

Thyre and Fu would clash, their fists crashing against one another shattering the planet they were on in half, only to continue fighting as if nothing happened, exchanging blows that destroyed whatever they came in contact with.

Thyre grabbed onto Fu's hair, gripping it tightly to then punch him in the gut causing the man to spit out blood

" Hm!! "

Thyre exclaimed to then hurl the man down to the destroyed planet, chasing after him with his facing Fu's stomach, but Fu was far from sone, so he stretched out his arms, slowing his fall to then close both of his fists.

Time began to slow down for Fu as electricity started to surround his fists, crackling like thunder; his breathing was steady and slow, his eyes were closed just like his fists.

Soon the man opened his eyes and later his mouth, seeing as Thyre rushed toward him with a spear of lighting on his hand

" Shiva "

Fu whispered before quickly moving his fists, slamming them together causing everything around him to break;including what was left of the red planet, but also the vacuum of space itself, which shook each planet ever so slightly

" What the fuck was that… "

Thyre questioned as he held his head, trying to stop the pain he was currently feeling, not only did Fu slamming his fists together cause immense amounts of destruction, but it also made a sound so loud that it could be heard across the entire solar system.

Fu took this as an opportunity, seeing that Thyre was now occupied he would appear above him, his fists still surrounded in this crackling lighting

" Perses.. "

Fu said to himself before slamming his fists against Thyre's face, causing yet another shockwave that destroyed whatever it came in contact with, but also sending Thyre flying across the solar system, landing on the planet right behind the red one they had just destroyed.

Now in Saturn, Thyre would hold onto his cheek, which was now somewhat swollen from Fu's attack; whom which had landed just now on the planet.

" Don't tell me you forgot about my power already "

Fu said smirking as he began to tap his fists together causing slight shocks that would form craters below him

" Yeah I remember it, I remember master telling you to never use it, that's what I remember——if memory serves you're able to generate tremors, tremors that far exceed your Sanctuary Energy's capabilities of destruction——I've almost forgotten about it, nice trump card "

Thyre replied as he then placed his hand on his neck, cracking it a bit as he would then smile, proceeding to gather saliva and then spit it out along with traces of his blood

" Yeah, master Yorujo didn't allow me to use it, otherwise I'd destroy earth, and now that my sanctuary energy is a threat to the universe, I wouldn't even dare use this ability, but luckily for me, I've been weakened "

Fu said, as force fields formed around his fists to keep the lighting from flowing away and destroying everything around them

" Yeah, you have an overpowered ability, but so what? You're not the only one with a trump card "

Thyre whispered as he would then open his hand, causing electricity to flow out of it, forming a spear twice the size of Fu's body

" You see, I create and control storms.. "

Thyre said as he would then take in a deep breath, proceeding to spread his legs slowly whilst pulling his arm back, gripping the spear tightly to then smile

" and whenever I'm near a planet, these storms… "

Thyre continued as the veins from his neck became noticeable, spreading all across his shoulders, arms, chest, torso and legs

" They become stronger! "

Thyre yelled before hurling the spear of lighting he had just made toward Fu's head;but of course Fu would simply move his head aside, dodging the attack, which continued to travel across the solar system.

" Well that was pathetic— "

Fu quickly shut his mouth the moment he heard an explosion, quickly turning around to see what had just happened

" Don't worry, it wasn't earth that blew up, it was Venus "

Thyre whispered as he appeared in front of the man with a ball of lighting on his hand, slamming it into Fu's abdomen, causing an explosion that would shoot the man out of the planet they couldn't were in, which was: Saturn

" Thanks to all your blabbering I found out how I can beat you!! "

Thyre yelled as he flew upwards, standing above Saturn with a gigantic spear of light on his hand

" Heh, catch!! "

He screamed before hurling the spear toward Earth, traveling at dangerous speeds

" You bastard.. "

Fu thought to himself as he would then chase after the spear, stretching both of his arms out, grabbing it to then start to pull backwards, slowing it down as the seconds passed

" Heh! Moron!! "

Thyre yelled whilst holding another spear, this time twice as big as the one Fu was trying to stop

" catch.. "

Thyre whispered before hurling the spear toward Fu who was too preoccupied to stop that one

" Fuck! Come on, stop.. "

He said to himself, pulling the spear with more strength, eventually stopping it, but by then it was too late, the other spear was already inches away from his face, and the moment it made contact it exploded along with the other one

" I found your weakness Fu "

Thyre said as he flew down toward Fu, smiling as the energy dispersed, revealing a heavily injured Fu

" It's that goofy ass planet over there, that's your weakness "

Thyre added as he would then raise his hand, pointing at Earth, immediately receiving glares from Fu who was holding onto his side

" You see Fu, you may be the strongest human, but.. "

Strong threads of lighting began to surround Thyre's body whilst he spoke, lighting up the dark vacuum of space

" I'm now a god of destruction "

The man added as all the threads that surrounded his body moved down to his right hand, forming yet another spear, this time a smaller one, just about the size of Fu's height

" What was it that you said when you clashed your fists together? "

Thyre questioned as he tilted his head a little, receiving glares from Fu who couldn't do anything, afraid that the man would target earth if he retaliated

" Ah yes, I remember now "

Thyre whispered, smirking as he raised the spear, preparing to hurl it

" Shiva.. "