
Old friends

The tournament had ended rather quickly, to Ean's and Shu's surprise

" Man, I remember our fights being longer than those "

Ean said as his wife would look over at him, whilst helping her son off of his chair

" Yeah, I guess time flows differently when you fight "

Shu replied, shrugging a bit before Ayami squinted her eyes, looking over at the other women who made the exact same face as her.

Their husbands could become as wise as they wanted to, but in the end they were just children at heart.

" I remember when he was younger, he had made me fall for him in the dumbest way "

Petra said, as she grabbed her son's hand, walking slowly along with him, whilst he talked to Ayami's son

" Well, when I was younger I sort of had a crush on Shu, and out of nowhere, he suggested we become a couple, ever since then we've been together "

Ayami replied whilst picking up her daughter from the ground, holding her against her chest, whilst giving her small kisses to the cheek.

After a second, Ayami, Petra, and Emma turned to look over at Yuyen who seemed to be opening up a small mint for her son.

The girls continued to look at her as if telling her to share her love story with them.

Yuyen simply sighed, placed the mint inside of her son's mouth and looked over at the other girls

" Well, back when Shu was merely 15, he saved me from a slave master, yelling something about what his grandpa told him to do… "

Yuyen paused as the girls got closer to her, as if trying to pay closer attention to what she was saying

" I fell in love with him right there and then, he was so vibrant and happy, his bright white hair made me question his age, but then he dressed me, embarrassing himself in front of so many people to just buy me clothes, he kept me in his house, and had his friends feed me… "

She said, smiling a little, as those friends she was talking about popped up in Ayami's mind

" Jenna and Mikey… "

Ayami thought, only to look over at the woman who continued to talk

" Well, that's it, I fell indebted to him, he was and it's still pretty cute so I just fell in love with him, okay? "

Yuyen said as if to get the girls away from her, after all they were getting too close, then as if they were birds scanning the area, they turned over to Emma, the elf Queen.

And as she talked, Raven and Dio simply stared at each other, with Asterlin blinking a few times in complete confusion

" What are they even talking about? "

Asterlin questioned as Raven and Dio turned to look at him

" It doesn't matter, it's dumb stuff; anyway, let's go to dad, he said something about meeting the participants, maybe we'll get to do something fun "

Dio suggested, to which the two boys nodded, running through they're mother's legs, running over to their fathers only to jump on top of them, and as they reached the middle of the building after minutes of walking they were met with the parents of the participants, and immediately Shu was able to recognize one of them

" Percival! "

Shu said, as he walked toward a bearded man who turned to look over at him

" O-oh, my king.. "

The man was about to bow but Shu simply stopped him, giving the man small smile before looking over at Ean and then back at him

" Don't know if you remember me, but we participated in the same mini-game back when Romulus was in charge "

Shu said, to which the man replied by scratching the back of his head

" Uh yes, I remember, and I apologize if I insulted you in any way or form back when we first met "

Shu tilted his head at the man's response, only to smile, realizing what the problem was

" Don't worry about it, I'm glad I got to meet you again, your daughter was amazing back there, and she won first place, who would've thought "

Shu said, sort of complementing and insulting the girl without even realizing it

" Oh, here she comes.. "

Shu paused for a second, seeing the girl walking toward them through another hallway, and next to her was a woman with bright red hair, and a rapier to her side, and just like the blonde girl, she had her long hair braided.

" M-master.. "

The red haired woman said as she got to the middle of the place, blinking a few times while staring over at Shu in complete surprise

" Oooh, If it isn't Alice Evania, are you that girl's master or something? I should've known, your family was known for using rapiers "

Ean said, rubbing his chin a bit, looking at her whilst nodding a few times

" Uh—no, I'm actually her mother, I married Galahad Percival "

She said, nervously approaching the man Shu had called Percival a few seconds ago

" What!? "

Ean, Ayami and Yuyen yelled all at the same time; the three were well knowledgeable when it came to the history of the Elsian kingdom, and it was known that these two families never got along.

For one the Percival family was a purely money driven noble family, a family that helped the kingdom financially, although it wasn't a very strong or huge family, it had and still seems to have a very important rule, which is to manage the kingdom's money.

Whereas the Evania family are known for proceeding the best Fencers, many of them are even part of the Elsian Kingdom's military, so their power and fame came purely from the talented blood they had; not only that, but their families contradicted the Percival Families ideals and principles, so it was odd to see a Percival and Evenia together, reason for the three's reaction.

" Wow, that's a surprise, I didn't think you two would marry each other, it's been so long, how have you two been? "

Shu questioned, smiling a little as he stretched his hands out to the two, giving them small handshakes, completely unaware of the fact that these two families were once enemies.

As he tried to catch with them all of a sudden, Fiana took a step back, as if she was afraid, afraid to see Shu and Ean.

" What is that… "

She said, beginning to sweat in fear, her breathing getting heavier and her heart getting faster each beat

" It's like a moon worth of energy is enveloping those two…and, and the little one has this dark thing, this monster inside that— "

All of a sudden, from all the light of energy her teenage eyes was looking at, a dark thing with red eyes and a smirk flew toward her, causing her to pass out from the sudden panic

" Fiana!! Fiana!! "

Alice yelled as she tried to wake her daughter up, only for Ean and Shu to stare at her for a few seconds and then over at each other

" Can you bring that girl over to my castle, I would like to ask her a few questions, if that's alright with you guys "

Shu said, looking over at Galahad with a serious expression on his face, to which Galahad nodded. Soon after, the two families left, leaving the two parents to care for the now passed out girl.