
Samus Aran's Journey Through the Multiverse

Facing the emptiness of space, a soul from another universe confronted God... or at least his version in Futurama. After talking to him, God reincarnates him along the lines of Metroid's Samus Aran, only with a few changes to make the story more interesting so that Fox won't cancel it again. Follow the story of Samus Aran Farnsworth! One in which she seeks to participate in various adventures not only in the world of Futurama but also in other universes. Samus will make friends with many brilliant minds, and interesting characters and experience situations that are not only funny but also full of adrenaline. Credits to the author of the drawing on the cover. If you ask me to remove it, I will do it without hesitation.

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

14: Offering help.

The sun rose in the sky, illuminating this land that had previously been a cursed place. It was a strange world, beautiful by day, but only at night could its true face be seen, one of despair and fear. Fortunately, perhaps things will change for some. 

Well, this world also has an ugly face by day, something that was about to change some things in the mind of our protagonist.

The group had started to move slowly towards their next destination, a town where there had already been four executions of 'witches' by the Holy See, a typical religious institution in medieval stories, but the one in this world was particularly terrible, hypocritical and above all at the mercy of people with shady intentions. 

Guts wanted to go there mainly because of the strange things happening in the city, and even though his mind was not so much on revenge now, he would not refuse to kill a possible apostle. So Samus and Ciri decided to accompany him, and even Skull Knight would travel with them, but only at night. 

Along the way, Samus began collecting herbs and mushrooms, curious to see what interesting things she could find in this world. Ciri, for her part, began discussing with Guts how to improve the body with their respective energies properly. 

Yes, last night the Skull Knight had decided to teach him the method of using OD, at least the version used by the warriors of his time, a knowledge lost due to the destruction of the empire that had popularised this method, an empire of which hardly any records remain in history, and whose sudden disappearance has given rise to stories and legends in equal measure. 

OD is a strange type of energy that represents not only the vitality inherent in living beings but also their connection to a dimension that covers the world called the Astral World. This energy is therefore very exoteric, but simultaneously subtle, permeating all existence.

Mages are excellent channelers of the OD, manipulating the astral energy and commanding the four elements, water, earth, fire, and air, whose incarnations were spirits. The warrior, on the other hand, uses the vital energy part of the DO to enhance his abilities and provide a defense against astral and dark forces. 

Guts had unconsciously used this aspect, no one would be that powerful using normal methods, and in a way, Guts was not a normal human, even if he appeared to be. As far as Samus knew, the man's strange birth might have something to do with his apparent superhuman abilities. 

Guts was born when his mother was hanged from a tree with other humans, yes, he was born from a corpse in a place that, if not a ritual, would at least have a lot of astral energy. Add to that his thirst for revenge, his hatred, and his irrepressible rage, and you have what we might call his demon, his spirit.

Skull Knight taught Guts how to manipulate his life force and, more importantly, how to harness the spirit within him so that it could control him, not the other way around. In this respect, Guts' talents could be said to be at their highest, and he is now discussing body enhancement with Ciri, even coming up with some interesting ideas.

"You know, normal swordsmen have techniques to get close to the opponent quickly, I think Samus experienced it fighting Skull Knight, how do you think we should improve them?" asked Guts to Ciri, causing the girl to sink into meditation for a few minutes.

"I solved that problem a long time ago, but the way I improve my body with magic power is different from yours, I don't have to think much while you have to consider your muscles and bones," Ciri said, pointing out the obvious differences between Guts' method and hers.

While Ciri's enhancement was difficult at first, she didn't have to think too much about not hurting her body, the magical power and she were one, she didn't have to think about the subtleties of things, she would ask her mana to enhance her and it would do it. 

While OD was delicate, you had to be careful how you enhanced your body, you couldn't just enhance your whole body, only certain parts of it, unless you had a lot of experience and control over your energy. 

Guts had to be careful not only with his body but also with his mental state, something Samus helped with by teaching him a way to meditate, although he didn't like the idea very much, he accepted it when he knew he could rest without having nightmares. 

"I know, and well, it's not like I have that kind of knowledge," Guts said annoyed as he thought about some things, he had never bothered to think that because of his lack of knowledge, he had no access to a higher power that could help him.

Not only that, but she couldn't help but think that if she'd had the opportunity to train in OD when she was younger, a lot of things would have changed and maybe, just maybe... she'd be better off. At the thought of the state Casca was in, anger almost clouded her mind before she began to breathe, relaxing her already tense muscles. 

"Samus, don't you have any machines or talismans that can help Guts?" asked Ciri, drawing Samus' attention to a mushroom with white dots.

"Oh yes, I even have potions that contain knowledge, amulets that enhance learning, talismans that contain information. But... that would be counterproductive. Potions are limited, amulets are rigid, and the amulet would take a lot of mental energy, and I don't think Guts wants more stress in his life," Samus replied, not taking her eyes off the mushroom she had picked up, truly in awe of the specimen in her hand. 

