
The Creed

Dear diary,

"Sandy what really happened between you and Danielle? Why'd you come in running? And then you fainted few minutes later. I'm perplexed!" Ray exclaimed as I rubbed my forehead.

"Yeah Sandy what happened?" Lissa asked, tucking a stray strand behind my ear. I heaved a sigh.

"Guys, the Lord wants us to be prepared. The battle's getting closer, the purpose for our presence here is drawing closer, waiting to be fulfilled, the warriors- our enemies are beginning to wage war against us. Jesus has said and confirmed that He's given us the victory already and that He'll never leave us." I said, looking at them with a firm expression.

"At least that's settled. What's our next move? I mean now we're not held bound again so where do we go from here? "Lissa asked.

"I say we scan the area. Let's move around to see where we can get our next clue. You know, we have to get more information so that we can pray for directions on how to use those information for our progress here." Tony said.

"Okay then. That's a good idea. Tony and I could go now, to see if the coast if clear before we all proceed." Anaia said.

"But not before praying, guys. Remember we have to commit everything into the Lord's hands. Let's invite Him into our operations and plans so that when we carry them out, He'll be there with us and if we get stuck, He'll make a way for us!" Lissa said as we all joined hands together and bowed our heads.


As we scaled through the empty hallways, navigating our way through the endless maze of halls, I began to wonder where everyone was. The silence was deafening. There were different doors that heightened my curiosity to where they led to but I had to stay focused.

"Oh dear. How long would we keep walking?" Lissa asked as Tony's body suddenly stiffened.

"Shh! Do you hear that?" Anaia asked as the rest of us pressed our ears harder against what seemed to be a wall.

"Voices?" Ray asked, looking confused.

"In umbra, sedeo.

Tenebrae mentis, ignis animus.

Per sanguinem et ignem, servio.

Kyros imperator, in aeternum."

"That sounds like Latin!" Tony exclaimed.

"What's going on? What are they saying?" Ray asked. We waited for some more min as they repeated the creed three more times.

"Sounds like a creed. Looks like they having a meeting...." Anaia said, her voice trailing off as we tried to listen to what was going on, on the other side.

"I can't hear anything anymore...let's keep moving. We can check around, now that the coast is clear. " I said as we moved ahead, trying to avoid security cameras and covering our faces when we couldn't avoid them.

"Guys, I think we should split up. We'll cover more areas that way. Lissa, Sandy and Tony search the doors on the left area and Ray and I would do the ones on the right side." Anaia said as we went our opposite ways.

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