
Reminder of who I am

" What was that all about "

Arthur whispered as he stood up, wiping all the dirt from his clothes, starting to look around, being completely mesmerized by the state of the continent he once lived in.

Half of the continent was cracking apart into smaller islands whilst drifting away, the other half, which they all couldn't stood on was completely destroyed, and all that was left was a hole in the earth with the ocean carefully flying around it as if some sort of force was stopping it from flooding the crater.

" Are you alright Shu? "

Ayami questioned as she walked toward the boy, taking careful steps, seeing him bash his fist against the ground in anger and annoyance

" No im not "

He replied, his head twitching a bit as he would then squeeze the ground, his fingers sinking into the dirt whilst a black aura began to engulf him

" Was it because of the man in the suit? "

Ayami questioned only to see as just slowly turned his head to her, glaring at her for a few seconds before standing up, that dark aura vanishing as he began to walk toward Thyre

" That person isn't a man "

Shu replied, walking passed Ayami whilst squeezing his hands into fists, blood dripping from his palms the harder he gripped

" Everyone get up!! We still have an enemy to take care of "

Shu ordered, walking past Arthur who quickly lowered his head looking around, finding his father after a few seconds of searching

" The girls should stay back, I wouldn't want to accidentally punch any of you "

Shu said, which caused all the women to frown, glaring at the boy whilst Ean and Arthur stood beside him

" Why? Cause you three are men and we're women? "

Ana questioned, feeling offended by the boy's comment as Shu simply turned to look at her, killing intent flowing from his eyes which caused her to step back a bit

" No, it's because you three are weak, you'd get in our way "

Shu replied, sighing a little before turning his head and attention away from her only to then dash toward Thyre, kicking him right in the face, sending him flying with a burst of air

" Who the fuck just hit me? "

Thyre questioned as he held onto his head, whilst the injuries that Lucifer left him with began to heal

" Do you want a death wish? Can't you see I'm healing? "

Thyre said, threatening the boy as he would then let go of his head, growling a a bit as he noticed that he still had a scar on him, specifically were Lucifer had touched him, his shoulder.

" Do I look like I care? "

Shu whispered as he appeared beside the man, his leg fully stretched into the air, only inches away from the man's head

" I may have been weakened by am sure as hell stronger than all of you!! "

Thyre yelled, grabbing the boy by his foot only to quickly let go of him, finding that he needed to do so to be able to dodge Ean's attempt to slice the man's arm off

" You little- "

Thyre whispered as he would then dash forward in an attempt to punch the boy in his face, only to be kicked right in his ribs by his own son, being sent flying down to the ground

" You can't be fucking serious…have I been weaken so much to the point where I'm losing to children!?! "

Thyre thought to himself whilst slowly standing up from the ground, feeling the tip of a sword to his neck, the palm of a fist on his stomach and the toes of a leg on his cheek, the moment he stood straight

" You've been outmatched father, you can't wi- "

" Shut up"

Thyre ordered before quickly squatting down, punching Arthur in his stomach sending him flying, to then swipe his leg across the ground, causing Ean and Shu to fall down on the ground

" I'm getting tired of people screwing up my moment, not only was my ritual ruined by you fuckers but I was also weakened by a ruler of hell….

He whispered whilst slowly weaving his head around, frowning as he started to remember all that happened to him in such a short amount of time

" How more annoying will this day get!!! "

He yelled as he would then spread his arms apart, screaming as a blue aura surrounded his body and from the skies thunder bolts began to strike the ground

" Heh, ah, how the mighty have fallen "

Fu said as he walked toward Thyre with a smirk on his face, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so, only to stop once he got close enough to the man to glare down at him

" I didn't expect—not even in my wildest dreams to see a god struggling to fight a couple of kids "

Fu whispered, lowering his head a little, taunting the child looking man to attack

" Shut up, had I not been weakened I wouldn't be struggling whatsoever, not even with you "

Thyre replied as he glared up at purple haired man, frowning at the look of the man's face, he couldn't stand the smirk he was wearing

" Those are nothing but excuses Romulus, and you know so, besides, if we were both at full power I'd be dragging your face across the ground with little to no effort "

Fu said with pure confidence coming from his tone, only for Thyre to smirk as he raised his head a little

" Prove it "

Thyre replied, receiving a nod from the man, who would then take a few steps back, proceeding to take a deep breath.

Fu raised his right hand, holding it straight, pointing it at the Thyre with a calm and smug expression on his face

" Since it's been a while, let me remind you of who you're facing "

Fu said as a bright blue light exploded from his hand, shining like a sun, blinding everyone in the battle field, all except for Thyre, the newly born god, who simply blinked a few times to adjust to the light

" Is a hand engulfed in sanctuary energy supposed to scare me? Although I do admit, you're holding quite the amount in your hand, do you thinks that's- "

The God couldn't finish his sentence, because he was interrupted by Fu who quickly swung his hand down, forming a whitish blue line that split the air itself, then the sky, and later the stars.

Unbeknownst to everyone in the field, of course all except Thyre. Planets, stars, solar systems, suns themselves and even gravity was split in half

" This bastard... "

Thyre whispered, sweat falling down from his head as he looked up at the sky, looking up in awe, trying to process what just happened

" He split the near by galaxy in half— "

Thyre thought to himself, slowly turning his face toward Fu, who couldn't help but smirk at the man's worried expression.