

This is a TikTok series by lighthouseraiders. It has no known timeline, so the episodes will be in order of TikTok postings. I am a big fan, and wanted more people to be able to enjoy, so I am trying my hand at converting the episodes to text. Please read the Aux chapter! There are Cannon and Non-Cannon episodes, I am currently only working on the Cannon ones. Enjoy!

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Episode 8

[True Evil.]

Alex got off the phone and walked over to Morgan who was at the inventions table.

Alex patted Morgan and began speaking, "So, thanks again for letting me stay at your apartment... Um, is it cool if I stay for another three months, because I just got off the phone with my minions and they're taking forever rebuilding my lair."

Morgan, not minding, replied, "Oh, yeah, no, that's totally fine."

Relieved, Alex said, "Okay, cool. Do you want me to help, like, cover the rent because, like, I can just do that."

"Rent?" Morgan muttered. "Oh! Yeah, no, I don't even pay rent, so it's fine."

"Wait, you live here for free?" Alex asked.

Morgan nodded. "I mean, yeah, it's my building after all."

"Y-you own this apartment complex?" Alex asked, stunned.

"Course I do. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't know that, like, being a landlord in Capitol City is the thing that got me bumped up from E-Tier to D-Tier.