
About your father

" A devil? "

Thyre questioned as he would then punch the demon's face, creating a shockwave, only to then follow it up with two hooks, one from his right and the other from his left hand, making the demon bleed, even taking out one of his teeth

" Yeah.. "

Sparrow whispered as the two simply stared at each other for a few seconds, disappearing in a blur of speed, beginning an exchange of attacks at a pace not traceable by any human on earth.

As that happened, Ean and Arthur prepared themselves to fight the dragon, transforming into their spiritual awakenings the process

" Let's go "

Ean whispered as the two would then dock, gathering strength on their legs, making a super jump seconds later.

Once in the air, Arthur would gather ice on his hands shooting it at the giant's shoulder, making a bridge of pure ice, which the two used to slide down to the Titan.

" What exactly are we going to do? "

Arthur questioned, staring at the giant lizard like creature which was beginning to generate a beam of energy with it's opened mouth, shooting it at the giant who had gripped the dragon's neck, causing the beam to shoot out everywhere, slicing apart whatever it came in contact with, which were mainly mountains and the sea.

" Well, uh... Let's just attack the dragon, I mean what else can we do in a fight like this? We're like ants to these guys "

Ean replied, gripping the handle of his swords as Arthur simply sighed, generating blue fire from his palms.

" Give me a leap "

Arthur whispered as Ean simply got on his right knee, putting his hands together for Arthur to step on, which he did, only to be hurled toward the dragon by Ean.

As he flew across the air Arthur would slam his hands together, engulfing them in his bright blue flames causing the dragon to turn and look at the boy due to the brightness and heat he was producing, only for it to receive a blast of fire to its face, blinding it for a few seconds, allowing the giant to punch it in the face.

The giant Lizard's body crashed against the sea as, whilst the one eyed Titan known as Ogal raised his enormous leg, slamming it down, stepping on the dragon, causing it to screech, almost deafening anyone who heard it.

" Damm, that little attack caused so much to happen—I guess we can do something in this fight "

Ean said to himself watching as Ogal began to attack the dragon that was against the floor only to turn his attention to Arthur who was slowly falling to the ground

" Arthur!! You good man!?! "

Ean questioned as Arthur simply raised his arm, giving the boy a thumbs up whilst landing on top of the lizard, surrounding his body with a flaming aura, preparing himself to attack the dragon yet again.

Ean would then start to charge his energy up, creating a gigantic aura around himself which would then be sucked in by his blades, that now had a neon like highlight around them, making them shine blue.

The boy would raise his arms, bringing the swords higher as well. He then took a deep breath, allowing air to spread across his lungs; the energy from his veins began to spread to every inch of his muscles, causing them to spread across the skin like the roots of a plant.

" I've been using Mr Ezra's attacks; never any of my own… "

Ean thought to himself as he continued to breath in, soon letting all that air out, then repeating

" Hmm—I'll call this… "

The boy suddenly disappeared in a burst of speed, causing a sonic boom in the air, and seconds later he was inches away from slicing the dragon.

" Original Series;X of pain "

The boy would then slice his swords in an X, right in the center of the stomach of the dragon which was just about to free itself from the Titan's endless barrage of attacks.

As soon as the blades connected an explosion of energy would spread everywhere, causing the dragon to scream and Ogal as well as Arthur to close their eyes from all the light.

That wasn't the only thing the impact created of course, it also generated a great amount of pressure that would spill out of origin of contact to everything that was around it.

As that happened Ayami would hold onto her Mother's hand, caressing it lovingly whilst looking down at her eyes, which seemed doll of emotions.

" Ayami, I'm almost at my end, I don't think I'll live an hour longer "

The woman whispered as Ayami's heard began to raise, scared for her mother's life

" Please mother, don't say that, I—I need you alive, I can't live without you "

Ayami replied, sniffing as mucus began to fall from her nose, as well as tears from her eyes, which all fell upon Elena's face

" Don't cry my child, I deserve this, I've done many terrible things, I've killed many and I've punished many, I don't deserve this life; maybe in the next I'll suffer for all I've done "

Elena whispered, unable to raise her voice as the lack of a heart began to become a strain on her, although Sparrow's energy was being used as supply for her life, it wasn't nearly enough to last her the day, much less the war which would require her to do many things, someone in her condition shouldn't have to ever deal with.

" Mom please, please hang on for a bit longer, I'm sure Mr Fu will come and— "

" Ah—I just remembered, I need to tell you something about your father "

The woman whispered as her Doll and emotionless eyes that were staring at the sky turned to Ayami's face

" Ayami, your father.. "

She would then hold onto Ayami's cheek smiling a little to then stop, as tears began to fall from her eyes

" Your father is…. "

All of a sudden, her voice could no longer be audible; although Ayami heard what her mother had said, she herself couldn't process it.

Then, came rain, causing the sound to come back to her ears, and as soon as she began to hear again, Fu fell from the sky and landed on the ground, beside Ayami who held onto her Mother's dead body.

" I'm late again "

Fu whispered, as a faint memory came to his mind, a memory of a mother giving birth, a quick but painful memory.

Fu would then pick Elena up, stealing her away from Ayami's arms, causing the girl to raise her arms reaching out for her mother, only to see Fu place his lips against her mother's cold ones.

" Ayami, tend to Ana and Ezra, they don't seem capable of continuing; leave the rest to us, Ean Arthur, Shu and I will take care of it. "

Fu whispered as he would then place Elena on the ground, walking over to Ayami, caressing her head;kissing her forehead seconds later

" Let us talk once this is all over, alright? "

The man would then stand up, flying into the atmosphere in a burst of speed, and once he got there, he began to look around, eventually finding Thyre and Sparrow fighting against each other.


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