

January 8th,

"Good morning Lord, I thank you for this beautiful day and the privilege to be in Your presence this morning. Thank You for a peaceful night's rest-"

*Ring! Ring!*

"And I thank You because today's gonna be a wonderful day-"

*Ring! Ring!*

"I'm forever grateful, Amen." I stood up from my study table where I had said my morning prayer.

Who on earth Is calling me?!

Honestly, it took a lot of discipline and self-control not to pick up the call in anger. That person interrupted my prayer!

I picked up my phone and saw it was Danielle and Lissa.



Diary, I know I haven't mentioned Dany for a while but it's because she travelled out of the country ever since the holiday began! Dany's my super bestie and...

it's not a crime to have more than two besties right? Anyways, I know that Lissa calling me frantically isn't normal. I had four missed calls from her and two from Dany. I guess she's back now. Before I decided who to call back first, Tony(Antony) called me.

"Hey Ant!" I chirped.

"Uhm Hey Sandy, did Lissa call you?" He sounded quite worried and he didn't even complain about me calling him 'Ant' because he always snapped at me whenever I said that.

Whoa, something's definitely up.

"I missed her calls. Is everything okay? You're sounding worried."

"It's not that serious. It's just that Lissa has a disturbing dream and she hasn't been herself ever since she woke up..."

"Did she pray?" I asked.

"Yeah she already did. I even prayed with her but she won't stop worrying."

"Okay, can I speak to her?" I asked as Tony gave her the phone.

"H-hello S-an?" She stuttered.

"Lissa are you okay? Your brother told me you had a dream. Why's it bothering you so much?" I asked.

"I don't know, San. I've had frightening dreams before but none of them has ever worried me like this...a-and ever since I woke up, I've had this feeling like we're being watched." She said. I was surprised for a minute.


"Watched? Lissa just hold on, I'll be there soon." I said as she replied a faint 'okay, thank you'.

"Lord, what's going on? have we embarked on a wrong journey?" I asked silently as I prepared for the day.

♤ ♤ ♤ ♤ ♤

"So how are you feeling now? "I asked Lissa once in entered the front door of their house. Then she did the most wierd thing ever. Instead of replying me, she stood up, locked the door, looked out the window and shut them slightly before coming to sit beside me. Tony and I watched her in surprise.

"I still have that feeling." She whispered.

Now I felt angry, Holy Anger was burning in me. I started praying against the spirit of fear and soon enough, Tony and Lissa joined me.

I didn't understand why Lissa was so scared. Ever since we became friends, she was a good, strong christian. So how come she let the spirit of fear control her like this? Why'd she have to double-lock the door and check outside the windows to check if someone was spying on us? Why'd she whisper?

"Look guys, the devil wants to put the spirit of fear in us to prevent us from focusing on what God wants us to do. We have to resist him now!" I said.

"Remember, the bible says to resist the devil and he would flee. C'mon we've got work to do." Tony said to his sister as she nodded.

"Thanks guys. I feel better now. I now know that dream I had was meant to put fear in my heart and I allowed it to happen. I'm sorry guys.' She said as we hugged.

"You don't have to be sorry. You have to be vigilant. Remember 2 Corinthians 2

11 says, "To keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions." I said.