.