
Useless fighting between kids

" Alright guys listen!! "

Dio yelled as he jumped on top of a rock, looking down at both of his siblings, Asami and Raven, as well as Asterlin, Ean's son.

Three weeks have passed since Yuyen agreed to marry Shu, soon after Shu's relationship with the queen of elves Emma, and the random girl Yuyen was announced to the public, of course the people didn't have much to say but where somewhat happy for their king.

Throughout the three weeks the three siblings got along better than ever that also included Asterlin who often went to the castle to play with them.

Right now they were in the castle's backyard, planning to start god knows what.

" Listen to you? Last time we ever listened to anything you said we got stuck in a cave "

Asami replied before dashing toward her brother, pushing him off of the giant rock, slamming him onto the ground only to start wrestling with him.

As that happened Raven and Asterlin simply turned to look at each other, shrugging a bit before walking toward the two twins, watching them wrestle.

" How's about we just hold a tournament between us? "

Asterlin suggested causing the twins to stop fighting, only to turn and look at the dark skinned boy something which Raven also did

" For what? "

Both Asami and Dio questioned which made Asterlin smile in return

" To see which one of us is the strongest "

Asterlin said, only to regret saying it seconds later, hearing the three siblings talk all at ounce

" Why? We know it's me "

The three of them said only to look at each other, with a hint of annoyance and anger, readying themselves to fight

" Wait!! The reason I'm suggesting this tournament is to see which of us is the strongest, but also which of us will take charge, since we often fight about what we're going to do, how about we just decide the strongest gets to lead? "

Asterlin added, explaining his reasoning for holding these fights, to which the three nodded, holding their chins as if thinking about it, but really in their minds, they've already agreed.

It took them only a few minutes to decide who was fighting who, and their way of figuring that out was by of course, playing a few games of Rock Paper Scissors, and even throughout those few small games of Rock Paper Scissors, the twins would start wrestling because they disliked the fact that they would be beat in said game.

After settling down, the matches were agreed upon, Raven would fight Asami, and Dio would fight Asterlin, then soon after another game of Rock Paper Scissors was held, to see which group would fight first, and it turned out to be, Asterlin and Dio.

" Alright, so do you guys remember the rules we agreed upon? "

Raven questioned, which confused the group since they didn't really even talk about that

" What rules are you even talki— "

" The rules are simple! "

Raven said, raising his voice to shush the others only to continue his explanation

" Who ever gets the other down on their back first, wins! "

" But we didn't agree upon tha— "

" And start!! "

Raven yelled, which caused the two boys to turn serious, looking at each other with their guards up, jumping back immediately after Raven yelled.

The two would take careful steps, circling each other, whilst closing in every second, as that happened both Asami and Raven simply sat down beside the rock.

" Where are fruits? "

Asami questioned as, Raven simply blinked, nodding a few times before running toward a tree, grabbing a basket that was sitting underneath it, only to run back with it, beginning to eat the fruits inside it with Asami, whilst watching the fight which was yet to start.

All of a sudden the boys dashed toward one another, hurling a jab at each other's faces, but they would dodge, only scrapping each other's cheeks, leaving a bruise on both of their faces.

Asterlin then jumped backwards only for Dio to dash forward, causing the dark skinned boy to trip a bit which gave Dio the opportunity to land a punch on the other boy's stomach, jumping in the air right after, tangling his legs around the kid's neck only to throw his upper body down and hurl the boy into the air with his legs.

Soon after Dio would jump into the air in an attempt to punch Asterlin one more time, only for his arm to be kicked aside by Asterlin who quickly grabbed Dio by his face in an attempt to hurl him toward the ground but Dio smacked his hand away, grabbing it seconds later and hurling him down to the ground only for him to land on his feet, waiting for Dio to be pulled down by gravity.

Once on the ground, Dio quickly dashed toward Asterlin, hurling a punch which the boy easily dodged only to land an uppercut on Dio's chin, lifting him off to the ground for a few seconds just to kick him in the stomach, sending him flying a few meters away.

" They're pretty even don't you think? "

Raven questioned as he munched on an apple, only for Asami to nod whilst pealing away the skin of an orange

" Yeah I have to agree "

She replied, biting down on the now naked fruit, allowing it's sweet juices to roll down her lips

" Hey are the any more oranges left?"

Raven questioned looking into the basket only to receive a nod from his half sister, finding an orange a few seconds later, which he started pealing with his nails, taking a bite off of the naked fruit once he was done, causing the juices to blast all over his face, which only made Asami laugh at him.

As those two played around, both Dio and Asterlin started to exchange punches, some of their attacks would

land and others won't.

Asterlin relied on counters, dodging Dio's attacks only to land one of his own, whilst Dio simply used his brute strength and speed to confuse Asterlin, sometimes throwing fake attacks just to hit him with an actual attack the moment Asterlin covered himself, landing clean blows on the places which he wouldn't cover.

The two would even clash fists in an attempt to hit each other, but after half a minute the two jumped backwards, huffing in an attempt to catch their breath

" Should we start getting serious? "

Dio questioned with a smile on his face, only to receive a smile and smirk from Asterlin. Soon after the two were surrounded by a light aura, Dio by one colored in blue and Asterlin in one colored White.

Seconds after the two would dash at each other, starting an even more intense fight between the two.