
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

6: Futurama! Today we present The Woman from another universe, Part One..

Samus was intrigued as she read a report on the holographic screen in a recovery unit. She was inspired by the design in the Dragon Ball anime to create this machine, in which she could take long baths to heal her body after pushing her limits, trying not to leave any hidden wounds on her body.

Although she used it for that purpose, she put every scanning and healing method she could think of into it, and now it paid off when she read all the diseases and pathogens contained in the body of the woman lying naked in the machine.

"Damn, this chick's got the plague," Samus complained before running over to a small machine in her lab that emitted a red light that ran all over the girl's body.

"No pathogens detected," a robotic voice came from the machine, making Samus sigh, it would be terrible to die of such an ancient disease in this day and age.

Even if she could survive such a disease, she didn't want to get sick, she didn't like the idea of her body feeling weak from things she could have easily avoided. Somewhat annoyed, she planned a disinfection and vaccination protocol for the woman, even using one of her precious reagents from her blood to give her some immunity to disease.

By the way, she had already inoculated her father, and although the effect was only 30% compared to his immune system, it was superior to all vaccines available in the future, something her father told her not to bring to light.

"The pharmaceutical vampires won't let you go if they know about this," the professor told her, surprising Samus to learn that they were classic vampires, not a metaphorical way of referring to them. 

"Aside from the usual ailments caused by an unhygienic environment, some stunted development due to lack of proper nutrition, and exercise that a person like you should not be doing at such a young age, everything is fine.

I think my recovery machine will help you fix those little inconveniences in your body," Samus said aloud, even though she knew the woman was in a coma and couldn't hear her.

Ciri, an interesting character from the Witcher franchise, can travel to different 'worlds' so to speak, all a product of her lineage, one that not only gave her that ability but also made her a Source Witcher. 

Samus worked for several hours to not only isolate the energy signature that Ciri had left behind as a result of her teleportation but also managed to create a machine that would serve to simulate said signal for a few hours, then asked the crew of Planet Express to send the machine into near-sun orbit.

"Let's see what happens with those stupid elves," Samus said with a proud tone, even though she knew that all of this could fail and be useless, she hadn't had much time to do things properly.

Then she decided to keep working with what she had at hand, she wanted to use alchemy to create a suppression talisman that would avoid the traces Ciri left every time she used her abilities to teleport, but the research would take too long and she had other things to do.

"I don't know if it's my luck that you're here, you just give me more work," the girl complained, shaking her blonde hair in annoyance.

Feeling that it wasn't right to be in a bad mood while working, Samus left her lab and went to have fun with Zoidberg, at least she could pass her bad mood on to her increasingly grumpy father. Unbeknownst to her, our protagonist had already begun her rebellious phase, but that's her father's headache, not ours. 


Claire, the ghostly offspring of a woman who unfortunately committed suicide, had become close friends with Samus because it wasn't every day you met a girl who could see you and interact with you, which made the poor ghostly woman feel less lonely.

She found in little Samus a person she could trust completely.

Because of this relationship, she was able to float freely around the Planet Express building without causing any inconvenience, and although only Samus could see her naturally, others could see her with the special glasses made by the Professor, so it could be said that she was known around the place.

She liked to wander around Samus' lab because she could always find something interesting and new, like now, a strange woman submerged in a bluish liquid, with no clothes at all and only a mask on her face to keep her breathing.

Claire approached the machine and peered in curiously. She had seen Samus use it in the past, but seeing another person use it was certainly something new. But it was her approach that allowed her to see one of the woman's fingers begin to twitch, making her jump and take a few steps back.

"Oh boy, that woman is about to wake up, I better warn Samus," Claire whispered before floating towards the wall and through it.

A few minutes later, Samus entered her lab, much more relaxed than she had been a few hours before. Floating quietly next to her was Claire, who wanted to know more about the unknown woman and how Samus had managed to meet her.

"Hmm, looks like her recovery was much faster than I expected, she's swimming in useless liquid now, amazing. It must be the energy in her body that's causing this situation," Samus commented as she pressed a few buttons that caused the machine to begin draining. 

Soon only a naked Ciri was left, which Samus picked up and carefully placed on the bed she used to sleep on in her lab. Leaving a change of clothes beside her, she simply walked over to her workbench. 

Samus was truly inspired at this moment, she even felt that the ideas she had now would be the key to her strength in the future, so she concentrated on organizing and shaping them before they got away from her.

Late into the night, Samus' sensitive senses picked up movement behind her, so she turned around to see a completely disoriented Ciri sitting up in bed with a sheet covering her body. Samus got up and approached her calmly.

"You showed up sick and injured in front of the building, when I treated you I found many problems in your body that I helped to fix, that's why your body feels so strange, you've never been this healthy in your life until today," Samus said, catching Ciri's attention, who looked at her strangely. 

