

Stuck in between the realm of unknown and the known fighting for her life and for the world, brutally betrayed by the ones she trusted, Sandra vows to return and seek justice against those who betrayed her.

Savvire · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 2

The grandeur of the Baron's estate cast long shadows across the lush gardens as dawn broke over the horizon. The first rays of sunlight whispered secrets to the leaves of centuries-old trees, and the world awoke in silence.

As early as five in the morning, Sandra got out of the maids quarters and started preparing for the day. The morning rituals demanded attention. Lady Diana's schedule needed organizing, her clothing to be chosen, breakfast to be prepared. And there was also the matter of facing the Lady herself. After organizing Lady Diana's schedule, clothings and breakfast, it was time to wake the Lady up for the day. After working finding her way to Lady Diana's room.As Sandra approached Lady Diana's chamber door, she braced herself for what lay ahead. With a gentle knock, she initiated the conversation that would, once again, set the day's rhythm into motion. After knocking lightly on the door, she spoke.

"Good morning my lady, the dawn has broken and the sun has blessed us with its presence and it is time to start the day." 

"Come in."

"May I draw back the curtains to let in the morning sun ?" She said after entering the room. On receiving a go ahead, she went to the draw the curtains letting the ray of light fall into the room.

"Your schedule for the day is ready, and I'm at your service whenever you are ready to begin." She said reciting what she has been taught. 

Sandra's footsteps were purposeful but her thoughts were mired in an unspoken discontent. Her duties were rigorous, her days scripted with repetitive routines. Today, like every other, would begin with the same rehearsed lines.

'I hate doing this everyday, repeating this same thing each morning like a programmed robot. I have been doing and saying this for a year now. I'm not going to pretend that what Lana said was a lie, she is right.' She thought pulling her hair and sighing inwardly.She had recited those words countless times. The words were the same, but today, something felt different. The weight of consequences from the previous day's events hung heavy in the air.

The weight of those thoughts hung heavily in the room, casting a pall over the morning. Lady Diana, who had been reclining on her bed, now stirred, bringing the business of the day to the forefront.

"Okay.. about yesterday, Sandra you are going to get punished. I should report this to my parents and if I do you are going to be dismissed or face legal actions but I will not, instead I am going to withhold your wages.. for the duration that is for me to decide." Lady Diana said getting off the bed, walking down to the window and opening it wide to breathe in the fresh air. 

"Understood my Lady, thank you for showing me mercy." Sandra bowed in acknowledgment, her gratitude for Lady Diana's sparing her from more severe consequences evident in her expression.

With the pronouncement of her punishment, Lady Diana signaled the start of the day by requesting her bath. The routine continued as they moved from one task to the next, with Sandra attending to Lady Diana's needs with practiced precision.

"You can run my bath now, I'm ready." 

"Yes my Lady." Moving out of the room, she walked to the corridor and opened a door leading to the bathroom. 

Immediately after running the bath, she went to the room to escort Lady Diana to the bathroom. On getting to the bathroom, she helped her with her clothes and began to wash her face and hands. After washing and rinsing, she took a towel from the rack and patted her dry.

"I need to wash your hair my lady." Sandra said after sensing Lady Diana's movement. After washing her hair, they left the bathroom and dressed Lady Diana. 

"Sandra, could you please inform me about the events scheduled for the day?" 

"Certainly my Lady."

"Your schedule for today begins with a light breakfast on the garden terrace at 9, followed by a family meeting in the great hall at 11. A tea party hosted by Lady Katherine at 1. We've arranged for the carriage to be here by 12:40. After that, you have some leisure time for yourself and then visiting the children shelter with in the hours of four to five. In the evening, a dinner party held by the king at 7, your attire has been chosen for the occasion. Is there anything you would like to address or any preparations you require for today ?" She said stating all that has been written down.

"No, thank you. Why don't I go to the children shelter after the tea party with Lady Katherine and after I come back to my quarters and rest? " 

"Absolutely my lady, I'll change that now." She said making changes to the schedule.


