
Sandy Shores Dev's Secret

Shit, how do I even fall in love with a zombie? How is a flipping zombie my mark mate? As soon as I hear her cry, I feel my wolf going insane. The desire to find her and protect her was really strong. It ate my insides, piercing into my very soul. Even though I know Alpha orders are clear, we destroy every zombie. No matter their age, gender or alertness. I won't and can't destroy my mate. This is a specific time frame in Sandy Shores Awaken, giving a glimpse of Dev's mind.

Kayla_Ellen · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter one

My feet crunched on the ground, as I went searching for the alpha. Ajay, I have crazy respect for his grandfather. I was under his command for a while before Ajay took over the pack. Ajay is a great friend to me, as it always has been, though I cannot understand the fighting over Zare between him and Chetan. I personally thought he should just back off. But who am I to say anything?

Zare is breathtaking, even though she is twin sisters with Kiara. There's a different spark about her that has all the males attracted to her. It's that headstrong independence that I like. Also, I like how she would rather kick back, hang out with the guys, then paint her fingernails. I love old fashioned tomboy. But I was also smart enough to know that she was untouchable. I would never jeopardize my friendship with Chetan over a girl. Chetan is that ride or die friend for me. There's not a single thing in the world I wouldn't do for him. I don't know, we always just kind of clicked. I always take his side in a fight with Ajay, which always jeopardizes my friendship with the alpha. I love Ajay too, but Chetan is my boy. I will always have his back. Also, I stayed friendly with Zare, because I didn't want an altercation with Ajay. I think two men loving one girl is enough.

I see Chetan glaring in Ajay's direction, I know he is livid. He watches Ajay flirt with Aanya. I shake my head silently, acknowledging him to stay seated. I really don't want him in a fight when I'm gone. I know Smoke will take Ajay's side, and I don't want no two on one shit happening while I am gone.

"Ajay, I am going for a run."

"Zare, have you been trying to clear your mind too?" Smoke has that stupid smug look on his face.

I seriously just want to beat the living hell out of him.

"Smoke, you call her a slut again or put your hands on her, you don't have to worry about trying to fit in anymore with this pack, I will personally eliminate you."

He laughs. "Is that a threat, Dev?"

"I don't make threats, I make promises." I glare at him.

I see Chetan approaching me. "Where are you going?"

"For a run." I see the curiosity on his face. I know he knows something is going on secretly behind his back.

"Dev, you've been running off all the time."

I see Zare approaching, she looks excited about something.

"Hey Zare." I wink at her.

"Dev." Chetan demands my attention again. I see the concern on his face.

"I'll tell you tonight." I wouldn't mind him knowing the truth, but I know Ajay wouldn't handle it. Then I would have to handle him.

He nods.