

This is a TikTok series by lighthouseraiders. It has no known timeline, so the episodes will be in order of TikTok postings. I am a big fan, and wanted more people to be able to enjoy, so I am trying my hand at converting the episodes to text. Please read the Aux chapter! There are Cannon and Non-Cannon episodes, I am currently only working on the Cannon ones. Enjoy!

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15 Chs

Episode 10

[This was the beginning of S Tier's Postcard Collection.]

Alex walked over to Morgan's bedroom door, then paused. "Why are you packing your bags?"

Morgan hurriedly replied, "Ahh, yes, that, um, yeah, my nemesis is a little bit closer to catching me than I thought they were, so I've gotta jump town early. Um, so, yeah, I'll see you in a couple months!"

"Wait, are they coming here?" Alex pointed down at the floor. "Should I pack my stuff too, or...?"

Morgan rapidly waved their hands, "No, no, you're good, like, they're gonna show up in, like, two hours, tear the place apart looking for stuff they can't find, and then they'll just be after me." pausing, Morgan continued, "But if you want you can tell them I went to Japan."

Alex pointed at Morgan, "Are you going to Japan?"

Morgan chuckled, "No, I'm going to Brazil."

"You know," Alex started. "I could just..." making a slashing gesture at their throat.

Morgan looked discontent "I mean, yeah, you could, but that would ruin my Carmen Sandiego esque heist that I've been planning for, like, three years, so," pointing at Alex, "you're not going to." Morgan concluded.

"Innocent roommate act it is then." Alex said, pulling glasses out of thin air and putting them on.

"Thank you so much." Morgan said. "I'll bring you back a souvenir."

Alex pushed the glassed up to the bridge of his nose, covering his yellow, cat-like pupils and causing them to change to human pupils. "If you don't send me at least one Postcard, I'm not watering the plants."