
Ean and Arthur Vs Reimen

" Come on!!! Hit him!! "

Arthur screamed, as Ean simply added more strength onto the swing, bringing it down quicker, slicing the man right where he wanted to slice him, causing a gigantic explosion the size of the city below them the moment his sword and the man's body made contact.

As the energy and smoke started to disperse a loud laugh was heard across the entire area, which startled the two boys who quickly took a fighting stance

" I didn't bother to fight back because I didn't think I'd receive much damage, and well, to some extent I was right "

Reimen said as rubbed his shoulder a little, his upper clothing now completed evaporated, leaving his abdomen out in the open for the world to see

" How the hell are you still standing? "

Ean questioned whilst holding his sword tightly and close, in case of any sudden attacks

" Simple really. You're blade just wasn't strong enough to cut me, that's all "

Reimen replied as he then turned to look at Arthur, tilting his head with a smirk stretching across his face

" After this battle—if you can even call that—-is over I'll be taking you with me, my lord still finds use in you "

Reimen added as he slowly raised his finger to point at the boy, who felt a bit threatened but not enough to mindlessly attack

" Ean, make sure to go all out, but don't you dare use your spiritual awakening, Reimen might be a threat but we'll need to save up some energy for when we fight my father "

Arthur ordered as he flew closer to Ean, standing right next to him as the dark haired body simply stared back at him

" Then how the hell do you expect us to win if Reimen were to transform? "

Ean replied, causing Arthur to chuckle nervously as ice began to travel across his finger tips, surrounding his hand like gloves

" We'll win by winning.. "

Arthur whispered as he rose his arms up, taking a fighting stance against the older man

" I guess this will be our funeral—god I had so much to live for "

Ean replied with a small smile on his face as a gigantic aura suddenly surrounded his entire body, so bright and huge that those who were left in the city could see

" Come on have some faith in yourself "

Arthur said, as an aura similar in size surrounded him as well

" Besides, if we slow this guy down then the others will have one less threat to deal with "

Arthur added, as Ean simply sighed, disappearing in a blur of speed seconds later, only to appear higher in the sky as a blue trail flying all over the place, only to be stared at by Reimen who looked up

" Hey Reimen! Pay attention! "

Arthur yelled as he appeared in front of the man with his arm all the way back, only to swing it forward punching the man right on his gut as the ice that surrounded his hands began to spread across the man's abdomen

" You little.. "

Reimen exclaimed as he attempted to grab the boy, but he quickly flew up engulfing his knee with ice only to then strike the man right on his face, covering his eyes with the ice so that he couldn't see.

As that happened Ean began to close in on the two of them, moving around so fast that he could only be perceived as blue trail flying around the sky.

With all that speed came a lot of built up kinetic energy and force which he could use to attack, and that he did.

In a matter of seconds, he appeared and disappeared in a blur of speed five times around the man, and each time he sliced him.

The first time behind his neck, the second on his right rib cage, the third on his stomach, the fourth on his right leg, and the fifth on his shoulder, ending it all with a thrust to the center of the man's chest.

Each strike was so packed with forced that they all created a burst of air that shook the trees miles below them

" What did you just do? "

Arthur questioned as he calmly stared at the man whilst Ean appeared beside the boy

" Nothing "

Ean replied, as he stared at the red haired man in disbelief

" What do you mean nothing? "

Arthur asked, turning to look at the black haired boy with a look of confusion

" He dodged all of them. He dodged all of my attacks "

Ean whispered as he began to sweat, nervously looking up and down at the end

" What do you mean he dodged all of your attacks? There's no way he's that fast, he didn't even move "

Arthur said, as Reimen simply raised his chin, flying higher into the air to look down at the two boys

" Arthur.. "

" What? "

" Have you heard of the state that experienced martial artists reach? "

Ean whispered as he looked up at Reimen who's body began to get engulfed by a crimson aura

" No? What are you talking about? "

Arthur replied as he tightly closed his hands forming fists that were later surrounded with pure blue and cold ice

" It was something Shu taught me about when he was training. Its a state based off of rumors, a state where a martial artist is so at peace with each and every part of their body that every move they make is perfect. They don't make any useless movements, rather they move according to the amount of movements they need to make, it might sound simple and dumb but it's a very difficult stage to reach.. "

Ean whispered, explaining what he was trying to say, as his sword began to release a crazy amount of energy

" Then what does that mean for us? "

Arthur replied, as the huge aura that surrounded his entire body began to condense itself

" It means we can't afford to hold back, we have to go all out, it'd be best to get rid of him so he doesn't cost any problems for our friends "

Ean whispered, as Arthur simply sighed, not wanting to waste all of his energy on this man. He was prepared to die, yes, but only if it was in a way that it would help him get rid of his father, and that meant saving as much energy as possible in this battle

" Alright then, let's fucking kill him then "