
Martial Arts(Part 1)

"How was he?"

A man of tall stature questioned as he grabbed onto a cup of wine moving the cup around as the wine in it began to shake in circles while turning to a man of lower stature

"He was strong my king, indeed worthy of becoming an Elite, though there was something strange about him, he had this presence...very similar to that of your Dragon Scale sir"

The second man responded as the first man sat down on what seemed to be a throne

"Tell me, Adrian. How would you rank the boy, in our Kingdom's standards"

The man questioned as he took a sip of his wine staring at the man now known as Adrian

"Hmm, I'd say he's around a Low Rank-Pearl Knight"

Adrian Replied as he bowed his head at the man

"Pearl Knight? And how old was he again?"

The man questioned as he leaned back against his throne

"He's 15 sir"

Adrian answered as the man simply chuckled to himself while crushing his cup of wine

"He's perfect then. Please Tell Reimi to train him for me, tell him to make that kid as strong as possible. As strong as me"

The man explained as Adrian's eyes widened in fear while taking a step forward

"But...my king wouldn't that be too dangerous?, to make him as strong yourself would be to make him stronger than us elites"

Adrian exclaimed in a high tone almost yelling at the man while the man simply smiled placing his right leg over his left

"You forget, I have the dragon scale. For that boy to harm me, he'd have to become stronger than the Mythical Creatures and you know as much as I do that that's impossible for us humans. Humans can't reach the level of a dragon"

The man explained as Adrian's expression settled downed

"But...Himura Yorujo was able to reach the level of a God which is a level way above that of a dragon"

Adrian replied as the man glared at him with the intent to kill causing Adrian to sweat in fear as he would then bow his head quickly

"I-I apologize f-for mentioning his name sir"

Adrian replied stuttering between his words as the simple killing intent of his master destroyed his calm and kind-like demeanor

"If that's all you have to reporter then, please get out of my room, I have a meeting with the Western Queen"

The man ordered while Adrian simply nodded leaving the room just as the man ordered.

While that happened Shu was simply observing how Ean attempts to replicate his Martial Arts

"No, no, no. That's not how you do it"

Said Shu as he then proceeded to stand next to Ean, disappearing in a blur before appearing 9 feet in the air throwing a kick to then bring down his leg, crushing the ground with force creating a small crater

"You literally just vanished!!, how do you expect me to vanish in thin air like that!?"

Ean yelled while Shu scratched his cheek in response

"What are you talking about? I didn't vanish"

Shu replied while Ean tilted his head slightly in confusion

"I just jumped, kicked and fell, that's it"

Shu explained in the most nonchalant and simple way he could explain it

"No but like, you disappeared and then you were in the air and then on the ground, how does that make any sense?"

Ean Questioned while Shu then proceeded to cross his arms together tilting his head from left to right

"Oh I see what the problem is, grandpa told me about this"

Said Shu as he would then approach Ean spreading the boy's eyes attempting to look inside of them

"It's your perception thingy; to you, it probably looks like I vanished, but to the eyes of an expert I'd just be jumping"

Shu explained as Ean backed away slapping Shu's hands away before looking at him

"So how do I improve my perception?"

Ean questioned while shaking his hands attempting to see if he could keep up with them

"Well, my natural perception is good, but I can also increase it with sanctuary energy so try to focus your energy on your eyes"

Said Shu as Ean nodded doing as Shu instructed, closing his eyes for a few seconds before opening them, they now had a faint glow to them while everything around Ean seemed to slow down

"Everything is moving so slow compare to before"

Whispered Ean while Shu smiled as he squatted down before stretching his legs a bit

"Then I'll teach you the beginner technique"

Said Shu before taking a simple stance

"Beginner Technique?"

Ean questioned while observing what Shu was doing with his now increased perception

"Yep, You just.."

Shu would then take a step forward horizontally swinging his right fist before using his other foot to stomp the ground doing a small spin before swinging his left fist along with his body doing yet another horizontal attack before ending it with a quick kick to the air

"This technique is called First Stance, is very versatile if combined with the other stances, but learning the first Stance is the best for you at the moment"

Shu explained as Ean nodded while scratching the back of his head trying to wrap his head around what Shu just did

"That was a lot like dancing though, how would that work in a fight?"

Ean questioned while scratching his cheek with one of his fingers as Shu simply smiled

"Sure, you can picture it like dancing, but trust me, this skill isn't only amazing for beginners like you but it can also help increase your muscle mass without you having to directly train your body, it also helps you build up stamina as well"

Shu explained while nodding his head with a proud expression

"And how do you know all of this?"

Ean questioned while Shu turned his head to the sky trying to find a way to explain it

"Well, my grandpa taught me this when I was 4, I guess I just have a good memory"

Shu replied before patting Ean's back

"Anyway, let's get on with the training!"

Shu yelled while Ean sighed taking the same Stance as Shu