Meanwhile in the drawing room

"My Lady, may I ask what are you planning?" Sarah said kneeling down.

"Nothing much, we are going to do as the person instructed, even though I don't go by anyone's instruction but why not do it this time." 

"My lady, do you trust the person? What if the plan get messed up and implicates us?" She whispered. 

"Us? Sarah my dear did you say us? There is no us in this situation. You see, I will ask you a question. If I was caught or accused of doing something wrong what would you do ?."

"Support you my lady." 

"Wrong answer. You are mine, so your rightful duty is to take the blame Sarah. Your life is in my hand and even when I get arrested, you also will be arrested or worst case scenario killed. So I hope you understand me now ?" 

She hesitated a little bit before answering. 

"Yes my Lady." 

"Good, so do not question my opinion and if the plan shows any sign of faltering, get ready to accept any punishment. What is supposed to be in my schedule now?" 

"Your schedule right now is the family meeting at the great hall."

"What is after that?"

"After the family meeting, your meeting with Prince Edgar over lunch by 1:30."

"I see, Prince Edgar.. when did I accept the lunch meeting with him?" 

"Lask week, when he came over to visit the Baron. " 

"Whatever. Escort me to the great hall then, itis important that I do not upset father."

"Yes my Lady." Sarah said leading her to the great hall.

'Family meeting means another fight erupting. This should be fun to watch.' Sarah thought smiling devilishly bending her head.

In the elegant great hall, the Baron family gathered. Baron Walter sat at the head of the table with his wives seated at each of his sides, waiting for the children.

"Where are they now?" He asked frustrated looking at his pocket clock then looking at a household guard.

"I believe they should be here any minute from now, my lord." He said kneeling. 

"Father why, do you miss us that bad?" Lord Thomas said entering the great hall and sat down smiling at the Baron.

"Son, I'm sure your mother did better in training you. Why do you choose to make fun of the teaching and disgrace our family? Is that how you address everyone you meet?" Baron Walter said sounding annoyed. 

"Yes father, I'm doing good today, I appreciate your thought for asking. The weather is pleasant today." He said grinning knowing very well how pissed his father was. Before his father was opportune to talk back Lady Diana entered the great hall greeting her father.

As Lady Diana entered the great hall, her gaze swept across the room, taking in the familiar faces of her family. Her father, Baron Walter, sat at the head of the table, his stern countenance belying the weight of his responsibilities. To his right, Lady Agnes, his first wife, exuded an air of refined elegance, while Lady Eleanor, his second wife, wore a subtle but persistent frown.

Her brother, Lord Thomas, grinned mischievously, seemingly unfazed by their father's irritation. Lady Diana greeted them in turn, her interactions revealing the complex dynamics that governed their family.

"Father, mothers. It is such a lovely day isn't it ? How is everyone doing? Brother, a wonderful morning, am I right ?" She said going over to kiss her parents' hands. While her father and her mother were impressed, Lady Diana step mom was rather irritated that she kissed her hand and wiped it on her handkerchief secretly.

"Indeed dear sister." Lord Thomas said smiling

"Where is Gracia? she is always late." The Baron said pissed. Lady Gracia, always the latecomer, rushed in with an apologetic demeanor.

"Father here I am. I am sorry. Please forgive my mistakes." Lady Gracia, always the latecomer, rushed in with an apologetic demeanor heaving greatly. 

"Why can't you always try to get here early ? You are always coming here late." He spoke again.

"I'm sorry father, forgive me this once." She pleaded.

"Won't you greet ?" Her mom asked finally speaking.

"I'm sorry mother. Father, mothers, Brother, sister good morning, how has your day been going?" She asked bowing her head.

"Finally, we can get this meeting over with." Lord Thomas said beneath his breathe.

"I heard you Thomas." The Baron said facing him.

"I'm deeply sorry father." He said with the same smile on his face, making his father more irritated. When the Baron saw he was not going to stop his annoying grin, he started the family meeting.