

Stuck in between the realm of unknown and the known fighting for her life and for the world, brutally betrayed by the ones she trusted, Sandra vows to return and seek justice against those who betrayed her.

Savvire · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 0

"I'm running away from home, Sarah." Sandra said standing up abruptly. 

"Why? don't go I need you here" Seeing her older sister taking a duffel bag stuffing clothes inside, she went across the room to stop her.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stay here like this." 

"What's wrong? Why can't you stay here ?"

"Everything Sarah, everything is wrong. They are forcing us to be what we don't want to I have a life I'm a person with feelings I can't just be used. If I wanted to become a dame I would have but no." She said whispering zipping the bag close and hung it over her shoulder.

"I won't let you go, Sandra." 

"I'm sorry but our path are different. If I want to become a dame then I will but I do not want to. I hate being forced to do something. Mom lost her life saving others and what did it bring us? Nothing absolute nothing. Wake up Sarah, this is reality." Moving swiftly she jumped down the window. 

"You are selfish, mom sacrificed herself for us." 

"Well I guess I am then. I'm sorry I'm not the best sister you had."

"You are the worst, I hate you."

"I guess this is bye, Sarah." She said looking up and turned around. 

"No it is not sister." She said then brought out a whistle and blew it.

"What?! What are you doing ?" She looked around and saw she was surrounded by some men. Sarah jumped down from the window also circling around Sandra and giggling. 

"I'm sorry sis but I guess I am selfish also and this is me stopping you by taking you captive for the captain. You know, we always knew you were going to run away so we developed a little bit of a.. hmm.. plan yes plan, so here is the plan unfolding in your presence. Aren't you excited you get to witness it in front row? No ? I guess not then well have fun... and I guess this is bye right?" Seeing Sarah walk away, Sandra shouted at her.

"You betrayed me.. just like dad betrayed us but I'm not surprised, you have always been acting like him since day one so.. yeah and this is good bye for you and this guys also and the feeling is now mutual, I hate you too. See you when we see." After saying it she followed the guys and then got locked up in a cell.


Breaking out of the cell, she dashed through the forest and landed in a strange place. Dropping to her knees and feeling the ground, she started digging with her bare hands and then after digging for a while she found a small chest and a duffel bag. Making sure she secured her possessions, she walked over to the river to rinse her hands and face..

"Where am I headed now? Out of the capital into another kingdom." She said humming a song of relieve fixing her disguise and walked out of the forest to the nearest port.

"Where to miss ?" 

"Is there a ship to the Quenton Kingdom?"

"Quenton Kingdom? I'm afraid not miss".

"Then where else can I go to ?"

"You can get to Pinecrest Village, then from there find a boat going to the Quenton Kingdom."

"Yes, thank you very much."

Weeks passed, months passed also, she finally arrives at Quenton Kingdom. 

Her first week at Quenton Kingdom she got scammed and ended up being sold as a maid to the Carmine manor and so her story begins.

This is like the introduction to the story so I hope you guys understands. That's why it is short and none detailing. Hope you guys enjoy the book

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