

June 8th,


   Diary, we all slept in shadowhaven cave last night as we were all exhausted from the long walk. Ravenshire Island was quite huge, with a good level of development but it's forests and mountains were kept and maintained as a wonder for all to behold.

   In as much as we found some level of safety in there, we didn't let our guards down because we knew to an extent that Kyros would stop at nothing to coerce people into compliance or killing them if they refused to cooperate with him.

   "Although we don't know what his true agenda is, we've heard some rumors talking about a certain man who'd threatened to take over Brookville and it looks like that man is Kyros. But what had all these got to do with Dany? How did she get involved with Kyros?" I asked the others.

    "From what I know, Kyros is a ruthless, heartless cult leader that no one dared offend but does it mean that the cult Dany joined is Kyros' cult?!" Ray asked.

   "Hmm....that's what it seems like...I remember saying that Anaia also graduated two days ago...but we haven't seen her since." Lissa said.

   "I understand and I do pray she's safe. I'm sure she'll have no idea where we all are. Guys, Tony and I decided that we sneak into town to see what's going on. We have no electricity in here or food- these snacks are doing justice to the hunger I'm feeling right now and we have to catch up on the latest developments in town. " I said as Lissa shook her head and Ray frowned.

    "But sis, Tony, that's way too dangerous." Ray said as Lissa nodded.

   "It's too risky, please-"

   "But it's the only option we have now. We'll be back before you know it. Just stay back and pray for us okay? Who knows, we might even see Anaia." I said, standing as Lissa hugged me.

  "Here. You can use these walkie-talkies to communicate with us. We won't be going too far." Tony said, giving Ray a really cool, functional walkie-talkie that once belonged to Anaia.



    Tony and I walked together in silence for a while, each one of us, brooding over the numerous thoughts in our heads.

     "Watch out." Tony said as I dodged a protruding tree branch just in time.

    "Thanks...Do you think Anaia is back from college now?" I asked as he shrugged and sighed.

   "I hope not. I'm sure Kyros' destruction would shake the whole of Ravenshire island, not only Brookville alone. So if she isn't here yet, then she's safe where she is." He said.

   "How do you get to be so calm?" I asked as he smiled slightly.

   "Inner peace?" He said as I laughed.

   "C'mon I have that too."

  "What I actually mean is that most times when fear and anxiety threaten to overwhelm me, I just let the peace of God in me to take over and it brings stillness and calm to me." He said, smiling.

  "Now that's what I have to learn. I mean I also have inner peace that comes from God but in times like these, I quickly forget that and let fear overwhelm me." I said.

   "I pray God helps us to keep our minds focused on the peace His presence brings even when we are faced with problems." Tony said solemnly as I nodded and said an Amen.

  Soon, we reached the outskirts of Brookville town and the place was as still as a ghost town. Smokes still rose from burnt shops and houses, shops were left open, houses were in ruins and there was no one in sight.

   "Do you think we should go in?" I asked Tony as he nodded and walked carefully into the town. After looking around for a while, he signalled me to start coming. I walked stealthily, avoiding stones, rubbles and huge irons. We walked into the closest convenience store.

   "What? Don't look at me that way. It's only a few things I'm taking." I said as he rolled his eyes.

   "I guess." He said, looking around.

   "Looking for something?" I asked.

  "Yeah....I think we should check the electronics store. We'll need a radio." He said as we headed out. Not before I put some cash into the nearest cupboard I saw. I wasn't going to compromise; not even in a situation I saw. We were about to walk down the alley when someone grabbed me by the mouth and dragged me away.
