

January 10th,

Dear diary, today is the day we started planning to do something i never dreamt of doing- not even in my wildest dreams.

I woke up rather early today to spend better, quality time with Abba Father and it was a beautiful experience. I woke up around 5:30 am and although I slept earlier last night, another reason I woke up this early was because of excitement mixed with fear-


Yeah, yeah, I know I'm not supposed to be afraid but I'm just being totally honest , I know I actually meant it. Everything was planned yesterday, at Tony and Lissa'a place.

I feel bad for not writing about yesterday's events...

"What?!" Lissa screamed.

"Calm down Lissa-" Tony said.

"Don't tell me that. Didn't you hear what San said? How are we supposed to do that? Why would we do-"

"Is that fear speaking?" I asked as she huffed.

"I-I just want us not to do anything dangerous." She said.

"And we definitely aren't gonna do dangerous stuff." I countered.

"But you said we should go to the wierd house next door! Isn't that dangerous? What if someone sees us?" She asked.

"We'll be going at night-"

"Huh?" Tony asked.

"What?!" Lissa screamed as I shushed her.

"Why are you shouting? " I asked. On my part, I knew what I said was very...impossible to do but hey, we got a mission to accomplish!

"Sandy, what on earth are you even saying? How do you even know if that's what God wants us to do? "

"I agree, San. I thought all God wanted us to do was just to pray for Brookville, besides, what has all these issues got to do with the wierd house?" Lissa asked as I sighed heavily.

"That was the instruction, guys-"

"Who gave the instruction? "Tony asked.

"God did." I replied.

"And who did He give it to?" He asked as I frowned, knowing what he was trying to do.

"Guys, just calm down and let's trust God. We've been given an instruction and the best thing to do is obey it! If we don't do this, someone else would but He chose us for a reason. Don't underestimate the abilities God has given you because when you trust Him and commit those abilities into His Hands, He'll definitely guide you through." I said. They were both quiet for a while.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked.

"What I mean Is that we can't chicken out just because it sounds impossible or 'dangerous' as Lissa put it because the bible tells us that, Even when we walk through the darkest valley, we would not be afraid, for He is close beside us. His rod and His staff protect and comfort us." I said as Lissa looked like she wanted to say something but she was hesitant for sometime.

"B-but we need a plan. We can't just walk up there, planless!" She said as i smiled.

"Huh? 'Planless'?" Tony asked, amused as she nodded.

"Way ahead of you. You guys just need to pray along with me. You might also receive instructions too. Who knows?"

♤ ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤

Yesterday at Tony and Lissa's place ended on rather a sober note. Although, I also met Dany! When I got back home, she was already sitting In my room, waiting for me!

That girl hasn't changed. *laughs*

We did a lot of catching up but I noticed something different about her...I just couldn't place it. Anytime I wanted to talk about God, she'll quickly change the subject but I just played along cuz I wanted her to keep talking. Actually, Dany didn't just travel for vacation. She was absent for a while before leaving because she lost her sister and she travelled with her family because they wanted to clear their heads.

Dany's sister, Evie got kidnapped at the beginning of the year and few months later, the police delivered the news of her death. Although they couldn't find her body, they recovered her blood-stained clothes few months later at the place where she was last seen.

It was a sad time for her family then and I was glad to see that she was healing gradually.

After She had left, I prayed because of the uneasiness i felt.

Lord, why did you stop me from telling Dany all about our mission? She's my bestfriend and I always tell her everything...

"She doesn't need to know now..." that was all I heard.

Hmmm...I wonder what that meant.