

This is a TikTok series by lighthouseraiders. It has no known timeline, so the episodes will be in order of TikTok postings. I am a big fan, and wanted more people to be able to enjoy, so I am trying my hand at converting the episodes to text. Please read the Aux chapter! There are Cannon and Non-Cannon episodes, I am currently only working on the Cannon ones. Enjoy!

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Episode 5

[The jailbreak took 2 seconds.]

Morgan, currently behind bars, waived down a guard. "Excuse me, guard! I would like to make my one phone call, please."


Alex, thoroughly enjoying the idea of destruction about to ensue, was monologing. "All of that, and not one of you managed to spill even a single drop of my blood. Well," Alex lifted his hand ready to snap the Heroes out of existence. "looks like it's game over, heroes."

Just before Alex snapped, a ring tone began, a clip from the song Jenny by Studio Killers rang out.

Pausing, Alex looked down. Looking back at the battered heroes, Alex held up his hand, "One second." Pulling out the phone, Alex answered. "Hello?" Listening to the other side for a moment, Alex got louder. "What do you mean you can't hang out tomorrow?"

Morgan, on the other side of the phone, informed Alex, "Yeah, I'm in jail, so..."

Alex, irate, said "You can't be in jail, we have plans!"

Morgan shrugged, "Yeah, I-I know, but I'm, like, in jail, so..."

Alex, not understanding the problem, shrugged, "Just leave, like, there's nothing stopping you."

Morgan, glancing around, sighed. "There's, like, a lot stopping me, actually."

Alex, confused, asked "What could possibly be getting in your way?"

Morgan, looking around again, listed off, "Um, iron bars, walls, guns."

Alex, exasperated, asked "Since when are any of those things an obstacle?"

Morgan, feeling exhausted, said, "Since forever, like..."

Alex, still confused, said, "Dude, come on, stop messing with me, just, like, get up and leave. It's not that hard."

Morgan, realizing the issue, retorted. "You know your experiences aren't universal, right?"

Alex paused, blushing a little. "Oh, yeah." Alex muttered. Continuing with more confidence, he asked "You want me to come get you?"

Morgan, not wanting to stay in jail, answered. "I know you're busy, but, like, if you can find the time, I'd appreciate it."