"By the way, don't try to use energy in your body, it leaves signals that are picked up by strange entities. I recently received reports of spectral entities appearing near the sun and then disappearing, guess what, it was right where I left a decoy based on the residue left by your arrival here," Samus explained to her, showing her a holo screen where a video of the Wild Hunt in space was playing before fading away. 

"Thank you..." Ciri whispered as she understood the help of the woman in front of her, not knowing that she was just a very tall 10-year-old girl for her age. 

"Don't worry about that, if you allow me, I would like to study your energy to develop a suppressor for the signals it emits, among other things..." Samus asked, she knew she had been very blunt, but she needed the data the power contained in Ciri's body could give her, she barely knew her, and she didn't have many feelings towards the girl beyond the fact that she found her attractive. 

Ciri felt uncomfortable with Samus' words and the ambiguity they contained, she had already spent several years running away from people who wanted to get their hands on her abilities, and she hadn't expected to find another person like that in another world. A certain feeling of hostility grew in her, but Samus spoke up before it took hold.

"If I study your strange energy, I can find a way for you to control it properly, not only that, but in time you will get used to hiding the signals you emit, so you will not need the contingencies I prepare. It will also allow me to create alchemical technology that will allow me to go on adventures in other worlds. 

How do I know you are from another world, you ask? Well, you have indicators that are not entirely compatible with this universe, every strange thing that travels from one universe to another has them, and unless you get help from a higher being, it is difficult to eliminate them. 

Fortunately, the indicators you possess are benign, otherwise..." Samus made a throat-slitting gesture to make her point.

This thing about indicators was something she had come across while researching objects from other realities, knowledge that scientists on Earth already knew, but had kept to themselves. Yes, ever since the Multiverse Theory was confirmed 500 years ago, humans have found certain strange things in many common objects, discovering that they were not from this universe or dimension.

They found that there were certain incongruities in these objects that did not fit our universe and that depending on the nature of those incongruities, these objects could be good or bad for humanity.

They were anomalies, just on a much smaller scale than the sad universe that Samus and other human researchers were constantly making fun of. 

Ciri now understood Samus' intentions much better, and it was certainly much better than draining her blood or using her as a breeding beast, as certain types had in mind, which made her let out a sigh of peace. Then she realized that she was naked, and not only that, she felt much... lighter, except for her chest, which seemed to have grown a bit more. 

She then pulled the sheet away from her body a little and noticed that her breasts were indeed much larger than before, something she had wished for many times in the past, but now it was coming true out of nowhere. Noticing the looks Ciri was giving her, Samus couldn't help but speak up.

"Not only were you sick with a very nasty disease called the Bubonic Plague, but your body had a certain amount of malnutrition and deficiencies as it developed, my machine cured you perfectly, don't you think?" asked Samus in a slightly humorous tone at the end, causing Ciri's cheeks to turn a little red.

"At least I have more than you," Ciri replied, inwardly pleased to be able to say for the first time that constantly comparing herself to Triss or Yennefer could cause a similar reaction.

Samus, not quite understanding what Ciri was referring to, looked at her body and realized that she was a surfboard since her body hadn't started puberty yet. Then she brought up the image of her mother on her holo screen.

She was a rather strong woman, but with beautiful features, who was almost three meters tall, her wild appearance was adorned with a rather skimpy outfit and a peculiar hairstyle, and her blonde hair was adorned with pieces of animal bones. Samus was sitting on this woman's shoulder, both of them smiling into the camera.

"This is my mother, my physical development is slower in developing secondary sexual characteristics, but I will be tall, much taller than you," Samus said with obvious contempt and disdain in her voice, but mostly pride.

Samus had only recently met her mother, Amazons aren't the best example of good mothers, in case you were wondering, but she got along well with hers, perhaps because they had a lot in common, like a desire for fighting and adventure. 

The Amazons are not stupid, they just lack many of the advantages of technology, but they were excellent warriors and, incredibly, possessed the largest compendium of herbs in the entire universe. It was because of this approach that Samus was able to meet her mother before she became an adult, according to the Amazon concept, which happened when she had her first period. 

"But... that's in the future," Ciri said, somewhat resigned when she realized that the supposed woman in front of her was just a child who hadn't even begun to develop yet. 

"I suppose. Go, get dressed, I'll introduce you to my father and Uncle Zoidberg, they'll be happy to know you're from another universe, ever since I created a device that allows us to see interdimensional cables, they've been obsessed with the idea of traveling through the multiverse," Samus told her, but she made no pretense of moving, no doubt wanting to see how much Ciri had 'improved'.

'Sure, my hormones are in an uproar, but I can't help but think that maybe my luck is getting the chance to see Ciri naked up close, not the fact that she magically appeared in front of the building,' Samus thought, her young brain flooded with adolescent hormones. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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