
Standing up to Samantha

March 15th,

    Diary, during the past few days, we were constantly hanging out with Cassie. Although she didn't make any other bold attempt to kill herself, she was still depressed, sad and bullied even. I heard a group of nerdy girls discussing quietly in the library one day. I'm not the type to eavesdrop on people's conversations but what they were saying made me stop and listen.

   "I feel so bad for Cassandra. It's not right the way Samantha and her minions bully her all the time." One of them said gloomily.

   "Yeah...but what can we do? Nothing! We can't do anything about it lest we become victims ourselves." Another said defensively.

What did she mean by that?

   "She's right. Have you forgotten about what happened to Liam in the 9th grade?" She asked.

Liam? He was like the most quiet student in our class....what could've happened.

   "Oh right. Yeah I remember how Liam tried to defend Jana because Samantha bullied her." She paused and shuddered.

    "I could not forget what she did to him."


    "That was what I heard them say." I said, after narrating all I had heard to my friends.

   "I guess that explains why no one wants to help her or even hang out with her." Ray said as we nodded.

   "Well, things can't keep happening like this. She'll have to stand up for herself soon." Tony added.

   "Oh here she comes. Hey Cassie! Over here!" Lissa called, waving animatedly at Cassie who's eyes lit up when she saw us.

   "Hi" she said shyly, sitting next to me on our lunch table.

   "Hi Cass."

    "Hey Cassie."

    "Hey Cassandra." It was only Tony who called her, her full name and it sounded wierd and awkward and when i asked him why, he said it's because it reminds him of me because my name's in her name.

Laughs...that's the cheesy Tony for you.

   "Uhm I just want to thank you guys so much for coming to rescue me that day...things are getting better and even though I'm still bullied and abused, I choose to look on the bright side. And, those scriptures Sandy gave to me really helped calm me....thanks guys." She said, her eyes already watering as I put a hand on her shoulder.

   "That's okay Cassie. Thank God we were able to help you and not ignore your letters." I said as we all laughed. I had also began to notice a change in her. She stopped wearing sweaters- her wounds were almost gone and she tried to smile more often and concentrate on her studies since she wasn't doing well because of what she was going through.

   "But you still haven't told us. Why didn't you just come to ask us for help? You wrote those letters that could nearly freak one out and we had no idea it was you." Tony said as she sighed a little, picking on her food.

  "I really envied you guys for a long time- the way you relate with each other and I really wanted that type of friendship. The first day Sandy talked to me, I was badly hurt because you were all aware that I was being bullied by Samantha and yet, no one was brave enough to stand up for me or even offer a helping hand after that. But somewhere deep down, I just had this subtle feeling that you guys were the only ones that could help me and ever since you did, I've experienced this inner peace that I can't just explain." She said as teary-eyed Lissa hugged her.

   "Hallelujah...peace in the storm....that's what I call it." Ray said as I smiled.

   "That's a really cool testimony. But what do you think you can do to stop Samantha from bullying you?" Tony asked.

   "The thing is, she's my step sister so that's the reason for her animosity towards me. She bullies me at home too but it's not as bad as the way she treats me at school because I have my mum to defend me. The first time I tried retaliating, she made me regret it by reporting to her dad who already despised me and he tortured me- with my mum too.." she said, cleaning her tears as I patted her back.

  "Yes, Samantha treated you badly but retaliating is never the solution. Do you know what is?" Tony asked as she shook her head.

   "By defining your boundaries and showing her kindness. The bible says that you should bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. By being kind to your persecutors, you are heaping burning coals onto their heads and when they can't endure it any longer, they'll come to you, seeking your forgiveness." He said.

   "That doesn't sound easy at all...b-but wouldn't she think I'm stupid for being kind to her still?"

     "Jesus said when someone slaps you on the right cheek, you turn the left." Lissa said as Cassie looked more confused.

   "It doesn't have to be literally. What He meant by saying that is you shouldn't retaliate. It's that simple." She said.

  "You can also seek wise counsel about boundary-setting. You know, I once read somewhere that, the Bible is a book of boundaries and consequences. Healthy boundaries make for healthy relationships. The word no is powerful. We need to learn that enabling the sins or irresponsibility of others is not loving; it is self-indulgent. Selfish fear, rooted in a desire for others to love, appreciate, or need us, propels us to rescue those who should experience their own consequences. Wise boundaries free others to reap the consequences they have earned and, hopefully, to learn from those consequences. When asked to violate a boundary, an otherwise submissive person can be empowered to take a right stand with a polite "no." God loves us, but He is not afraid to say "no" when He needs to. You don't have to be anyone's doormat just because they're richer or 'better' than you. Doormats are generally people who are afraid to say "no" when they need to. Recognizing why we are afraid can be a big step in overcoming that handicap." Tony said.

  "Thanks a lot guys. I hope God helps me overcome this." She said, looking more hopeful.

   "We'll be praying for you sis." Lissa said.