"I don't think he needs anything complicated, just enough to start using his energy without destroying his body," Ciri said, causing both Guts and Samus to stop and look at her.

"That's a good idea," Samus' eyes seemed to sparkle as she began to pull various items out of her personal space.

An amulet, a simple necklace with a blue stone as an ornament. A talisman, a metal card filled with strange lines, and a couple of potions, or so it seemed from the fact that they were in a test tube, though the liquid inside only looked like water.

"So, anatomical knowledge, standard information about the different energies in the multiverse, and techniques you could develop," Samus offered the items to Guts, who looked at her strangely, still not used to the strange things the blonde had pulled out of nowhere. 

"Come on, put the necklace on," Samus said, making small gestures to Guts, urging him on. 

Guts obeyed and put the amulet on first, sharing space with another amulet he had put on a few hours ago, made by Samus to alleviate the problems caused by his Sacrificial Mark. Ironically, the amulet was a necklace with a gold cross and some gems scattered around it.

He then squeezed the talisman, causing it to glow, and suddenly information about the human body in all its stages, from the simplest to the most profound, appeared in his head. With a great breakdown of terms, dates, experiments, etc. 

Fortunately, the amulet he had put on helped him to digest and understand it all, although he ended up with a terrible headache. When he finally reacted, he realized that he wasn't in the same position as before and that it was already night. 

"Yeah... we carried you and all, by the way, your sword is really heavy," Ciri commented, noticing the look of confusion on Guts' face, who smiled as he imagined how two women would have carried him.

"First eat, then rest, then take the first potion at dawn, it will take you on a most interesting dreamlike journey, don't worry, we'll take you," Samus said as she ate, her plate containing meat and pieces of what appeared to be the mushroom she had found earlier in the day.

"Oh... I think I can eat this, it smells delicious," Guts accepted a plate of food offered by Ciri, enjoying a hot meal that was not bland to his senses after so long, savoring it slowly, something he had not had many opportunities to do these days. 

Then Guts closed his eyes, following the meditation method Samus had taught him, he wanted to try it for the first time today, really hoping to be able to rest without nightmares. 

Puck sat on his head, imitating him, but soon fell asleep and was picked up by Ciri, who placed him on her lap. Skull Knight appeared beside them, riding his trusty steed, but he made no sound, just stared at Guts.

Meditating was nothing supernatural or super awesome, Guts didn't see his soul or the elements around him, no, he just sank into his mind, relaxing, and concentrating. Feeling his body, finding that strange energy inside him that had always been there but he had ignored it.

He did not rush to manipulate it, he simply observed everything calmly. Even when he heard the snorting of the spirit he had accidentally created, and the turbulent emotions stirred within him, they did not affect him. 

He was able to experience his emotions as a spectator, realizing that all the weight they had in his psyche was the result of his past, his experiences, and what he had suffered. 

Feeling them but not experiencing them, being in such a state, he realized that he had been on the verge of madness, which would explain many strange things he had done.

Even sleeping with an apostle was somewhat influenced by his emotions, the sexual pleasure overshadowed by his negative emotions, but also leading him to commit such an act of debauchery with a being he hated, just to try to alleviate his terrible emotions.

This led him to delve into his memories, from his childhood with his adoptive father and mother, to Gambino's betrayal. His escape, was his fight against the wolves when he thought he was going to die, but stubbornly survived. His life as a mercenary, his joining the Hawk gang.

His promotion to captain, the wars he fought, the time he killed 100 men alone. His fight against Zodd, with Griffith by his side, whom he considered a friend, but who never saw him that way. His departure from the gang, his brief but intense relationship with Casca, feeling love for the first time, a love that unfortunately did not blossom the way he wanted, but the memory of his union with her left a mark on his mind.

Then... what happened? The darkness. His emotions threatened to overwhelm his psyche, and his OD unconsciously manifested and took the form of the Beast of Darkness, but he soon regained control of his mind, his emotions, and his energy. 

At this point, all that remained was absolute calm.

His being relaxed deeply and it wasn't until he felt a soft touch on his shoulder that he woke up and realised it was dawn. Feeling the warmth of the sun on his body, he sighed deeply, understanding something, understanding why Samus had asked him to meditate.

"Emptiness... I can't leave my business, but I can free myself from bondage," with that thought etched in fire in his mind, he stood up. 

Guts thundered in his bones, feeling completely relaxed, then turned to see Samus and Ciri preparing breakfast in a strange machine.

"Thank you..." he whispered, knowing they could hear him. 

"Don't worry, just let me take some measurements for you and I can create something interesting for you," Samus said, waving her hands nonchalantly.

"Never mind, you're a friend, at least I think you are," Ciri replied, smiling at Guts.

"Friend..." That word had been a sore point for Guts in the past, but today it just made him smile.

I guess, unlike Griffith, he could have friends. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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